
NCLR Pushes for LGBT Rights in Call to Action for Equality Act

Now is a Critical Time to participate in your Equality

Finally we are seeing a national  LGBTI organization push for passage of the Equality Act that is currently before Congress. Today the National Center for Lesbian Rights, NCLR,  launched a national campaign,  Support the Equality Act,  to urge municipal and state leaders across the country to enact resolutions pressing Congress to pass the federal Equality Act.

We all know that the current U.S. Congress is unlikely to pass this legislation, but by placing this initiative at the fore, there is an opportunity to muscle up in preparation for what may be a friendlier and more receptive future Congress and hopefully a Hillary Clinton presidency, where a Bill of this nature will be signed.   To accomplish this goal, it will be imperative to elect more Democrats and progressives to Congress and certainly to do all possible to tip the Senate to a Democratic Party majority.  However if we land up with a Trump presidency,  we risk major set backs – and to mitigate such horror, the very least we can do is to ensure States and local governments enact resolutions in support of the legislation.


The time is now and here is the push by NCLR’s Executive Director in a letter sent out to supporters today:

As we have tragically seen time and time again, legalized discrimination sends the dangerous message that LGBT people are not worthy of protection and can lead to hate and even violence.

And we need your help to stop it!

Today, NCLR is launching a national campaign—Support the Equality Act—urging municipal and state leaders across the country to enact resolutions pressing Congress to pass the federal Equality Act.

This important bill, which has been stalled in Congress since it was introduced last year, would amend federal civil rights laws to reflect that sex discrimination laws bar anti-LGBTQ discrimination, as many courts have held, and create nationwide protections against sex discrimination in public accommodations.

No matter where you live, you can have a profound impact on the lives of millions of people across the country by pressing your local and state elected leaders to stand on the right side of history.

It’s easy—and fast—to take part. Here’s what you can do:

STEP 1—Search for your elected leaders’ email addresses. 

STEP 2—Email a letter and sample resolution to your elected leaders asking them to join the effort. 

STEP 3—Share our social networking posts and tweets. 

By urging our local and state leaders to press Congress to pass the Equality Act, we can help end discrimination against LGBT people—creating an environment where all are indeed equal.


Kate Kendell, Esq.
NCLR Executive Director

Learn more at www.NCLRights.org/SupportEquality 

Donating to this endeavor is important and equally critical is participating in the call to action, as outlined in the e-mail above.  Yes YOU too can participate in OUR Equality. Please just do it!
By Melanie Nathan,