See Video – And a Gay Tenor sings his way into the hearts of America
By Melanie Nathan, July 04, 2013.
The weeks leading up to this 4th of July have been historic for America – the horrendously discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) came crashing down after decades of hell for many Americans and the final demise of Prop 8 saw same-sex weddings across the State of California.
Our clear legal standing will continue to fuel the fire of normalcy
Our relationships will continue to receive more recognition from media, family, friends, neighbors and community
More people will find the courage to come out on the national stage and today we show you one spine tingling example of a young man who did just this. What is so noteworthy is that his mother’s love and support for her son continued despite her continued disapproval of her son’s sexuality – however let us hope that this public declaration of his sexuality and the roaring acceptance from an audience will help her and others realize that we can celebrate diversity and not abhor it.
And with the acquisition of more rights such as the passage of The Employment Non Discrimination Act (ENDA) , and marriage in all U.S. States, we will find that as a society will move further away from thinking anything more than simply GAY IS OK.
Watch the Video and Have a wonderful 4th of July.
Branden James, 34 ~ America’s Got Talent 2013 Chicago Auditions Day 2
The young man depicted in this Video is from Chicago.
It is time for Illinois to pass marriage – and time for Chicago to join the celebration.
Reblogged this on JerBear's Queer News, Views & Memories and commented:
A celebration of the 4th O-blog-o-blog-da. I watched the singer highlighted- very talented.
More equality to all …… this is awesome!!! Re-blog!!! Awesome!
TY, Melanie
Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
Fourth celebrated …. more equal America!! This has started!!! We are on the march ……