Did an amazing job of organizing the OUT4I contingent in the Parade. The turn out was amazing and the march a great success. Kathy yelled through her megaphone non stop for the entire slow march down all of Market Street, educating the public as we went by. Shirley and Jay Tan Mercado, the twins and Melanie Nathan were sitting in the 1962 Rolls, kindly donated by a gernerous enthusaist. The Pride organizers and Belinda Ryan were on the job, pulling off difficult manoevres to make our participation such a succes. Kathy is the very talented photographer and credit for these pictures in the post -very kindly provided me with an exclusive for thos BLOG goes to Company, KazzaDrask Media, I am impressed.
- The Tan Mercaso’s in ParadeMelanie and the Tan FamilySF Pride Shirley Tan, Melanie, Jay Mercado, Jorr and JashMelanie Nathan , Jorr, Jay, Shirley Tan, Jash Tan- Mercado
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