Much watch video of the extreme protest by topless “gay” identified women By Melanie Nathan, January 13, 2013. The Petrelis Files report on the Vatican topless protests. Equality supporters staged a topless protest in a packed St. Peter’s Square during the Pope’s address, in protest of Pope’s anti-gay stand against same-sex adoption. The Vatican paper [...]

Hundreds of thousands of French Catholics, Evangelicals and Muslims protest at Eiffel Tower against Gay Marriage
By Melanie Nathan, January 13, 2013. The Eiffel Tower was not looking so friendly to Paris and Gays today as several hundred thousand people converged on the Eifel Tower in Paris on Sunday to protest against President Francois Hollande’s plan to legalize same-sex marriage and adoption by June, 2013. Many came after long train and [...]

Anti-gay Pastor Scott Lively radio face off provides insight into lies
WBUR – Interveiw with Lively and Kaoma about Ugandan Gay Rights Group Lawsits against Springfield Evangelist Scott Lively | See VIDEO where Lively calls for death of gays in Springfield outside his Coffee Shop. By Cathy Kristofferson, January 13, 2013. What’s my opinion of Scott Lively and his reign of persecution? That’s easy. Who better [...]

Oral Arguments Convey Accountability for Scott Lively’s Anti-Gay Mission
The analysis speech, action and jurisdiction; without this opportunity under the Alien Tort Act, Lively could have got off without rebuke; now he cannot escape that what he did exceeds the bounds of his religious freedoms By Melanie Nathan and Cathy Kristofferson, January 11, 2013. This past week, a most unusual Motion to Dismiss was [...]

South African Christian Arts Academy Claims it Can Cure Gays
A South African Christian arts academy in Bloemfontein may be breaking the law by advertising that it can “cure” homosexual students, and that if a homosexual refuses such, they can be expelled. By Melanie Nathan, January 13, 2012. The Sunday Times reported that the Creare Training Centre’s prospectus claimed it could convert gay students into [...]