
WORLD BANK Organizes Events to Commemorate IDAHOT

The World Bank: Despite some legal and social advances in the past two decades, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) people continue to face widespread discrimination and violence in many countries. This leads to exclusion and adversely affects both the lives of LGBTI people as well as on the communities and economies in which they live.

On May 17, the World Bank Group will organize and participate in a series of events around the world to commemorate the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, or IDAHOT. Through discussions with UN agencies, policymakers, civil society, think tanks, and other global influencers, these activities aim to highlight the challenges and opportunities for promoting the inclusion of sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) in global development—in pursuit of the twin goals of ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity.

Here are the details on the events and how you can participate:

Online – Post your messages of support on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram with the hashtags #IDAHOT and #RainbowFamily

Bangkok, Thailand

This year’s international theme is “families.” The World Bank, UN agencies, civil society organizations, the diplomatic community and development partners will co-host a one-day event in Bangkok that aims to highlight the role of family connections, love, and support for LGBTI people and their families. It will also highlight new survey data on LGBTI exclusion in Thailand.

How you can participate:

Salzburg, Austria

The Salzburg Global Institute’s Global LGBT Forum will host an IDAHOT event in Salzburg, Austria. The event will focus on the theme of “home” and address three interconnected issues: family, LGBT migration and refugees, as well as safety and security. Through a video message, the World Bank’s SOGI Global Advisor Clifton Cortez and Thailand Country Director Ulrich Zachau will address the global theme of “family” and share the new Thailand LGBTI data.

Learn how to follow or participate in the Salzburg Global LGBT Forum here.

Washington, D.C.

The Economic and Security Dimensions of Protecting LGBT Rights

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) will host a public symposium on the economic and security dimensions of protecting LGBT rights. Speakers include Maninder Gill, the World Bank’s Director on Social Development, as well as representatives from government, civil society and the private sector. The panelists will look back at the gains made and look forward for opportunities to extend equality to all.

Watch live webcast here at 9:30 a.m. on May 17 ET.

SAN FRANCISCO IS NOT PART OF THE WORLD BANK EVENTS – However will Rally as organized by community Activist, Gary Virginia – Harvey Milk Square – at 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm:   #IDAHOT #SFIDAHOT #IFED2017

Gary Virginia from Gays Without Borders is organizing and emceeing the rally that will feature speakers:
• Tom Ammiano, former CA State Assemblyman;
• Melanie Nathan, Executive Director, African Human Rights Coalition;
• Lori Nairne, Queer Strike;
• Jeff Paterson, Courage To Resist & former Chelsea Manning Support Network;
• Subhi Nahas, Founder, Spectra Project (Syria);
• Janetta Johnson, Executive Director, Leadership Team of TGI Justice Project;
• Community leader Donna Sachet.Sponsors to date include Gays Without Borders, CODEPINK San Francisco, Queer Strike, Courage To Resist, African Human Rights Coalition, Veterans for Peace Chapter 69, and World Can’t Wait.
The San Francisco Bay area community will gather for International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT) on Wed., May 17, 2017, 6 to 7pm, at Harvey Milk Plaza (2401 Market at Castro Street.) Participants in IDAHOT events globally will be posting actions on social media with the hashtags #IDAHOT and #IFED2017 to inspire and encourage others.
The San Francisco rally will focus on these subjects:

1. Demanding justice for victims of extreme LGBTQ persecution (E.g., The recent kidnapping, torture & killing of up to 100 gay men in Chechnya and the opening of a concentration camp.) (E.g., Continuing transgender murders in America.)2. Resistance to the Trump administration’s threat to LGBTQ people and families.

3. Celebrating U.S. Whistleblower Chelsea Manning’s release from federal prison on May 17 with a show of solidarity for her continued wellbeing.

4. Speaking to the plight of LGBTI asylum seekers and refugees, forced into exile by homophobia, transphobia, biphobia etc.,  and as further impacted by Trump’s Executive Orders.  READ MORE.

Contact: Melanie Nathan: Commissionermnathan@gmail.com