Mazeltov New York City

By Melanie Nathan July 24, 2011 – My friends are getting married today, my community is getting married today and we all rejoice… SPEAKER QUINN, MAYOR BLOOMBERG, AND NEW YORK CITY CLERK MCSWEENEY ANNOUNCE ALL CITY CLERK OFFICES WILL BE OPEN FOR BUSINESS ON SUNDAY JULY 24 – THE FIRST DAY OF MARRIAGE EQUALITY… More Mazeltov New York City

Amy Winehouse DEAD

July 23, 2011, Posted By Melanie Nathan, The 27 club has a new member- Amy Winehouse. Winehouse was found dead in Camden, England, but the cause of death has yet to be explained. According to the police, London Ambulance Service was called to a flat in Camden at 1554 BST. Two vehicles were sent, but… More Amy Winehouse DEAD

Christian Fundamentalist Arrested in Norway Mass Murder

July 23, 2011, by Melanie Nathan, Not knowing too much about Norway, other than my impression as to its liberal acceptance of life, I was intrigued to note that  the man who has been arrested for staging Friday’s bomb attack in Norway‘s capital Oslo and a random shooting at a youth camp on the Utoya… More Christian Fundamentalist Arrested in Norway Mass Murder

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Certified

by Melanie Nathan, (San Francisco, CA, July 22, 2011) Today, President Barack Obama, U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen notified Congress that the military is ready to end “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the discriminatory two-decade old policy that bars lesbian, gay, and bisexual people… More Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Certified

New York Gay Marriage Day: Counter-protest to National Organization for Marriage Hate Group

by Melanie Nathan,  Demonstration on Sunday, July 24 at 3 pm July 22, 2011 – New York – Members of Connecting Rainbows are organizing a counter-demonstration on Sunday to thwart the hate group, National Organization for Marriage. NOM is holding a rally outside Gov. Andrew Cuomo‘s Manhattan office on Sunday, to protest the first day… More New York Gay Marriage Day: Counter-protest to National Organization for Marriage Hate Group

Lawsuit Sheds Light on Anoka-Hennepin School District’s LGBT GAG Policy

By Melanie Nathan, (Minneapolis, MN, July 21, 2011)—The National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and Faegre & Benson, LLP, filed a federal lawsuit today challenging the alarming anti-gay harassment in schools within the Anoka-Hennepin School District as well as the district’s “gag policy” that prevents teachers from discussing issues… More Lawsuit Sheds Light on Anoka-Hennepin School District’s LGBT GAG Policy

Glitter GAY Barbarians Invade The Bachmann Clinic

Cross -Posted by melanie Nathan, July 21, 2011, Gay ‘Barbarians’ Demand Ex-Gay ‘Discipline’ From Bachmann Clinic | Today a group of gay “barbarians” descended upon Marcus Bachmann’s Christian counseling center to protest the harmful ex-gay therapy offered there. During a radio interview in 2010, Bachmann compared gay people to “barbarians” who need to be “disciplined.” Organized… More Glitter GAY Barbarians Invade The Bachmann Clinic

Ghana: Minister Orders Arrest of All Homosexuals and Lesbians

July 11, 2011, Melanie Nathan, Western Region Minister Paul Evans Aidoo, of Ghana,  has ordered the immediate arrest of all homosexuals in the region.  “He has tasked the Bureau of National Investigations and all security agencies to smoke out persons suspected to be engaging in same sex.” (MyJoyOnline) He also enlisted the services of landlords… More Ghana: Minister Orders Arrest of All Homosexuals and Lesbians

Lawsuit Challenging Anti-LGBT Environment in Minnesota’s Anoka-Hennepin School District

July 21, 2011,Melanie Nathan, NCLR and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) filed a federal lawsuit today challenging the “gag policy” at Minnesota’s Anoka-Hennepin School District that prevents school staff from talking about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues, and creates an environment where LGBT students are relentlessly bullied. The lawsuit was filed on behalf… More Lawsuit Challenging Anti-LGBT Environment in Minnesota’s Anoka-Hennepin School District

Somalia Famine Dilemma – Can USA Align with Al-Qaeda?

July 20, 2011, by Melanie Nathan, Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen (HSM) (Arabic: , حركة الشباب المجاهدين‎,)  which now controls Southern Somalia has just re-opened the area to accept outside aid for the region, where a UN newly declared famine has just been announced. Millions of Somalis are starving, some dying  and in need of urgent care… More Somalia Famine Dilemma – Can USA Align with Al-Qaeda?

First-Ever Congressional Hearing on Repeal of DOMA Marriage Discrimination Law

July, 20, 2011, by Melanie Nathan, (WASHINGTON, DC) – At today the US Senate Judiciary Committee held the  first-ever hearing on repealing the so-called “Defense of Marriage Act, ” highlighting the harms that the so-called “Defense of Marriage Act” causes loving, committed same-sex couples and their families. The Respect for Marriage Act, sponsored by Senator… More First-Ever Congressional Hearing on Repeal of DOMA Marriage Discrimination Law

Breaking President Obama Endorses DOMA Repeal

July 19, 2011, Melanie Nathan, Today White House Press Secretary Jay Carney announced the President will endorse the Respect for Marriage Act, which would repeal DOMA, (The Defense of Marriage Act, which discriminates against same-sex marriage) !  The White House endorsing legislation that has yet to pass either house of Congress — is extremely rare,… More Breaking President Obama Endorses DOMA Repeal

Anti-Equality Groups Seek to Overturn California’s New FAIR Education Act

July 17, 2011, Melanie Nathan, On Friday, anti-equality advocates submitted paperwork to ask voters to overturn SB 48—the FAIR (Fair, Accurate, Inclusive, Respectful) Education Act. The pro- LGBT legislation signed a mere week ago by California Governor, Jerry Brown, ensures that California students learn fair and accurate information about the rich and diverse history of… More Anti-Equality Groups Seek to Overturn California’s New FAIR Education Act

Chaos expected as South Africa to Repatriate LGBTI Refugees to Zimbabwei

July 18, 2011 By Paul Canning As South Africa gears up to remove more than one million refugees, advocates are warning that gay asylum seekers risk being ‘refouled’ – returned to a place where their lives or freedoms could be threatened. Most asylum seekers in South Africa are from Zimbabwe – but the country hosts… More Chaos expected as South Africa to Repatriate LGBTI Refugees to Zimbabwei

New York 92 year Old Mom to witness First NY Lesbian Couple to Marry

Posted on July 19, 2011, The mother of the bride is 92 – and proud. “I am so happy,” said Mary Brown, who is thrilled she’ll finally get to watch her daughter Mimi Brown marry longtime love Carol Anastasio. “It’s so unexpected.” Brown, 57, and Anastasio, 49, were the first gay couple to show up… More New York 92 year Old Mom to witness First NY Lesbian Couple to Marry

Devoting 67 Minutes to “Changing the World” on Nelson Mandela Day

July 17, 2011, Melanie Nathan, Mandela Day takes place every year on July 18th, Madiba’s birthday. This day is a call to action for people everywhere to take responsibility for making the world a better place, one small step at a time, just as Madiba did. Madiba spent more than 67 years serving his community,… More Devoting 67 Minutes to “Changing the World” on Nelson Mandela Day

Ugandan First Lady Accused of ‘backing homophobic smear campaign’ against Rivals

 07/15/2011, Article by Paul Canning, United Kingdom, The fanatical evangelical Christian First Lady of Uganda, Janet Museveni, has been named in a Ugandan court as a participant in a homophobic smear campaign. Mrs Museveni was referred to in evidence as a backer of smear tactics using sodomy accusations against Robert Kayanja, a ‘prosperity evangelist’ Christian… More Ugandan First Lady Accused of ‘backing homophobic smear campaign’ against Rivals

Gov. Jerry Brown signs LGBT Inclusive Landmark Education Bill into Law

July 07, 2011, Melanie Nathan The FAIR Education Act ensures that the historical contributions of LGBT people and the disability community are accurately and fairly portrayed in instructional materials.  SACRAMENTO – Governor Jerry Brown today signed the FAIR (Fair, Accurate, Inclusive and Respectful) Education Act, authored by Senator Mark Leno. The bill ensures that the… More Gov. Jerry Brown signs LGBT Inclusive Landmark Education Bill into Law

Binational Spouse Obtains Deportation Reprieve from San Francisco Immigration Judge

July 13, 2011, Posted by Melanie Nathan, SAN FRANCISCO, CA – This morning in San Francisco, Doug Gentry and Alex Benshimol — a married binational same-sex couple — appeared before Immigration Judge Marilyn Teeter for a deportation hearing and were permitted to remain in the country despite the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the law… More Binational Spouse Obtains Deportation Reprieve from San Francisco Immigration Judge

Congratulations Equality Ally Janice Hahn Elected to Congress

July 13, 2011, Melanie Nathan Yesterday, Equality California Federal Political Action Committee (PAC) endorsed candidate Janice Hahn was elected to represent California’s 36th Congressional District. (Los Angeles).  Democrat Janice Hahn defeated Republican Craig Huey to win Tuesday’s special election to fill an open U.S. House seat from California. Hahn, a Los Angeles City councilwoman, won… More Congratulations Equality Ally Janice Hahn Elected to Congress

Esteemed Blogger, Mika Stefano in Bed with Gay Flag of South Africa

Eugene Brockman Designer of Flag The team behind the Gay Flag of South Africa (Designer Eugene Press release from Gay Flag S.A.  – Permission to cross post granted to all and use of Photo. Brockman and his partner Henry Bantjez) are glad to report that Mika Stefano will be joining the team of the Gay… More Esteemed Blogger, Mika Stefano in Bed with Gay Flag of South Africa

Senator Patrick Leahy Announces DOMA Repeal Hearing

July 12, 2011, by Melanie Nathan, Today, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, announced a hearing on the Respect for Marriage Act, the bill that would overturn DOMA, scheduled for Wednesday July 20th. The hearing will be the first time Congress has heard testimony on legislation that would end federal marriage… More Senator Patrick Leahy Announces DOMA Repeal Hearing

Ohio Supreme Court Rules Against Lesbian Partner of Biological Mother

July 12, 2011,  by Melanie Nathan, The Supreme Court of Ohio today upheld lower court rulings that a biological mother who acknowledged her same-sex partner as a “co-parent” of her daughter while the two women were in a relationship did not permanently give up her sole custody of the child to create legal shared custody… More Ohio Supreme Court Rules Against Lesbian Partner of Biological Mother

Local Christians to Protest Hate Group’s Cosponsorship of Gov. Perry’s Prayer Assembly

 July 11, 2011, Melanie Nathan Fort Worth, TX – Not all mainline Christian churches in Texas are happy with Rick Perry’s plan to co-sponsor a prayer assembly in Houston on Saturday, August 6. Fort Worth First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, voted unanimously in a congregational meeting on Sunday, July 10, to endorse congregants’… More Local Christians to Protest Hate Group’s Cosponsorship of Gov. Perry’s Prayer Assembly

Deportation of Uganda Gay Robert Segwanyi deferred as about to Board Plane

July 11, 2011, Posted by Melanie Nathan, Article by Paul Canning: The removal of Ugandan gay asylum seeker Robert Segwanyi was tonight “deferred” at the last minute. He had been moved today to a Heathrow ‘removal centre’ for an early morning 11 July flight to Kampala.  The deferment comes after the last minute intervention of… More Deportation of Uganda Gay Robert Segwanyi deferred as about to Board Plane

Groups Call on FIFA to Condemn Homophobia on “Day Against Discrimination”

Melanie Nathan, July 11, 2011, The international gay rights pressure group has called for FIFA to publicly condemn homophobia in league play, starting with a full investigation of head Nigerian Football Coach, Eucharia Uche, for her homophobic coaching policies documented last week in the New York Times and earlier this year in the Nigerian… More Groups Call on FIFA to Condemn Homophobia on “Day Against Discrimination”