MEUSA Amicus Brief: Real Voices, Real People, Real Impact Posted by Melanie Nathan, March 09, 2015. San Francisco/Washington DC – Today, Marriage Equality USA announces that it has filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of the freedom to marry nationwide and full equality under the Constitution for LGBTQ people. The brief, […]

Breaking U.S. Supreme Court to Review Bans on Same-Sex Marriage
Current Statistics thanks to Williams Institute By Melanie Nathan, January 16, 2015 The U.S. Supreme Court announced today that it will review the constitutionality of bans on same-sex marriage in Michigan, Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee. The Court’s ruling is expected in June 2015 and will likely impact not only the same-sex couples in these four […]

HRC Now Accepts Religious Liberty Bigotry
by Cathy Kristofferson, January 11, 2015 Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) received their first lump of coal from Santa for 2015. Deliverers of Santa’s naughty list and coal at Christmastime,, returned barely two weeks into the new year following Thursday’s Washington Post article in which HRC’s vice president Fred Sainz gushed over presidential hopeful Jeb Bush’s new […]

Ugandan Parliament proceedings for Kill-The-Gays-Bill passage released
By Cathy Kristofferson, February 3, 2014 Today, the website Parliament Watch Uganda released the Hansard, the Parliamentary proceedings, of the Dec 20th 2nd reading of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill (AHB). Proponents for the AHB lead off with the tired old need to defend marriage as between one man, one woman argument but quickly got to: “There have […]

Eastside Catholic’s Head Resigns in Wake of Mr Z Controversy
By Melanie Nathan, January 21, 2014. The protests and the controversy surrounding Mr. Z of Eastside Catholic High School in Sammamish, Washington firing has taken a new turn. The President of the school has finally resigned in the aftermath. Sister Mary Tracy, who apparently lied about the firing of the popular gay vice principal and swim […]

20 lashes for Nigerian Guilty of Gay
By Cathy Kristofferson, January 16, 2014 The BBC is reporting that the first of the men recently arrested on charges of homosexuality in Nigeria has been sentenced and now received 20 lashes by the Islamic Court in the Bauchi state of Nigeria. Apparently, the man was spared death by stoning because the offense occurred 7 […]

Shock Amongst Gays in Nigeria as President signs Jail-The-Gays law
A person who … indirectly makes public show of same sex amorous relationship … is liable on conviction to a term of 10 years imprisonment… By Cathy Kristofferson, January 13, 2014 Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan has surreptitiously signed the so-called Same Sex Prohibition Bill into law. Reports are that Jonathan actually signed the Bill, better known as […]

Ready Aim Fire – Eastside Catholic May Have another Gay firing on their hands
By Melanie Nathan, January 06, 2014. Students walked out of Eastside Catholic and several Seattle-area Catholic schools following the firing of Vice Principal Mark Zmuda in December. Zmuda was forced out after marrying his male partner, an act the administration claimed violated church teachings. The students in the school showed support for “Mr. Z” with […]

Two Days of News and Views
After Blogging elsewhere time to catch-up! By Melanie Nathan, December 28, 2013. This past 2 days I was helping my friends out at the Gay Marriage Watch Blog. From OBLOGDEE we wish our friends, Scott and Mark and their families condolences on their tragic and sad family loss. I was able to post several stories […]

Most Beautiful Marriage Moments GAY in the U.S.A. 2013
By Melanie Nathan, December 26, 2013. View the Video and feel the love: Love & Equality- First Day of Marriages from on Vimeo. CLICK ON PICTURE TO SEE VIDEO:

Magnificent Gay Marriage South African Style
By Melanie Nathan, December 24, 2013. Our friends at Inkanyiso have done it again. Recording every aspect and extreme, with amazing visuals, from the worst sadness to the ultimate joy, here is an exciting report by Yaya Mavundla. This was all about love and with given names like “Promise” and “Gift” all was perfect for […]

GAY U.S.A. the Movie Launches Magnificent Marriage Equality Video
By Melanie Nathan, November 16, 2013 Lest I forget this caveat, I am co-producing the film GAY U.S.A. the Movie, with Kristina Lapinski, the ‘lesbian filmmaker,’ famed amongst other antics, for tackling Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich, at a Tea Party Debate. This, the latest video, poised to go viral, captures a series of extraordinary […]

Mazeltov Minnesota
By Melanie Nathan, August 01, 2013. Midnight July 31, 2013, heralded the start of an equal Minnesota, as the Mayor of Minneapolis, R.T. Rybak married the first same-sex couple under the new law, making it legal for all couples to enjoy the same legal rights in the State of Minnesota. After years of battling against […]

Minnesota will celebrate marriage equality at midnight
63 same-sex couples marrying on the first day it is legal to do so in Minnesota and generous City comes through with flowers to music, photography to wedding cake, and everything in between, Minneapolis steps up to donate to city’s first legal same-sex weddings By Melanie Nathan, July 31, 2013. Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak and […]

Ender’s Game a film Gays may boycott
By Thom Watson, our guest on OBLOGDEE, a marriage equality advocate and science fiction fan, July 18, 2013. I’m not going to go see the movie “Ender’s Game.” For those of you who don’t know, “Ender’s Game” is a classic science-fiction novel that will be released as a movie starring Harrison Ford later this year. […]

ACLU challenging NC ban on same-sex marriages
Posted by Melanie Nathan, July 09, 2013. Today the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the ACLU of North Carolina Legal Foundation (ACLU-NCLF) announced plans to challenge North Carolina’s ban on marriage for same-sex couples by amending a federal lawsuit filed against the state last year on behalf of six same-sex couples and their children […]

Happy 4th of July | Gays Celebrate Independence in a More Equal America
See Video – And a Gay Tenor sings his way into the hearts of America By Melanie Nathan, July 04, 2013. The weeks leading up to this 4th of July have been historic for America – the horrendously discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) came crashing down after decades of hell for many Americans and […]

MA Art Museum celebrates DOMA win and loses Catholic Church funding
“We’re simply not going to support them institutionally as in the past.” By Cathy Kristofferson, July 02, 2013 Last week when the DOMA ruling was handed down by the Supreme Court, the Worcester Art Museum (WAM) excitedly posted and tweeted inviting all to marry at the museum. Their website reads almost as an advertisement: “The […]

Same gender couples risking arrest apply for Marriage Licenses in Russia
by Cathy Kristofferson, June 28, 2013 Today 5 same-gender couples applied for marriage licenses in the registry office in the Admiralty Side, a district of St. Petersburg, Russia. Officials at the registry explained that the licenses are only intended for couples of opposite gender and sent them on their way. This is a bold move in […]

GAY U.S.A. Marriage Equality Decision Day articles
By Melanie Nathan, June 27, 2013. Yesterday was an historic day for gay Americans when the Supreme Court of the United States gave tens of thousands of already married same-sex couples in a growing list of states equal access to all benefits that the federal government provides for those who are wed. A closely divided Supreme Court […]

Binational same-sex couples hard hit by SCOTUS wait
UPDATE: SCOTUS announced remaining decisions including marriage equality will be released tomorrow – Wednesday. By Melanie Nathan, June 25, 2013. Every moment counts for those who have not held a partner close – in some cases for years – as SCOTUS has yet to deliver its decision on marriage equality. Today binational same-sex couples are […]

Russian bill set to stop adoption to nations allowing same-sex marriage
The Bill is based on myth as expounded by Russian Deputy Speaker, who said: “If a child ends up with a homosexual couple, it could cause severe damage and the child ends up with a distorted perception of reality.” By Melanie Nathan, June 18, 2013. As same-sex marriage is increasing in acceptance around the world, […]

Israel celebrates peaceful Eilat Pride Parade
The Southern city of Eilat saw big crowds as it kicked off the events set for pride in Israel, which is expected to attract a total of 20,000 tourists to Tel Aviv Pride month. By Melanie Nathan, May 31, 2013. Meir Ohayon reports from Israel that “Hundreds of Eilat residents and members of the lesbian, […]

DEAD WRONG LGBT Publisher Refuses to Tell Binational Story
We as a community cannot reject the most vulnerable amongst us | Binational same-sex couples have already paid the heaviest price By Melanie Nathan, May 28, 2013. I started my advocacy work and writing the stories about the horrendous plight of same-sex binational couples back in 2009, when faced with the possible deportation of my […]

SA Lesbian minister has her day in court
By Melanie Nathan, May 22, 2013. We reported earlier this week about the impending case before the Cape Town High Court of Lesbian minister Ecclesia de Lange, who was fired by the Methodist Church because she married a woman, before the church had taken a decision on same-sex marriage. The case was heard through the […]

Shocking persecution of lesbian couple and mother by Republican Judge
By Melanie Nathan, May 17, 2013. Morality clauses are hardly enforceable in divorce agreements to start with, and so imagine when a Judge knowingly orders such a clause in a divorce judgment that in essence forces partners apart because the law fails to allow them to marry. Well, while the couple in this story is […]

9 years of Marriage Equality for Massachusetts and no Apocalypse yet
Happy Anniversary Massachusetts By Cathy Kristofferson, May 17, 2013 We here in Massachusetts are waiting. Waiting for the sky to fall, the apocalypse to occur, the locusts to swarm. We have been waiting 9 long years now. Nine years and over 19,000 same-gender couples’ marriages later and none of the promised catastrophes have occurred! We remember May […]

Minnesota brings marriage equality to an even dozen U.S. States
By Cathy Kristofferson, May 14, 2013. Yesterday the Minnesota Senate voted 37 to 30 to approve marriage equality. Their vote followed last Thursday’s 75 to 59 vote in favor in the Minnesota State House. Today Governor Mark Dayton will sign the bill into law at 5 p.m. CT with the bill going into effect on August 1st. […]

Around the World | Eleven Most Notable Marriage Equality Moments
By Melanie Nathan, May 09, 2013. A snapshot – from around the world – and there is so much more! 1. MOST HILARIOUS – a must watch NZ MP’s hilarious gay marriage speech 2. MOST MOVING A Love Song New Zealand 3.Uruguay – can you believe it? 4. France – despite major protests and the […]

New Zealand Marriage Equality Law Clear on Trans and Intersex People
Reposted from Article by JURIST Guest Columnist Elisabeth McDonald of the Victoria University of Wellington Faculty of Law evaluates the recent legalization of same-sex marriage by the New Zealand House of Representatives.. New Zealand passed same-sex marriage into law which will take effect on August 19, 2013. It does not just provide that same-sex couples […]