Scott Lively says The Rainbow Belongs to God not you Gays!

A trap being laid for February’s Russian Olympics could give homosexuals a world-wide exclusive claim on the symbol of the rainbow. 

By Cathy Kristofferson, September 11, 2013

Rainbow_flag_and_blue_skiesA blog post today from Scott Lively declares that “The Rainbow Belongs to God” something we gays apparently didn’t know when “it was appropriated by the homosexual movement.”  And of the gay appropriation of the word RAINBOW, Lively, the ultra-right-wing radical Christian Evangelical, proclaims:

“The world has irreversibly lost a unique and precious gem of the English language that still adorns the poetry and musical lyrics of a more innocent time, like the fading photograph of a beloved child who died long ago.  The word was stolen and destroyed like a kidnapped child who never came home.”

After declaring it “irreversibly lost… stolen and destroyed“, Lively goes on to lay out his plan to reclaim the word Rainbow to its rightful owners – the Christians who apparently can reverse the irreversible.

Lively’s plan to take back the rainbow from those who “adopted the rainbow flag as an act of defiance against God, and their final attempt to sanitize their sin is to wrap themselves in His own cloak” is to drape Sochi in “rainbow flags and banners bearing the slogan ‘The Rainbow Belongs to God: Genesis 6-9, 19′.

Sochi24-298x275Lively’s plan to “catch the “gays” in their own trap” should be interesting since Rule 50 of the Olympic charter states “no kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted” at any Olympic site.  It has already been pointed out by the Sochi Olympic Committee eager to avoid protests highlighting Russia’s ever increasing anti-gay laws that Olympics’ Rule 50 will preclude such things as painted fingernails and wearing rainbow-colored pins.  Why would the rainbow flag and banners bearing Lively’s religious propaganda be any different?

Today’s Rainbow Hysteria seems to be the result of a MassResistance  – Massachusetts’ other SPLC-designated hate group – blog post picked up by WND and published as “‘GAY’ PLAN TO DISRUPT OLYMPICS REVEALED.”  It seems Brian Camenker, the group’s leader, went undercover at a recent National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association event and heard talk of getting around Russia’s publicized plan to confiscate rainbow items from baggage at airports by “utilizing diplomatic channels to get things into the country.” Plans for disrupting the Games abound it seems.

rainbow1I hope there really are plans to protest the hate and homophobia so prevalent in Russia today, at the Sochi Olympic Games scheduled for next year.  I look forward to Brian Burke of the You Can Play Project’s prediction of an athlete being expelled from the Games.

The publicity will be priceless as Olympic sponsor VISA would say.

But let’s imagine as Scott Lively does of “the Russian Olympics taking place under a giant rainbow banner” but not one “declaring that the rainbow belongs to God!” as he hopes, but one as the symbol of love, acceptance and diversity that we’ve all come to hope for.

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7 Comments on “Scott Lively says The Rainbow Belongs to God not you Gays!”

  1. Dr. Rex September 11, 2013 at 6:57 PM #

    Excellent!!! Reblog:

  2. Dr. Rex September 11, 2013 at 6:58 PM #

    Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    “Lively’s plan to take back the rainbow from those who “adopted the rainbow flag as an act of defiance against God, and their final attempt to sanitize their sin is to wrap themselves in His own cloak” is to drape Sochi in “rainbow flags and banners bearing the slogan ‘The Rainbow Belongs to God: Genesis 6-9, 19′.” ….. are we letting the Christians take the rainbow away from the LGBT community???? Not …….

  3. Patrick Fasano September 12, 2013 at 8:28 AM #

    Scott Lively’s facts are uncoordinated. How could he leave out JesseJackson’s rainbow coalition from 30 years ago? We didn’t appropriate it, just adopted it as a symbol of infinite diversity in infinite combinations.

    • Cathy Kristofferson September 12, 2013 at 8:39 AM #

      Facts are always hard for Scott Lively! His entire livelihood depends on lies…

  4. paulakey245562841 September 12, 2013 at 8:41 PM #

    Well, let me speak in Lively’s ‘Christian’ language and quote him

    Matthew 5:44-45
    New International Version (NIV) Jesus is speaking:

    44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

    And Scott Lively, the rainbow that results from the rain, shines down on the persecuted gays/lesbians of Russia and the unrighteous pastors of hate.

  5. Raymond Donald Hong September 19, 2013 at 3:37 AM #

    That is not the official logo for the 2014 Winter Olympic Games. The official logo is here:


  1. Seriously? - September 13, 2013

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