By Cathy Kristofferson, May 07, 2013. Tomorrow, the Every Child Deserves a Family Act (ECDF) will be re-introduced in Congress. The Act would ban discrimination in adoption or foster care placement based on the marital status, sexual orientation or gender identity of the potential parent, or the sexual orientation or gender identity of the child. […]

Atlanta area gay community’s inspiring project to save homeless queer youth
Lost-n-Found – A do it yourself homeless queer youth shelter By Cathy Kristofferson, January 29, 2013. Update Feb. 7 2013: Creating Change ’13 Conference session handout. In the fall of 2011 I saw posts online about a new queer youth shelter opening in Atlanta. Local homeless queer youth were being turned away from shelters and […]

Homeless Queer Youth – Emancipation, is it really so “out of the box”?
Legal emancipation can give homeless queer youth the tools they need to become independent By Cathy Kristofferson, January 21, 2013. Thinking about a comment I had heard that maybe we need to ‘think out side the box’ for solutions to help with issues of queer youth homelessness I thought of emancipation. It’s not a new […]

The Ongoing Plight of Homeless Queer Youth
Will 2013 be the year the gay community does something about it? By Cathy Kristofferson, January 01, 2013. Author’s note: The epidemic of homeless queer youth is an issue I’ve followed and advocated for because to me our youth are the most vulnerable among us. They are empowered by our successes and are coming out […]