Melissa Thompson – Anoka- Hennepin Parent

Anoka-Hennepin Suicide District Still a Hotbed for Anti-Gay Myth and Lies
by Melanie Nathan on August 27, 2014 in Advocacy & Activism, Education, FAMILY, LGBT, NEWS, POLITICAL VIEWS, RELIGION, U.S.A.

Russia Charges Critical Teen Project Under the Anti-Gay Propoganda Laws
by Melanie Nathan on February 11, 2014 in Advocacy & Activism, Court Cases, CRIME, EVENTS, Law, LGBT, NEWS, POLITICAL VIEWS, Russia, WORLD
Russian teen project gives affirming support and advice to LGBT youth and at risk of closure Melanie Nathan, February 11, 2014. While athletes, and the world celebrate Sochi together with Valdimir Putin, Russian Teens are at great risk. These current charges show just how bad the new Anti-gay law is in Russia. These laws, now […]

Facebook homophobia bullying may have resulted in Italian 15 year old’s suicide
by Melanie Nathan on November 23, 2012 in Europe, EVENTS, LGBT, Memorial, NEWS, WORLD
“They crucified him like Jesus: now I want justice.” Mother of Andrea By Melanie Nathan, November 23, 2012. Outrage is building as a community of grief stricken LGBT Romans in Italy are trying to come to grips with the suicide of a young Italian. His name was Andrea and he was only was 15 when […]

HRC Turns a Corner – New Youth Study Highlights Struggles of LGBT Youth
by Melanie Nathan on June 8, 2012 in LGBT, NEWS, Organizations, POLITICAL VIEWS
And shows the Importance of Full Equality and a Welcome to Chad Griffin By Melanie Nathan, June 08, 2012. The Joe Solmonese reign at HRC hailed what many termed an elitist era at the Human Rights Campaign. But still the organization carried the hope of the T shirt button buying masses. While personifying the status […]

Teen Suicide Note | Excerpts from GAY U.S.A. the Movie, SDGLN and Huffington Post Gay Voices
by Melanie Nathan on January 26, 2012 in CALIFORNIA, LGBT, MEDIA, NEWS, RELIGION, U.S.A.
The eulogies effectively conveyed the message that EricJames had sought to impart, when he noted so succinctly in his final written words: “My pain is not caused because I am gay. My pain was caused by how I was treated because I am gay.” Never before had the sound of ‘Edge of Glory’ been so […]
Lawsuit Sheds Light on Anoka-Hennepin School District’s LGBT GAG Policy
by Melanie Nathan on July 21, 2011 in LGBT, NEWS, U.S.A.
By Melanie Nathan, (Minneapolis, MN, July 21, 2011)—The National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and Faegre & Benson, LLP, filed a federal lawsuit today challenging the alarming anti-gay harassment in schools within the Anoka-Hennepin School District as well as the district’s “gag policy” that prevents teachers from discussing issues […]
Lawsuit Challenging Anti-LGBT Environment in Minnesota’s Anoka-Hennepin School District
by Melanie Nathan on July 21, 2011 in Uncategorized
July 21, 2011,Melanie Nathan, NCLR and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) filed a federal lawsuit today challenging the “gag policy” at Minnesota’s Anoka-Hennepin School District that prevents school staff from talking about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues, and creates an environment where LGBT students are relentlessly bullied. The lawsuit was filed on behalf […]
Racsim: Alive and Well and Living in America
by Melanie Nathan on July 12, 2009 in Uncategorized
Racsim: Alive and Well and Living in America.. I came to live in the US some 24 years ago, in the earnest belief that there would be no racism in this my new country; I believed that this America was the greatest and most free place on earth. Clearly my impression stemmed from the context of […]
Peacemaker Museum

Private Courts Same-Sex Couples Mediation

African HRC

Mel’s FB Advocacy Page
Mel’s FB Advocacy Page

- Mr Gay South Africa 2015 Finalist Dies
- National Campaign Launch for First Ever National Park Site Honoring American LBGT History
- Was Fanning Chosen by President Obama to Lead the Army Because he is Gay?
- Ugandan Chris Mubiru Sentenced to 10 years in Sodomy Case
- Hate Group Leader Visits CA Coastal Community Under Protection of Republican Women’s Group
- Court Rules Lawsuit Filed by Hate Group Involving Planned Parenthood Can Go Forward
- EQCA Call to Action Tell California Governor Brown to Support AB 959
- Ugandan Sports Club Manager Convicted in Sodomy Case
- Transgender Bills By State Senator Leno Pass California Assembly
- Other Religions are the Victims of Radical Christian County Clerk


- @OUTandPROUD congratsThat said... 14 hours ago
- So sad. The second such loss to the Mf Gay SA family. said... 14 hours ago
- This is infuriating: Since when does money matter enough that those directly responsible for the cover up do not... said... 15 hours ago
- PLEASE stand with Planned Parenthood and hundreds of thousands of Americans who depend o their life saving... said... 15 hours ago
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