Family Equality Council®and COLAGE Set For Family Week, 2014 | Event Brings LGBTQ Parents & Families Together in Provincetown, MA July 26 to August 2 Posted by Melanie Nathan, June 14, 2014. Family Equality Council®, the national organization which represents the three million parents who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer in the […]

Eurovision Win by Drag Artist is an F U to HOMOPHOBE PUTIN
By Melaie Nathan, May 10, 2014 Congratulations Queen Conchita the Eurovision winner for Austria’s victory – its a first in 48 years! And she won despite Ukraine and Russian attempts to ban the bearded drag artist. The 2014 Eurovision Song Contest has been won by Austria and Conchita Wurst. Her entry ‘Rise Like a Phoenix’ […]

Important Queer and Trans Art Exhibit at Wits
Queer and Trans Art-iculations: Collaborative Art for Social Change | Zanele Muholi and Gabrielle Le Roux Posted by Melanie Nathan, January, 23, 2014. The Wits Art Museum, ( The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa) in partnership with Wits Centre for Diversity Studies and Inkanyiso, is proud to announce the exhibition Queer and Trans Art-iculations: Collaborative […]

Queer Nation to Protest Russian Conductor at Carnegie Hall
LGBT Rights Group Again Targets Conductor Linked to Putin By Melanie Nathan, October 09, 2013. New York, NY (October 9, 2013) — In the latest in a series of high-profile protests against the Russian government’s anti-gay laws, Queer Nation will stage a demonstration at Carnegie Hall on October 10. The target of the protest is […]

Mandela stands tall in Washington D.C. with 2 U.S. Congresswomen
Congresswomen Maxine Waters and Eleanor Holmes Norton revisit their part in the Anti-Apartheid movement at the unveiling of the Mandela Statue in Washington D.C. By Melanie Nathan, October 01, 2013 A statue commemorating former South African President Nelson Mandela was unveiled last week at an historic ceremony in front of the South African Embassy in […]

Famed South African Lesbian Visual Activist to Present at Los Angeles LGBT Center
ZANELE MUHOLI | VISUAL ACTIVISM AND BLACK LESBIAN VISIBILITY IN SOUTH AFRICA By Melanie Nathan, September 17, 2013. Award winning South African lesbian artist and activist Zanele Muholi will appear with her works at the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center to discuss her visual activism, her work with the queer media collective Inkayiso, her […]

Opera Couple Patricia Racette and Beth Clayton to Support LGBT Vigil for Russia
Press Release: Contact Melanie Nathan: Dated: September 05, 2013. Tomorrow night, Friday, September 6 at 7:00 pm, the coalition, including members of Gays Without Borders, and PCI-Justice, will stage an informational vigil, outside the San Francisco Opera’s gala opening night at the War Memorial Opera House, located at Van Ness and Grove. […]

MA Art Museum celebrates DOMA win and loses Catholic Church funding
“We’re simply not going to support them institutionally as in the past.” By Cathy Kristofferson, July 02, 2013 Last week when the DOMA ruling was handed down by the Supreme Court, the Worcester Art Museum (WAM) excitedly posted and tweeted inviting all to marry at the museum. Their website reads almost as an advertisement: “The […]

South African Lesbian photographer’s big ask of Norway’s Crown Princess
Please tell other Monarchs, especially in Africa, that being gay is OKAY By Melanie Nathan, June 21, 2013 The Crown Princess of Norway, Her Royal Highness Mette-Marit, met famed South African photographer, filmmaker and LGBTI activist Zanele Muholi recently at an exhibition of Muholi’s work in Norway. The event took place last night at the Kunstplass […]

Remember Me When I’m gone
By Melanie Nathan, March 09, 2013. Inkanyiso is a South African website which was conceptualized by internationally renowned photographer, award winning documentary filmmaker and visual activist, Zanele Muholi in 2006. In 2009, Muholi registered the organization with Department of Social Services in South Africa. It was in response to the lack of visual histories and […]

Despite criminalization homosexual acts Botswana educates through LGBTI film festival
By Melanie Nathan, February, 25, 2013. Last week the small Southern African country of Botswana saw a highly unusual and courageous event. In a country that criminalizes homosexual acts, a film festival was held at the University of Botswana to educate the community on same-gender relationships. According to a report in the local Monitor publication, […]