Network for Good noted as Partner in Convicted Terrorist Rasmea Odeh’s Fundraise Plea

I wonder if the Network for Good, realizes that they have in essence partnered with an organization which uses a convicted terrorist to promote donations through its service? Network for Good is an online fundraising platform for charities and non-profit organizations. The company was founded in 2001 by America Online, Cisco Systems and Yahoo and has processed over $1 billion in donations since inception, charging between 3% to 5% transaction processing fee for donations.

Its seems that Rasmea Odeh (Rasmieh, Rasmeah) still “works” for or is “associated with” The Arab American Action Network (AAAN). On the donation page of AAAN’s website, resides a letter from Odeh, naming her associate director and dated December 18, 2o15, and for the past ten years. She is also listed as staff on the about page of the website.… More Network for Good noted as Partner in Convicted Terrorist Rasmea Odeh’s Fundraise Plea

San Francisco Pride to Hold Forum on African American LGBTQI Contributions

San Francisco Pride is pleased to announce the first in a series of forums to explore and elucidate the 2016 San Francisco Pride theme, “For Racial and Economic Justice.”

The forum, African American Contributions to LGBTQI Culture in the American Experience, will be held at 6:30 PM, immediately following the 6:00 PM San Francisco Pride monthly membership meeting, where members will vote for one of the 2016 SF Pride community grand marshals.… More San Francisco Pride to Hold Forum on African American LGBTQI Contributions

Unrepentant Convicted Palestinian Terrorist Rasmieh Odeh Plays Victim to get U.S. Citizenship

Rasmea Yousef Odeh , born 1947/1948; also known as Rasmea Yousef, Rasmieh Steve, and Rasmieh Joseph Steve) is a Palestinian woman and former United States citizen. She served as associate director at the Arab American Action Network in Chicago, Illinois.

Odeh was convicted in 1970 by an Israeli military court of involvement in fatal terrorist bombings, and in 2014 by a US federal jury of immigration fraud. Odeh was arrested in March 1969, and in 1970 was convicted and sentenced by an Israeli military court to life in prison for her involvement in two terrorist bombings in Jerusalem and involvement in an illegal organization, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).
More Unrepentant Convicted Palestinian Terrorist Rasmieh Odeh Plays Victim to get U.S. Citizenship

Equality California Endorses 10 Pro-Equality Candidates for State and Federal Office

Los Angeles — Equality California today announced the endorsements of 10 strong LGBT allies for office in Congress and the California Legislature. “These candidates represent the length and breadth of the state and come from a variety of backgrounds and experience,” said Rick Zbur, executive director of Equality California.  “However, they share a commitment to… More Equality California Endorses 10 Pro-Equality Candidates for State and Federal Office

TLDEF Urges South Dakota Governor to Veto Bill Targeting Transgender Students for Discrimination

New York, NY – The Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF) urges South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard to veto a bill that would bar transgender students from using bathrooms and locker rooms that match who they are as boys and girls. South Dakota lawmakers passed House Bill 1008 last week. The bill restricts facility access to… More TLDEF Urges South Dakota Governor to Veto Bill Targeting Transgender Students for Discrimination

Hillary Clinton’s Vote for 2007 Immigration Reform Excluded Same-Sex Couples

Hillary can bash Bernie for voting against the 2007 immigration bill — a bill that would’ve separated families, left immigrants vulnerable to deportation, and created a new class of exploited workers — if she wants. I would’ve voted against it, too. Despite how wrong it seems on the surface, Bernie did the right thing. He must’ve had his doubts at the time. He must’ve wondered if he was on the right side of justice, or if he’d just buried his long progressive record in politics. Still, that Bernie’s capable of taking an unpopular position for the right reasons says more about him than Hillary would like you to know.… More Hillary Clinton’s Vote for 2007 Immigration Reform Excluded Same-Sex Couples

Ugandan President Museveni Has Signed the Perilous Anti NGO Bill

Warning: Every organization operating in Uganda,  in association with organizations in Uganda, sending funds to Uganda, placing resources in the hands of Ugandans must re evaluate their positions considering the new NGO ACT of 2016 – or alternatively immediately support those who will challenge this law before publication and implementation.  The window of opportunity is… More Ugandan President Museveni Has Signed the Perilous Anti NGO Bill

U.N. Commander Who Tried to Stop Rwanda’s Genocide to Speak AT USF

While leading a 1993 United Nations peacekeeping mission in Rwanda, Dellaire became convinced that large-scale ethnic violence was imminent. He warned his superiors and pleaded for additional troops and ammunition, but instead, the U.N. ordered him to withdraw. Dellaire believed that leaving would be immoral, and he stayed in Rwanda with around 500 troops (from the original 2,600) to protect as many people as they could. That decision is credited with saving more than 30,000 lives. Roméo Dallaire will Receive Honorary Doctorate at event which is open to the public
More U.N. Commander Who Tried to Stop Rwanda’s Genocide to Speak AT USF

Ugandan Presidential Candidate Calls Election Fraud and Sham as Dictator Museveni Declares Victory

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni’s 30-year grip on power looks set to continue, as the country’s election commission declared him the winner Saturday, with nearly twice as many votes as his closest competitor, opposition leader Kizza Besigye. Preliminary figures showed the incumbent with 62% compared to 34% for Besigye. Today I am under house arrest. My home is sealed off and I am not allowed to leave. Nobody is allowed to access my home. I am also under some kind of electronic blockade. I am unable to access any form of internet service in my house.… More Ugandan Presidential Candidate Calls Election Fraud and Sham as Dictator Museveni Declares Victory

California Legislation Introduced to Increase Transparency in Law Enforcement Records

“We are still at the back of the bus in areas of criminal justice” said Alice A. Huffman, president of the California-Hawaii State Conference of NAACP. “Every day we are still being victimized. Police misconduct and racial injustice is at an all-time high in our country and one has to wonder just what did the civil rights movement accomplish. That’s why the California-Hawaii State Conference of the NAACP stands with Senator Leno on this very timely bill to ensure that the veil of secrecy on inappropriate behavior among law enforcement personnel, who have a sworn duty to protect and serve all citizens, will be lifted.”… More California Legislation Introduced to Increase Transparency in Law Enforcement Records

Ugandan Communications Commission threaten to Arrest Citizens for using Social Media

Yesterday Ugandans went to the polls to vote in a general election for President.  In a robust campaign, where many sought change from the 30 year dictatorial reign of Yoweri Museveni, the Ugandan media outlet WBS TV published a message alleging that the Ugandan Communications Commission (UCC) is threatening to arrest those people for treason,… More Ugandan Communications Commission threaten to Arrest Citizens for using Social Media

GSA Day for Racial Justice

LGBTQ youth are taking action today–GSA Day for Racial Justice–to fight for our future and celebrate the multiple identities we hold. GSA Day for Racial Justice is more than just a day of action. It has become a movement of LGBT youth who are fighting to end state violence against black lives, who educate each other on sexual health and wellness, and who understand that gender is a social construct that limits people in all races and ethnicities.… More GSA Day for Racial Justice

Sacramento Equality Awards to Honor Members of the LGBT Community

Sacramento – Equality California will honor Assemblymember Rich Gordon, Mario Guerrero of SEIU, Executive Secretary to Governor Brown Nancy McFadden, and Dana Williamson, former cabinet secretary to Governor Brown and principal of Grace Public Affairs, for their steadfast support of the LGBT community. This year’s Sacramento Equality Awards will take place Monday, March 7, 2016 at… More Sacramento Equality Awards to Honor Members of the LGBT Community

New York Rally to Protest Transgender Attack

THE NYC SGL/LGBTQ COALITION HOLDS PRESS CONFERENCE & RALLY TO PROTEST ATTACK ON TRANSGENDER COMMUNITY LEADER WHEN: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12th – 5:30 PM WHERE: D-Train Station at West 125th Street and St. Nicholas Avenue WHY: Transgender Community Leader, NYC SGL/LGBTQ Coalition Member, and Founder and Director of Everything Transgender in New York City, Jennifer Louise Lopez, was… More New York Rally to Protest Transgender Attack

Five State Senators Kill Basic Protections for LGBT Floridians

Today five Senators killed a bill that would have provided basic protections for Floridians regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. By Melanie Nathan, Feb 09, 2016.A motion to reconsider a contentious bill banning discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people failed in a Senate panel Tuesday, signaling its virtual demise for the 2016 Legislative… More Five State Senators Kill Basic Protections for LGBT Floridians

Housing Discrimination Laws Invoked by LGBT at similar rate to POC and Women

New Study: LGBT people, people of color and women use housing non-discrimination laws at similar rates Posted by Melanie Nathan, Feb 09, 2016. LGBT people file housing discrimination complaints based on sexual orientation and gender identity as frequently as people of color and women file complaints based on race and sex, according to a new analysis… More Housing Discrimination Laws Invoked by LGBT at similar rate to POC and Women

San Francisco Pride Pink Brick Nominees Include Donald Trump

By Melanie Nathan, Feb 04, 2016. The annual San Francisco Pride Pink Brick award probably sits as a badge of honor for those in the anti-Gay world.  But one wonders how a man like Trump will spin his honor.  After all he is named alongside the luminaries of hate, and should he win, could be… More San Francisco Pride Pink Brick Nominees Include Donald Trump

Florida Historic First Hearing on LGBT Nondiscrimination

The Florida Competitive Workforce Act enjoys bipartisan support Posted by Melanie Nathan,  Feb 04, 2016. The Florida Competitive Workforce Act (HB 45/SB 120) will be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee next Monday, February 8th at 1:30 PM. The meeting will be held in Room 110 of the Senate Office Building.  “This is a huge… More Florida Historic First Hearing on LGBT Nondiscrimination

Creating Change 2016 Articles in Review and Thanks

Following Articles were written this past week by Melanie Nathan covering the Anti-Israel and anti-Semitic events that occurred at Creating Change 2016. #CC16 – Followed by other links to excellent articles by others. “#CC16 Coverage -I want to thank all those who donated to O-BLOG-DEE by subscribing, this past week, unsolicited, some of whom mentioned… More Creating Change 2016 Articles in Review and Thanks

FL House Committee to Vote on Bill Could Lead to ​Extreme Anti-LGBT Legislation

Senate Judiciary Committee has stated support for expanding the bill Posted by Melanie Nathan, February 03, 2016. The dangerous and so-called Pastor Protection Act (HB 43/SB 110) is scheduled for its last vote before reaching the House Floor in the House Judiciary Committee tomorrow morning at 9:00a.m. The bill passed through its first Senate committee… More FL House Committee to Vote on Bill Could Lead to ​Extreme Anti-LGBT Legislation

Is Hatem Abuddayeh Intersecting at Creating Change 2016

Hatem Abudayyeh has been with the Arab American Action Network (AAAN) since 1999, and was appointed Executive Director in 2003. The son of Palestinian immigrants who themselves were leaders in Chicago’s Arab community, Hatem was born in Chicago. Back in 2010 the FBI raided the home of Hatem Abudayeh, in connection with a terrorism investigation at Creating Change 2016… More Is Hatem Abuddayeh Intersecting at Creating Change 2016