From Torment to Tyranny 162 Incidents of known persecutory actions targeting LGBT Ugandans, reported between December and May, 2014, indicating an enormous rise in state sponsored persecution of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Ugandans, proving absolutely that the impact of Uganda’s newly enacted Anti-Homosexuality Act is causing grave life threatening injustices. This has been exacerbated […]

Tragic Outcomes likely as Uganda May Refuse Bail on Gay-Sex Charges
By Melanie Nathan, April 24, 2014. Please read Colin Stewart’s article at 76 Crimes- about the men who are accused of homosexual relations and are not getting bail in Uganda. The complexity of surety bail can be noted. While the courts may have been willing to grant bail under the old Penal Codes, it is […]

Not yet signed the Ugandan President Juggles the Anti-Homosexuality Ball
By Melanie Nathan, February 23, 2014. The Anti-Homosexuality Bill passed the Ugandan parliament on December 20, 2013. Although the Washington Blade and others report that the Anti-Homosexuality Bill has been signed, sources from the State House in Uganda inform us is that it has yet to be signed by president Museveni. The Anti-Homosexuality Bill of […]

Shanah Tovah to the organizations who love and support LGBT
By Melanie Nathan, September 04, 2013. Rosh Hashana, (“Head of the Year”,) which begins at sundown this evening, ushers in ten days of Jewish soul-searching, known as the “Days of Awe.” It ends with the “closing of the gates” on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Consider giving. This two-day holiday begins on 1 Tishrei, […]