Queer Nation denounces conductor Valery Gergiev’s attempt to defend himself against charges that he is anti-LGBT in New York Times Posted by Melanie Nathan, November 06, 2013. NEW YORK— Valery Gergiev, the Russian conductor whose performances have drawn protests in New York and London this fall from gay-rights advocates opposing Russia’s new law placing restrictions […]

Nelson Mandela’s Speech at Inauguration of The National Council of Traditional Leaders
Noting the important historical content and lest we forget the roots of South Africa’s New Democracy – heads up Holomisa Posted by Melanie Nathan, October 18, 2013. When reading this critical speech, please keep in mind that some of the members of the traditional leadership, to whom this was addressed, have attempted in recent years, […]

A letter to Homophobes Living in South Africa
An open letter to Persecutors of Gays and LGBTI, Rapists, ‘Corrective’ Rapists, Bullies, Hon. Holomisa, Ambassador Qwelane, Christian Evangelicals and those of you who know who you are – I address you as one in a short simple letter as follows: Dear Homophobes of South Africa, Please heed this simple yet imperative quote: “Never, never […]

Soweto Pride 2013 defies South African Homophobia
View Moving Pictures By Melanie Nathan, October 01, 2013. Despite its all inclusive constitution, declaring full equality for all South Africans, including gays, lesbians, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people, and despite the independence of its judiciary system, South Africa’s LGBTI community still suffers extreme homophobia and it’s LGBTI refugee community suffers Xenophobia in addition to […]

Mandela stands tall in Washington D.C. with 2 U.S. Congresswomen
Congresswomen Maxine Waters and Eleanor Holmes Norton revisit their part in the Anti-Apartheid movement at the unveiling of the Mandela Statue in Washington D.C. By Melanie Nathan, October 01, 2013 A statue commemorating former South African President Nelson Mandela was unveiled last week at an historic ceremony in front of the South African Embassy in […]

Famed South African Lesbian Visual Activist to Present at Los Angeles LGBT Center
ZANELE MUHOLI | VISUAL ACTIVISM AND BLACK LESBIAN VISIBILITY IN SOUTH AFRICA By Melanie Nathan, September 17, 2013. Award winning South African lesbian artist and activist Zanele Muholi will appear with her works at the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center to discuss her visual activism, her work with the queer media collective Inkayiso, her […]

Opera Couple Patricia Racette and Beth Clayton to Support LGBT Vigil for Russia
Press Release: Contact Melanie Nathan: Dated: September 05, 2013. https://www.facebook.com/events/433652160084761/ Tomorrow night, Friday, September 6 at 7:00 pm, the coalition, including members of Gays Without Borders, BoycottRussianVodka.com and PCI-Justice, will stage an informational vigil, outside the San Francisco Opera’s gala opening night at the War Memorial Opera House, located at Van Ness and Grove. […]

Shanah Tovah to the organizations who love and support LGBT
By Melanie Nathan, September 04, 2013. Rosh Hashana, (“Head of the Year”,) which begins at sundown this evening, ushers in ten days of Jewish soul-searching, known as the “Days of Awe.” It ends with the “closing of the gates” on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Consider giving. This two-day holiday begins on 1 Tishrei, […]

Ender’s Game a film Gays may boycott
By Thom Watson, our guest on OBLOGDEE, a marriage equality advocate and science fiction fan, July 18, 2013. I’m not going to go see the movie “Ender’s Game.” For those of you who don’t know, “Ender’s Game” is a classic science-fiction novel that will be released as a movie starring Harrison Ford later this year. […]

Taking Over Florida’s State Capitol | Racism in America
The Dream Defenders have taken over Florida Capitol to demand the #TrayvonMartinAct. Sign the petition here: http://bit.ly/fldreamdef By Melanie Nathan, July 18, 2013. Since Tuesday morning, July 16, 2013, Dream Defenders have maintained a presence at the Capitol for an extended stay to apply pressure and demand that Governor Rick Scott call for a special […]

Making Love a Crime
Report by Amnesty International | Criminalization of Same-Sex Conduct in Sub-Saharan Africa June 28, 2013 This report provides an analysis of the legal environment and wider context of human rights violations against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) individuals in sub-Saharan Africa. Recent years have seen increasing reports of people being harassed, marginalized, discriminated […]

South African Lesbian photographer’s big ask of Norway’s Crown Princess
Please tell other Monarchs, especially in Africa, that being gay is OKAY By Melanie Nathan, June 21, 2013 The Crown Princess of Norway, Her Royal Highness Mette-Marit, met famed South African photographer, filmmaker and LGBTI activist Zanele Muholi recently at an exhibition of Muholi’s work in Norway. The event took place last night at the Kunstplass […]

One Hundredth Anniversary of South Africa’s Native Land Act of 1913
And then Hello Apartheid…. By Melanie Nathan, June 19, 2013. June 19th 2013 is the 100th anniversary of the now defunct Natives Land Act, 1913 (subsequently renamed Bantu Land Act, 1913 and Black Land Act, 1913; Act No. 27 of 1913) which was an act of the Parliament of South Africa aimed at regulating the […]

Russian bill set to stop adoption to nations allowing same-sex marriage
The Bill is based on myth as expounded by Russian Deputy Speaker, who said: “If a child ends up with a homosexual couple, it could cause severe damage and the child ends up with a distorted perception of reality.” By Melanie Nathan, June 18, 2013. As same-sex marriage is increasing in acceptance around the world, […]

Ugandan Minister of Ethics and Integrity says Men Raping Girls is Natural
Compared to being Gay in privacy of home By Melanie Nathan, May 2013. In the context of Stephen Fry, asking Ugandan Minister of Ethics and Integrity, Fr. Simon Lokodo, in a recorded interview, why Ugandans were more concerned with what gays did in the privacy of their homes rather than with the high incidence of […]

Israel celebrates peaceful Eilat Pride Parade
The Southern city of Eilat saw big crowds as it kicked off the events set for pride in Israel, which is expected to attract a total of 20,000 tourists to Tel Aviv Pride month. By Melanie Nathan, May 31, 2013. Meir Ohayon reports from Israel that “Hundreds of Eilat residents and members of the lesbian, […]

Teaching Jihad to Children in Christian Based Hate Book
Disguised as Love Melanie Nathan, May 26, 2013. When I read about this book, God Made Dad & Mom, depicting the story of Michael, an adopted boy, who takes a trip to the zoo to learn how God made people — with a mommy and a daddy, and waged prayer war on friend Jimmy who […]

A lesson in Human Rights for us all
By Melanie Nathan, May 20, 2013. What are human rights? Can you answer that question? See what people from around the world answered when asked and then learn the basics in this 10 minute video. Your comments are most valued whether in public or private. No one has ever tackled the USA for breaching the […]

School principal humiliates transgender student
By Melanie Nathan, May 19, 2013. It seems as if Issak Wolfe has as much of a right as anyone else to expect inclusion in his School’s mission: “The mission of the Red Lion Area School District, in partnership with our communities, is to prepare all students to reach their greatest potential, thus becoming responsible […]

Homeless Youth | “Street Child: A Memoir”
Award Winning Author Justin Reed Early releases new edition of acclaimed “Street Child: A Memoir” Continuing National Tour Providing Books at No Cost to Homeless and At-Risk Youth (& Social Workers) Posted by Cathy Kristofferson , May 19, 2013. Los Angeles, CA, May 10, 2013….This week the acclaimed book “Street Child: A Memoir” was re-released […]

IDAHOT Around the World | The good, the bad, and the ugly
By Cathy Kristofferson, May 18, 2013 The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia – IDAHO, IDAHOT, IDAHOBIT or however you like it – annually celebrated on May 17, was conceived in 2004 to commemorate the World Health Organization’s decision to remove homosexuality from its list of mental disorders in 1990. This year over 100 […]

New Book to help families with transgender youth
Gender Specialist, Dr. Michele Angello Set to Release: “On The Couch With Dr. Angello: A Guide to Raising & Supporting Transgender Youth” | Book offers practical advice to assist families navigating a path to understanding and acceptance Posted by Melanie Nathan, May 17, 2013- Clinical sexologist and gender specialist, Dr. Michele Angello will launch her […]

The Most Tweeted hate from eastern part of U.S.
Cross posted by Melanie Nathan, May 14, 2013. The most hateful tweeters in the United States tend to live in the eastern half of the country, according to a new map that pinpoints hate speech from Twitter across country. The map, created by geography students at Humboldt State University in California, looks at more than […]

Belize Attorney General argues to maintain anti-sodomy penal code
By Cathy Kristofferson, May 09, 2013 Day Three of the Caleb Orozco v. The Attorney General of Belize trial challenging the constitutionality of the Section 53 anti-sodomy penal code started with chatter in the courtroom about the Claimant Caleb Orosco’s home being vandalized: This came on top of new reports last night on Belize Channel 5 […]

Tiny violins for Newt and the oppression of his new-found Catholicism
By Cathy Kristofferson, May 05, 2013. First off – Happy Cinco de Mayo! I saw a headline just now – “Gingrich: LGBT rights fight ‘one sided’ because Catholics are oppressed too”. Oh, really. Wonder what in Heaven’s name Newt is whining about now? Then I saw this quote: “But what I’m struck with is the […]

Belize Government and Christian right fight Supreme Court Challenge to decriminalize homosexuality
Getting rid of the old British Colonial penal code criminalizing homosexuality in Central America… By Cathy Kristofferson, May 05, 2013 The nation of Belize, bordered by Mexico and Guatemala, is the last country in Central America where homosexual acts are still illegal and punishable by long prison terms. But that could change for Belize and set […]

Join me for a screening of God Loves Uganda in San Francisco
By Melanie Nathan, May 02, 2013. American Jewish World Service is hosting an event here in San Francisco and I am asking my readers to come and join me in supporting it. And it is free! They will be featuring the documentary film, God Loves Uganda, on Wednesday May 22nd at SFJAZZ Center! See the […]