Defending the Gay Family at Installtion of San Francisco Archbishop Cordileone

Anti-gay Catholic Archbishop Cordileone Installed amidst noisy protests

By Melanie Nathan, Oct 05,2012.

Melanie Nathan, protesting under the anti-gay sign by supporters of Cordileone. Screenshot from Photo by Kristina Lapinski

Oakland Bishop Salvatore Cordileone was one of the major voices in the campaign to pass the discriminatory Proposition 8 in California. He is the head of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Committee for the Defense of Marriage, whose purpose has been to “defend” marriage from inclusion of loving and committed gay couples. He is not only a man of the cloth as he boasts a connection to radical-right political partners such as the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) and Focus on the Family. The Catholic Bishops have also provided testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee urging Congress to exclude binational same-sex couples from their rights to green cards.

While  Cordileone swished his way into St. Mary’s Cathedral to be installed as the new San Francisco Archbishop, gay activists stood on a cool Geary side-walk and roared for equality.

Dozens of San Francisco police circled St. Mary’s Cathedral, as roaring Blue Angel Jets took wing between city buildings.  I wondered who out-maneuvered who?

The elaborate figure stepped out of the limousine and onto the concourse below the cathedral entrance. He swaggered toward the lofty doors, so tawdrily adorned in bright red shining gold cloak, covered in jewels.  A long line of hapless homeless flanked an adjacent soup kitchen.

Nonetheless, for me, the most profound out-maneuver is the one where our right to equal treatment under the  civil law is usurped by the likes of Cordileone, who attacks LGBT parity in the name of his religion.

A great insult directed by the Pope to Gay San Franciscans, a society that strives for inclusiveness –

Read more about the swish and swagger from my article at GAY U.S.A. the Movie and Blog

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