Groundbreaking- Challenging LGBTQ Americans Nationwide to Collectively Imagine their Futures in 2024 | Arcus Foundation and Institute for the Future Team Up for #My2024 |LGBTQ Organizations From Across the Movement to Join the Effort
Posted By Melanie Nathan, October 01, 2014.

My2024 Campaign Arcus Foundation
New York, NY- The Arcus Foundation and the Institute for the Future (IFTF) are set to launch My2024, a groundbreaking event from October 7- 16 that asks the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community to envision their personal and collective futures in the United States in the year 2024.
“The LGBTQ movement has made significant strides in recent years, but there is much to be done —from expanding upon our successes across the country to tackling obstacles in employment, education, health, and personal safety,” said Kevin Jennings, Arcus’ Executive Director. “By bringing together as many of our voices and perspectives as possible through My2024, we can build a more inclusive movement and elevate the visibility and full range of concerns facing the entire community.”
“At IFTF, we know that online social platforms and games are powerful tools for breaking through the limits of our current thinking. They use collaboration, competition, and creativity to build cooperation toward tangible change,” said Jason Tester, IFTF Research Director. “By bringing together as many of our voices and perspectives as possible, we can imagine new futures beyond the prevailing LGBTQ agenda of today and provide inspiration and a pathway to make that real change.”
The Arcus Foundation and the Institute for the Future sum up the My2024 campaign with a call to action: “Is there a future for the LGBTQ movement? No, there are thousands. One of them is yours. Help build the future of the movement. We need your voice.”
Individuals and LGBTQ organizations can pre-register for the gathering from now until October 7. Some of the confirmed LGBTQ Community Partners to date include: Bradbury Sullivan LGBT Community Center, CenterLink, Family Equality Council, FIERCE, GLAAD, GLSEN, International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, Lambda Legal, MassEquality, Los Angeles LGBT Center, NY LGBT Center, PFLAG National, Rainbow Serenity, SAGE, The San Francisco LGBT Center, The Task Force, the Transgender Law Center, the Trevor Project, and the True Colors Fund.
My2024 is the first in a series of future-focused LGBTQ events now being planned for the coming months by a number of movement partners.
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An opportunity to envision our future…