13537741_10209328713390171_8282725518331626905_nRESIST TRUMP Page will reflect musings, news, commentary, and #RESIST actions, daily on Donald Trump, and the debacle called his United States presidency:  Please like and follow our dedicated Facebook page at CLICK HERE

February 20, 2017:
Melanie Nathan:  Those feelings are back: As I watch the British Parliament debate Trump’s visit to the UK, prompted by the 1.8 million signatures to protest his visit, I am reminded of how it used to feel as a white South African traveling abroad during Apartheid. I was NOT PROUD of my country and it was always assumed that I shared those hideous sentiments of our SA government- which of course I did not! It was not a good feeling! I am also reminded of the Mandela quote pertaining to full inclusion of ALL people in SA at the end of Apartheid – asserting that …. ‘Never, never, never again will South Africa be the skunk of the world.’ Yes being American is starting to feel kinda skunky – we must, must, must #RESIST

February 20, 2017:
Melanie Nathan: #CNN Reports via #SWEDEN ‘s police reports for the night of Trump’s reference to the horrible incident in Sweden: A car chase with a drunk driver possibly an immigrant – Ah AND “there was an incident of a moose getting very intimate with a wooden moose.” Trump says he based his (mooseshit?) accusation on a FOX report about refugee impact on crime. How can he scream FAKE NEWS when he relies on IT for his ‘intelligence’ – and I use the word intelligence in every sense of the word!