Subpoena sought to force testimony in USA from eat da poo poo Martin Ssempa

Anti-Gay Ugandan Extremist Martin Ssempa is U.S. Citizen; | Testimony Sought in U.S. Court Case

By Melanie Nathan, April 09, 2015.

ssempaThe Center for Constitutional Rights asked a court to issue a subpoena to Martin Ssempa, a prominent anti-gay crusader in Uganda, to testify in a case brought on behalf of the Ugandan LGBTI rights group Sexual Minorities Uganda against U.S.-based anti-gay extremist Scott Lively.

The Center issued the following statement on today’s motion:

“The Center for Constitutional Rights has learned that Martin Ssempa, a leading and notorious figure in the persecution of the LGBTI community in Uganda, is in fact a U.S. citizen.

Ssempa is not himself a target of the lawsuit, but as a close ally of Scott Lively he has intimate knowledge of key facts in the case. As a witness who is a U.S. citizen, he is subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S. court presiding over the case brought on behalf of Sexual Minorities Uganda against Lively for the role he has played in the persecution of LGBTI people and organizations in Uganda.”

The Center for Constitutional Rights represents Sexual Minorities Uganda in the case against Scott Lively for his efforts to strip away fundamental rights from LGBTI persons in Uganda.

Ssempa, known for his extremely graphic sexually explicit tirades against homosexuality, resides in Uganda and is married to woman whose family lives in Las Vegas.

Ssempa has often criticized the United States on social media for its support of LGBT equality and its stand against the Anti-Homosexuality Act of 2014, which has since been invalidated by the Ugandan Courts.

See Sexual Minorities Uganda v. Lively for more information.

Here are Mr. Ssempa’s options:

1) Show up and testify – that ought to be fun. I for one would give anything to a front row seat to the brilliant questions – no doubt – that will surely be lobbed at Ssempa –  he will be trapped to speak out against Scott Lively. Ssempa has a long record of rhetoric spewing hate, emails and social media bragging that will probably serve perjury if he does not tell the truth against Lively on the witness stand. Maybe he will plead the Fifth. But  knowing his trashy mouth that may be hard for him to do.

2) Don’t show up and ignore Subpoena – which will then mean a warrant for his arrest and he will have to refrain from ever visiting the USA again- where he has often enjoyed a good time with his wife, kids and inlaws in Las Vegas.

3) Relinquish his US Citizenship and not be allowed to enter the USA again.

Here is an example of the filth that spews from Ssempa – AGE DISCRETION ADVISED:

Screen Shot 2015-04-11 at 10.24.56 AM

2 thoughts on “Subpoena sought to force testimony in USA from eat da poo poo Martin Ssempa

  1. What a loony! But, we all already understand that the way people manipulate others to incite hatred & bigotry is through a smear campaign of fear and misinformation?

    What struck me, as I watched that idiotic video, was that the first thing he said was, “this is what is done *in the privacy of their own home*— and then went on to deccribe what must be his personal fantasies-unrequited- lol. Um, what part of *privacy* don’t you get?

    I mean really!- only the right-wing religious whacko’s spend such inordinate amounts of time “imaging” what other people might do in the sack? It’s a form of voyuerism, to me.
    Or, maybe Ssempa wasn’t content to “imagine”? Maybe he “partook” *for scientific purposes, naturally.* Or, maybe his missus was used as a prop- *”pretend you’re a filthy, naughty boy & I must f*ist you!”*

    Let’s face it- the guy is clearly deranged. Perhaps he yearned for, but never received, oral pleasure & he’s disgruntled? Or, he did- which means he “wasted his seed” & is forever another religious hypocrite. And his, “flock”, in that room are likewise.

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