
Family Symposium Uses Anti-Gay Russian Law to Promote its Message in U.S. Senate Building

By Melanie Nathan, Nov 14, 2013.

Using an official Senate space, American supporters of Russia’s anti-LGBT laws will come to Capitol Hill tomorrow to argue that these hateful policies should serve as an example for us here in United States.

The American anti-gays such as Scott Lively have provoked the Hate Bills in foreign jurisdictions and are using the overseas legislation as examples of successful maneuvers against equality and freedom for gays.  A coalition of groups heading itself the FAMILY IN AMERICA, a Journal of Public Policy, think they can come into our American Congress to hold a symposium touting anti-gay legislation, of course in an attempt to influence similar hateful legislation. Family Policy Lessons from Other Lands : What should America Learn?

They are especially desperate – at the height of the time of great progress being made in the name of freedoms for LGBT Americans- that they have the audacity to invoke the most putrid of foreign legislation as an example for the United States.

The Russian anti-Propaganda law is based on myth and lie, and promotes ignorance. The law was legislated in a country where homophobia and oppression is rampant. It was legislated in the land of Putin where people are not free to be who they are, where human rights infractions abound and where LGBT people are persecuted. Here are Americans who pretend to favor the family while actually promoting pro-Putin laws in the United States of America and doing it as if it is something to be proud of.

Austin Ruse, President of The Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, Steven Mosher, Popular Research Institute, Janice Shaw Crouse, The Beverley Lahaye Institute, Allan Carlson, The Howard Center – all coming to the Dirksen Senate Office Building to prostitute their wares.

In fact by the very citing of these laws as a model, these groups are giving credence to known hate monger Scott Lively, Holocaust Revisionist, who boasts that it is his influence and his Pink Swastika like teachings that led to the Russian law, which these grops are now touting as a model in our Senate Building.

The roundtable discussion, hosted by the World Congress of Families, will occur this Friday from 11:00 AM to 1:00PM in Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 562. Entitled “Family Policy Lessons from Other Lands: What Should America Learn?,” the event is presented in innocent-sounding language, but the biographies of the participants reveal their malicious intent.


Many of us made calls trying to find out which Senator gave access to the meeting – see update from Buzzfeed…




The Capitol Hill Symposium has been moved to Room #1539 in the Longworth House Office Building (NOT THE Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 56)

Senator Kirk Pulls Senate Meeting Room For Group Supportive Of Russia’s Anti-LGBT
Kirk’s office responds: “Sen. Kirk doesn’t affiliate with groups that discriminate.”

Late Thursday, Illinois Senator Mark Kirk’s office abruptly canceled access to a Senate meeting room for a Friday event scheduled by a social conservative organization that is supportive of Russia’s “homosexual propaganda” ban, event organizers told BuzzFeed.

LGBT activists were outraged to learn that the World Congress of Families, which is currently planning a global summit of supporters of the “traditional family” to be held in Moscow in 2014, would be holding an event in a meeting room in the Dirksen Senate Office Building. The WCF is a project of the Howard Center for Family, Religion, and Society, based in Rockford, Illinois.

A spokesman for Kirk, Lance Trover, told BuzzFeed on Thursday night, “Sen. Kirk doesn’t affiliate with groups that discriminate.” READ MORE

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