By Melanie Nathan, April 13, 2015. A famous Jamaican Reggae artist is begging for a visa so he can come back to the United States. Yes, America is a fine place to make money for recording and performing artists. But should we support hate with our U.S. dollars? As Americans we should be standing behind […]

Call to Kill Obama draws a fine line between inciting violence and free speech
“Blessed be Facebook – indeed they look on stripping “drag queens” of free speech to pseudonyms and fostering presidential assassination verbiage! By Melanie Nathan, October 01, 2014. Some countries have laws that imprison people who incite death, especially when the call to murder is directed at a President. The U.S.A. holds on tight to First […]

Important Queer and Trans Art Exhibit at Wits
Queer and Trans Art-iculations: Collaborative Art for Social Change | Zanele Muholi and Gabrielle Le Roux Posted by Melanie Nathan, January, 23, 2014. The Wits Art Museum, ( The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa) in partnership with Wits Centre for Diversity Studies and Inkanyiso, is proud to announce the exhibition Queer and Trans Art-iculations: Collaborative […]

Belize gay hate emerges in the form of hanging effigy
By Cathy Kristofferson, July 11, 2013 LGBT rights issues have been boiling over for a while in Belize. Caleb Orozco of the The United Belize Advocacy Movement (UNIBAM) pursued a constitutional challenge of the country’s Section 53 anti-sodomy law, which we covered here on OBLOGDEE in May (see links below). Shortly after that court case, the […]
MORMON CHURCH WITH CALIFORNIA FPPC BASED ON LEAKED CHURCH DOCUMENTS –ALLEGES CHURCH SET UP ILLEGAL “FRONT GROUP” To thnk that my family’s life has been detrimentally impacted by the Mormon Church in this Country that separates Church from State- albeit indirect this Church is tax exempt ……………….. I do not belief that PROP 8 would have passed had the California voters known that all those adds were funded by the MORMAN CHURCH, via Utah….read on and please comment