Tag Archives: education

Oprah Winfrey on First Graduation for South African School – The Class of 2011

The South African school year ends in December in time for summer vacation. Oprah Winfrey is in South Africa to attend graduation of the first graduating class of her elite academy and while she has spent millions on this school for underprivileged South African girls, she is now contemplating the question of  lways to make [...]

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The State of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual in Irish Catholic Controlled Schools

Irish Education deserves a secular chance too – for what ye teach ye shall reap; waiting for the day the Church takes its teachings back to the Church; Posted by Melanie, Jan 01, 2012 Patrick Dempsey (19) often pretended to be sick in order to avoid attending school in Dublin’s inner city. The State of [...]

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Shame on these American Parents…..

Melanie Nathan: I sent my twelve year old off to school today hoping that her first class period would run the President’s speech; in fact even emailed her principal stating I wanted to ensure she watched it live. I am disgusted by the people  in this my Country who assert their children should not hear [...]

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