Oh no not another anti-gay pastor hosted by President Obama

National Day of Prayer to be headed by pastor who thinks marriage equality is a Satanic ploy…

By Cathy Kristofferson, April 30, 2013

NCTE-logoPresident Obama just,  just!, held a press conference where he remarked that “the LGBT community deserves full equality, not just partial equality, not just tolerance, but a recognition that they’re fully a part of the American family.”  Really? Is that maybe only in reference to professional sports players since he was commenting on Jason Collins’ much publicized coming out yesterday?  Because I remember seeing stories this past Saturday that President Obama’s government once again had chosen a hateful anti-gay bigot to lead an event in Washington D.C.

The National Day of Prayer this Thursday, with events at the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill,  will be led by its “2013 Honorary Chairman” Pastor Greg Laurie who believes that:

“homosexuality is a result of sin’s widespread effects on the world. Homosexuality is a sin of behavior; therefore, people are not born into a homosexual or a lesbian lifestyle.

Will a message like that help move the LGBT community forward towards full equality?  Doubtful.  It won’t even move us forward towards “just tolerance” never mind full acceptance!

Pastor Laurie’s Harvest Christian Fellowship church website posts this:

“We believe that homosexuality is a result of sin’s widespread effects on the world. Homosexuality is a sin of behavior; therefore, people are not born into a homosexual or a lesbian lifestyle. We believe that the redemption for this sin, as for all sin, is only possible through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

There are petitions online asking the U.S. Department of Defense to remove Pastor Laurie for his hateful views.  Someone needs to be demanding this!  Laurie will be in good company, though, as I see James Dobson and Pat Boone are also on the National Prayer Day 2013 schedule.

When will the Obama administration stop speaking out of both sides of its mouth?

Post-publish note:  As the petitions indicate, it is the Department of Defense who invited Pastor Laurie, not President Obama himself. President Obama should tell his Secretary of Defense, the now gay-friendly Chuck Hagel, to instruct the DoD to rescind their invitation and instead invite a faith leader more in line with the President’s own comments.

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5 Comments on “Oh no not another anti-gay pastor hosted by President Obama”

  1. dakotahgeo April 30, 2013 at 10:42 AM #

    I am so disappointed in President Obama and those responsible for these actions. Inclusion of these far religious right extremists does not speak for the stand that Obama has taken before. Totally disappointed. (Unless, of course, President Obama really wants to show the country what religious extremism will do now and in the future, should they get a foothold.

  2. msfwdc April 30, 2013 at 10:46 AM #

    The President DOES NOT HOST the National Day of Prayer. The President DOES NOT CHOOSE THE GUESTS at the Prayer breakfast. The National Day of Prayer was created by Congress and is operated by an INDEPENDENT FOUNDATION.

    <> http://nationaldayofprayer.org/about/

    If you want to object to the President’s attendance and participation, do that BUT GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT AND DON’T MISLABEL HIS ROLE! If you distort the facts or don’t check the facts to make your point, you are no better than Fox News!

    • Melanie Nathan April 30, 2013 at 2:16 PM #

      I thought he was commander in Chief? I thought he appointed anti-gay Hagel? I would only be holding him accountable because I love and adore him and want him to be the 100% perfect pro LGBT equality President we know him to be! Obama rocks but he must pass an EXEC order re Fed contracts and ENDA and he must tell his team to stop inviting gay haters to participate in these events.,

      • Tracy May 1, 2013 at 9:03 PM #

        +1000, Melanie!

        Obama must step up & squash this. It is hate speech/rhetoric, imho.

      • Cathy Kristofferson May 2, 2013 at 7:18 AM #

        This morning The Metro Weekly is reporting that the defiant Laurie’s participation went on as planned. The DoD made excuses similar to the complaint Comment above saying “not a Pentagon event.” The response back was also similar to ours: “LGBT service members don’t need this kind of equivocation from their leaders; they need the kind of leadership Secretary Hagel promised.”

        Where is the leadership?

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