Scott Lively’s Year of the Smear 2012

By Melanie Nathan, December 23, 2012.

Scott Lively, the fervently homophobic anti-gay Pastor, currently being sued by the CCR for his direct involvement on persecuting the Ugandan LGBT community. is playing the victim card, yet again. In a post on his blog which he entitles “Year of the Smear,” Lively reveals his wounds.  Yes indeed he became the open target of those seeking reparation for the harm he has caused and yes he became the target of protests for his act of extreme unkindness, dare I say HATE, and all in the name of  (his version) of Christianity.

This letter appeared on Lively’s gate and his response to it and the other measures taken against him show that he is indeed feeling the impact and so I say purveyors of truth and love, keep up the good work!

Screen Shot 2012-12-23 at 9.54.49 AM

Now the very vicitm pastor has called the letter above a HATE letter and his response to his “awful” year:

Screen Shot 2012-12-23 at 11.09.06 AMFriends,

The above note was left on my front gate a couple of weeks ago anonymously.  It reflects the attitude of hatred that has been generated against me by the radical left here in my own community.

I also recently received the following death threat in my voicemail late one night:

“Denounce the Uganda Nazi bill or I will hang you and burn you alive, you disgusting Nazi maggot.  You’re a Nazi.  You’re not a human.  You’re a parasitic maggot and if you don’t get the f*** out of this country you will die.”

For my ministry 2012 has been The Year of the Smear.  Click on this link for a two page summary in PDF of the persecution we have endured, complete with photographs.  It is a reminder that those who dare to stand up to the homosexual movement pay a heavy price.  I want also to remind you that I rely entirely upon donations to remain in this most difficult mission field.  As we approach the final days of 2012 please remember my ministry in your year-end giving by making a tax deductibe donation at  And please forward this message to your pro-family friends.

Blessings in Jesus,

Pastor Scott Lively

Let me be clear I am against death threats and indeed find those, if true , to do more harm than good. They provide the very victim somewhat of a platform and certainly do not serve our community and that is why I think it is important to channel our justifiable anger at Lively into protests and actions that are prudent and productive.  I am not sure that I believe the death threat and I do believe that Lively himself has Nazi tendencies – in fact to my way of thinking he is one. He wants a group of people wiped off the planet, he lies via his anti-gay propaganda and he scapegoats. Yes he is a Nazi.

Oh and oops the victim needs money. That is of course what this pitiful cry is all about.  Pastor Lively has to defend himself against the world of the homosexual.  Our Victim forgets that he is the soldier of a war that was started decades ago,   And yes it was they who called it a war!  Starting with Falwell and his “Declaration of war” back in the early 1990′s. “I was chased by a raging group of homosexuals….. they are after me….. send me your money.”

Screen Shot 2012-12-23 at 10.46.19 AM“I would call it the year of telling it like it is. All actions taken in Springfield and Boston were taken to help raise awareness and educate the public on the realities of Scott Lively. He is not just some nice guy who has come here to help the poor and homeless. He is a man that is using our Commonwealth as a launching pad from which he travels the country and the world spreading lies and propaganda with the end goal of persecuting the gay and trans communities and denying us our full and equal human rights.” Says Cathy Kristofferson, co-lead of GetEQUAL MA and a member of The Stop The Hate and Homophobia Coalition Springfield.

Allow us to amplify a couple of the actions protesting against the Lively Nazi style hate which he disguises as a biblical calling:-

Screen Shot 2012-12-23 at 10.46.48 AM - The Occupy style action which Lively calls presented, via People’s Mic, a statement outlining the actions he has taken worldwide persecuting the gay community to which he responded by reading a Bible passage calling for our execution, and Lively’s own words: “The character assassination was followed by a series of protests at my little mission church, Holy Grounds Coffee House.The largest and most significant protest being the only time in it’s history that the Occupy movement diverted from fiscal to social issues. Their “Occupy Hate” rally focused on accusing me of “homophobic” bigotry.”

- The dramatic and highly effective funeral procession action which followed the filing of the lawsuit in Federal Court demonstrated the life threatening environment the Ugandan gay community endures due to the heightened homophobia resulting directly from Lively’s propaganda which is what led to the lawsuit: In Kristofferson’s words: “The funeral procession action had placards with the names of known ugandans who suffered either physical injury or were forced to flee the country.”  Kristofferson who herself crafted the 32 placards noted that the ‘statement’  was presented to the camera, but not spoken out loud, since it was presented as a silent action.

As gays we cannot forget the fact that Lively himself inserted the Nazi vision through his holocaust re-write. It was Lively who wrote The Pink Swastika, blaming the holocaust on homosexuality.  So I am pleased to reiterate the adage “sew and ye shall reap” so aptly applicable for Scott Lively’s year of  the smear!

Article by Melanie Nathan, [email protected] Photo: Cathy Kristofferson and Joe Oliverio© 2012-  all rights reserved.

Tweet @melanienathan1

Why we must attend the SMUG v. Scott Lively Lawsuit in Court January 7, 2013

By Cathy Kristofferson, December 23, 2012.

Screen Shot 2012-12-23 at 2.21.44 PMOn Monday January 7th 2013 in Federal Court Springfield, opening oral arguments will be heard for the motion to dismiss the case of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) v. Scott Lively.  This is not the defendant’s first attempt at dismissal of this case brought against him by The Center for Constitutional reform under the Alien Tort Act.’

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5 Comments on “Scott Lively’s Year of the Smear 2012”

  1. dakotahgeoDarthEVaderCheney December 23, 2012 at 11:07 AM #

    I can’t think of a more appropriate sentence for you, Lively, than death and no resurrection! Your hate knows no bounds and so shall your punishment know.
    There is no resurrection for non-Christians, including your American christian
    Taliban members/friends. So be it… you have condemned yourself to your own

  2. Tracy December 23, 2012 at 6:45 PM #

    Ah yes, the bully Lively thrives on giving real abuse (& filling his pockets), but then claims he is being “targeted” when even one person stands up in protest against his hatred & bigotry…how positively common of him. If it weren’t for this lawsuit, my reaction would be identical to my opinion about the Westboro Church thugs- stop giving them any press or attention at all.

    BTW~~ I think it’s very likely that the phone message was a lie, as well. It wouldn’t be the first time such a fabrication was perpetrated by a member of a hate group itself- giving them something to show as “evidence” against them…again, Lively is a common, garden-variety psychopath.

    • Melanie Nathan December 24, 2012 at 8:36 AM #

      Yes easy money for his lazy ways – he should get a real job……. instead of begging on the backs of hate


  1. Why we must attend the SMUG v. Scott Lively Lawsuit in Court January 7, 2013 | O-blog-dee-o-blog-da - December 23, 2012

    [...] Scott Lively, the fervently homophobic anti-gay Pastor, currently being sued by the CCR for his direct involvement on persecuting the Ugandan LGBT community. is playing the victim card, yet again. In a post on his blog which he entitles “Year of the Smear,” Lively reveals his wounds.  Yes indeed he became the open target of those seeking reparation for the harm he has caused and yes he became the target of protests for his act of extreme unkindness, dare I say HATE, and all in the name of  (his version) of Christianity.   - [...]

  2. Ugandan Gay Hating Pastors Spit on their Constitution in Mandela Stadium | O-blog-dee-o-blog-da - January 1, 2013

    [...] Scott Lively’s Year of the Smear 2012 [...]

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