
SA Human Rights Commission to Investigate Gretha Wiid


Last week we wrote an article about Gretha Wiid’s comments in a manual she wrote which served in effect to  denigrate homosexuals. We also published the letter which I had written her in my capacity as Executive Director of The African Human Rights Coalition, asking her to apologize to South Africa’s LGBT community and to withdraw and correct her manual and teachings.  The article went viral.  We received many reader comments, some of whom complained of direct harm which they alleged Wiid had caused them or their children, by virtue of her teachings on homosexuality.  We also received many e-mails from lawyers in South Africa, LGBT people and their families and friends, with several asserting that they had submitted formal complaints to the South African Human Rights Commission, some referencing our article.

Wiid made a feeble attempt to explain her stance, which some interpret as an attempted apology, in a Facebook rant, where she noted that she had been bombarded on social media by thousands of concerned people on both sides of the issue.  We believe her Facebook rant was merely doubling down on her beliefs and an excuse for her indiscretions – perhaps she thought the complaints and outcry would cease as a result.  It has only made things worse, as notwithstanding her admissions, Wiid has yet to show grace and basic decency by responding to our letter requesting the changes and an apology

And now two such complainants have reported back to me that they have been informed by the SA Human Rights Commission that the Commission will be acting upon those complaints by investigating Gretha Wiid.

By Melanie Nathan

@SAHRCommission) | Twitter   #WIIDmustApologize

My Articles can be read here:

African HRC Calls for Apology from South African Relationship ‘Specialist’ regarding Anti Gay Teaching

“Please let me know if you would be willing to review your material and revise your publication with corrections, and also if you would be willing to issue an apology to the LGBT community. I am not sure how much harm has been done at this point, yet it is never too late to right … MoreAfrican HRC Calls for Apology from South African Relationship ‘Specialist’ regarding Anti Gay Teaching

A Bombarded Gretha Wiid Makes Video Excuse for Anti Gay Teachings

Our Gretha Wiid Article Goes Viral –  and now she is back-peddling while really doubling down! But still no real correction or apology – just excuses! This past week, after my article broke the story condemning Gretha Wiid’s false assertions about homosexuality, it went viral. We demanded an apology and a correction to her damaging manual.  Many people reported personal … MoreA Bombarded Gretha Wiid Makes Video Excuse for Anti Gay Teachings

Backlash – The UNFeminist Movement Mastered by Gretha Wiid

When Women Regress in the Name of Progress – This milieu is ripe for scapegoating and what better than to use religion as the tool and women as the fool! By Melanie Nathan. When we move closer to parity between the races and sexes, equality in the realm of sexual orientation, and as we move further … MoreBacklash – The UNFeminist Movement Mastered by Gretha Wiid