June 15, 2015, Posted by Melanie Nathan Respected Nigerian born LGBTI activist and human rights defender, Davis Mac-lyalla, who has personally experienced unconscionable persecution and discrimination, attended what turned out to be Tel Aviv’s largest ever Pride festivities this past week. I asked him to write a brief note about his experience at Pride. Here […]

Gay Holocaust Memorial Unveiled in Tel Aviv
by Melanie Nathan, January 11, 2014. A memorial honoring gays and lesbians persecuted by the Nazis during World War II has been unveiled in Tel Aviv. The memorial depicts a pink triangle, the symbol gays were forced by the Nazis to wear in concentration camps. The memorial’s dedication is in Hebrew, English and German: “In […]

Arrests in 2009 Tel Aviv Gay Youth Center Shootings
By Melanie Nathan, June 06, 2013. In a dramatic and long awaited development Israeli Police have arrested 3 suspects in the Tel Aviv 2009 gay youth center shooting, that left 2 dead and 10 injured. It is believed that the motivation for the killings was based on personal revenge, according to a report by Eli Senyor […]

Israel celebrates peaceful Eilat Pride Parade
The Southern city of Eilat saw big crowds as it kicked off the events set for pride in Israel, which is expected to attract a total of 20,000 tourists to Tel Aviv Pride month. By Melanie Nathan, May 31, 2013. Meir Ohayon reports from Israel that “Hundreds of Eilat residents and members of the lesbian, […]

New Israeli Gay Film Follows Yossi and Jagger
Yossi revisited with Israeli director Eytan Fox Israeli director Eytan Fox’s Yossi & Jagger (2002) was one of the most memorable of gay films, a tale of truly star-crossed lovers—soldiers in the Israeli army. It ended heartbreakingly with the death of Jagger, and for anyone who has ever wondered what became of his partner, Fox’s […]

Israel MP performs gay marriages as protest
To protest claims same-sex marriage will destroy the Jewish people Mock gay weddings preformed outside Tel Aviv’s Rabbinical court in protest of a ring-wing religious candidate stating that they would destroy the Jewish people 04 January 2013 | By Dan Littauer, Andrew Potts, VIA GAYSTAR News Following a statement by a religious right-wing electoral candidate […]

Who is Hamas
Posted by Melanie Nathan, November 22, 2012. Hamas is a Palestinian fundamentalist Islamic terror organization and is considered such by the governments of the U.S., Israel, the U.K., and the European Union. During the last 10 days, over half of Israel’s population, about 5 million people, suffered from rockets launched from Gaza into Israel. Gaza is ruled by Hamas. Hamas Terrorists Firing Rockets […]

Seattle to Screen Film about Palestinian Gays Fleeing to Israel
Posted by Melanie Nathan, Oct 06, 2012. A Wider Bridge and Hillel UW will host a screening of “The Invisible Men” and a discussion with its director, Israeli filmmaker Yariv Mozer. The film won the Special Jury Award at Tel Aviv’s international documentary film festival “ Doc Aviv 2012” in and the Outstanding Documentary Feature […]
Pride Pride Pride 2011
06/02/2011 Melanie Nathan העמוד הרשמי של שבוע הגאווה העירוני. יועלו עדכונים שוטפים על כל האירועים, המסיבות ומה שאסור לפספס במהלך שבוע הגאווה שיתחיל ב -03/06 ויגיע לשיאו במצעד הגאווה ב 10/06 תחת הכותרת ״גאה להיות שווה- צועדים יחד למען שוויון חברתי״. Tel Aviv Pride June 03, 2011 -העמוד הרשמי This is the official page for […]