Istanbul LGBT Pride success in wake of Taksim Gezi Park uprising

By Cathy Kristofferson, June 30, 2013 Thousands of gay rights activists were joined by Gezi Park demonstrators as they marched in the 11th annual Istanbul Pride March along the iconic İstiklal Avenue. The violence from the Taksim Gezi Park uprising seemed poised to threaten the parade in Istanbul today and for weeks police & security… More Istanbul LGBT Pride success in wake of Taksim Gezi Park uprising

Making Love a Crime

Report by Amnesty International | Criminalization of Same-Sex Conduct in Sub-Saharan Africa June 28, 2013 This report provides an analysis of the legal environment and wider context of human rights violations against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) individuals in sub-Saharan Africa. Recent years have seen increasing reports of people being harassed, marginalized, discriminated… More Making Love a Crime

Violent Arrests at pro-Gay Rally in Russia

Clashes lead to arrests and detentions at St. Petersburg “Ravnopraviye” Pride Event By Cathy Kristofferson, June 29, 2013 Today in St. Petersburg, Russia pro-and anti-gay supporters clashed at a gay pride event organized by “Ravnopraviye” (Equal Rights.) The event had been sanctioned by the authorities.  The rally-march was organized to protest recent legislation banning “promotion of non-traditional… More Violent Arrests at pro-Gay Rally in Russia

President Obama to enagage youth all around Africa from a Soweto Campus

Vision for Africa | President Obama will engage with young African leaders from across the continent in a live broadcast event from the University of Johannesburg’s Soweto Campus in South Africa. By Melanie Nathan, June 28, 2013. President Obama is on his way to Johannesburg, on his tour of Africa. The University of Johannesburg’s (UJ)… More President Obama to enagage youth all around Africa from a Soweto Campus

UN High Commissioner Condemns Nigeria’s pending anti-gay law

By Cathy Kristofferson, June 28, 2013 Today, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, condemned the so-called same-sex marriage prohibition bill just passed by the Nigerian Parliament last month.  The bill, which in reality has more to do with criminalizing homosexuality rather than stopping same gender marriages in a country where homosexual acts are… More UN High Commissioner Condemns Nigeria’s pending anti-gay law

Same gender couples risking arrest apply for Marriage Licenses in Russia

by Cathy Kristofferson, June 28, 2013 Today 5 same-gender couples applied for marriage licenses in the registry office in the Admiralty Side, a district of St. Petersburg, Russia.  Officials at the registry explained that the licenses are only intended for couples of opposite gender and sent them on their way.  This is a bold move in… More Same gender couples risking arrest apply for Marriage Licenses in Russia

GAY U.S.A. Marriage Equality Decision Day articles

By Melanie Nathan, June 27, 2013. Yesterday was an historic day for gay Americans when the Supreme Court of the United States gave tens of thousands of already married same-sex couples in a growing list of states equal access to all benefits that the federal  government provides for those who are wed.  A closely divided Supreme Court… More GAY U.S.A. Marriage Equality Decision Day articles

Obama clashes with Senegal President over gay rights

 By Melanie Nathan, June 27, 2013. President Barack Obama on Thursday praised the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage as a “victory for American democracy” and even called the Prop 8 and DOMA Plaintiff’s to congratulate them while he was on board Air Force One heading out to Africa.  However AP has reported that his… More Obama clashes with Senegal President over gay rights

President Obama Must Speak for Gay Rights in Africa

By Cathy Kristofferson, June 26, 2013 President Obama’s comments about LGBT equality which he made today following the Supreme Court marriage equaity rulings challenges him to “walk the walk”— while on his week-long three country tour of Africa.  Today he commented after the Supreme Court of the United States ruled DOMA unconstitutional: “We are a… More President Obama Must Speak for Gay Rights in Africa

South African Judge Chickens Out on Ruling in Fired Lesbian Pastor Case

Today Judge Veldhuizen ruled- or should we say barely ruled  in the case of fired Pastor Ecclesia de Lange. See our earlier articles here. The lesbian minister who was fired because of her marriage to another woman has lost her court battle to be reinstated by the Methodist Church, but the case has been reverted… More South African Judge Chickens Out on Ruling in Fired Lesbian Pastor Case

Rubio staffer tries to have GetEQUAL DREAMer deported

Rubio staffer told the police officers in the room that one of the people in the room “is here illegally.” By Cathy Kristofferson, June 25, 2013 Today during the GetEQUAL action Senator Rubio’s (R-FL) Tampa office, a Rubio senior staffer – his Regional Director – tried to have GetEQUAL’s Co-Director Felipe Sousa-Rodriguez deported.  The Rubio staffer… More Rubio staffer tries to have GetEQUAL DREAMer deported

Breaking GetEQUAL Activists Arrested protesting at Marco Rubio’s Office

By Melanie Nathan, June 25, 2013. Three members of GetEqual were arrested an hour ago in a GetEQqual protest action Marco Rubio’s office in Tampa where they protested to draw attention to his antiquated and anti-gay stances on immigration reform and employment discrimination. Those participating in the action and arrested we believe are Barb GetEqual… More Breaking GetEQUAL Activists Arrested protesting at Marco Rubio’s Office

Binational same-sex couples hard hit by SCOTUS wait

UPDATE: SCOTUS announced remaining decisions including marriage equality will be released tomorrow – Wednesday. By Melanie Nathan, June 25, 2013. Every moment counts for those who have not held a partner close – in some cases for years – as SCOTUS has yet to deliver its decision on marriage equality. Today binational same-sex couples are… More Binational same-sex couples hard hit by SCOTUS wait

U.S. Activists protest RESISTANBUL at Turkish Embassy in Washington D.C.

By Cathy Kristofferson, June 24, 2013 Last night a coalition of U.S. activists answered the call to action made by LGBT activists in Istanbul Turkey. The activists determined to help raise awareness about the Turkish government’s brutality and threatened suppression of Turkey’s Pride march, held a light panel protest in front of the Turkish Embassy… More U.S. Activists protest RESISTANBUL at Turkish Embassy in Washington D.C.

Uganda’s Parliament reconvenes to a clogged house including anti-gay Bill

By Melanie Nathan, June 24, 2013. The Ugandan Parliament’s legislators are about to reconvene. The Daily Monitor, has reported that as the Ugandan Parliament will have to deal with a “clogged agenda” in the House. There are many issues waiting to be considered, including the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which has been lingering in Parliament over the… More Uganda’s Parliament reconvenes to a clogged house including anti-gay Bill

Mandela Critical

Posted by Melanie Nathan, June 23, 2013. Nelson Mandela’s health has deteriorated and he is now in critical condition, the South African government said Sunday. The office of President Jacob Zuma said in a statement that he had visited the 94-year-old anti-apartheid leader at a hospital Sunday evening and was informed by the medical team… More Mandela Critical

Aunt’s same-sex wedding song going viral

 What If We Are Just Like You?/Shannon’s and Lisa’s marriage equality Song by Melanie Nathan, June 22, 2013. Sherri Gray, “straight but not narrow,” shares her love – she wrote this song for niece Shannon and her fiancée, Lisa, a same-sex couple who are getting married this summer. “I wrote this song about equal rights… More Aunt’s same-sex wedding song going viral

Thousands March in Istanbul Trans Pride Parade

By Cathy Kristofferson, June 23, 2013 Even though Turkish security forces yesterday unleashed water cannons to break up a peaceful march in commemoration of those who were killed in the recent Turkish uprising, by all accounts available, Istanbul’s Trans Pride Parade today continued unaffected and was a huge success! There had been a lot of… More Thousands March in Istanbul Trans Pride Parade

Exodus International gone but Ex-Gay impact continues

By Cathy Kristofferson, June 22, 2013 Friday morning I received email from a local LGBT activist who is also an ex-gay survivor that read “I am literally crying with happiness.”  The same day I saw a blog post by anti-gay “pray-the-gay-away” promoter Scott Lively proclaiming “Alan Chambers goes back to Egypt”.  Both of these are, of… More Exodus International gone but Ex-Gay impact continues

Join the Moscow Virtual Pride March beat the 100 year ban

SAY NYET! TO THE LAWS FORBIDDING PRIDE IN RUSSIA. Join the March from anywhere in the world #virtualpride By Cathy Kristofferson, June 22, 2013 OBLOGDEE has posted about the current wave of extremist homophobia in Russia resulting in anti-gays laws such as the so called  ‘promotion’ laws  and the bill to ban adoption of Russian… More Join the Moscow Virtual Pride March beat the 100 year ban

South African Lesbian photographer’s big ask of Norway’s Crown Princess

Please tell other Monarchs, especially in Africa, that being gay is OKAY By Melanie Nathan, June 21, 2013 The Crown Princess of Norway, Her Royal Highness Mette-Marit, met famed South African photographer, filmmaker and LGBTI activist Zanele Muholi recently at an exhibition of Muholi’s work in Norway. The event took place last night at the Kunstplass… More South African Lesbian photographer’s big ask of Norway’s Crown Princess

Resistanbul – Call to actions from Istanbul LGBT Pride

By Cathy Kristofferson, June 20, 2013 Turkish LGBT rights activists and organizations in Istanbul have posted requesting our support and solidarity.  We have previously blogged about their threatened Pride Parade here on OBLOGDEE. Now due to the Taksim Gezi Park actions and resulting police crackdowns both their June 23rd Trans Pride March and the  June 30th LGBT Pride March… More Resistanbul – Call to actions from Istanbul LGBT Pride

Justice delayed as reparative death camp killer has unpaid legal fees

By Melanie Nathan, June 19, 2013. Today, in Vereeniging, South Africa, the ongoing murder trial of the owner of Echo Wild Game Ranger Camp, Alex de Koker, 49, and his co-accused, Michael Erasmus (20) was postponed yet again,  due to the accused murderer’s inability to pay his legal fees resulting in the withdrawal of his… More Justice delayed as reparative death camp killer has unpaid legal fees

Trevor Project to mark 15th Anniversary by ringing opening NYSE bell

By Melanie Nathan, June 19, 2013. The Trevor Project, the leading national organization providing crisis intervention to LGBTQ youth, will ring the bell at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on Thursday, June 20th.  The organization celebrates its 15th “birthday” this August and will premiere its latest public service announcement, “Ask For Help,” at NYSE.… More Trevor Project to mark 15th Anniversary by ringing opening NYSE bell

One Hundredth Anniversary of South Africa’s Native Land Act of 1913

And then Hello Apartheid…. By Melanie Nathan, June 19, 2013. June 19th 2013 is the 100th anniversary of the now defunct Natives Land Act, 1913 (subsequently renamed Bantu Land Act, 1913 and Black Land Act, 1913; Act No. 27 of 1913) which was an act of the Parliament of South Africa aimed at regulating the… More One Hundredth Anniversary of South Africa’s Native Land Act of 1913

Call to Boycott Olympics in homophobic Russia reminds of Apartheid South Africa

“If they feel strongly about human rights they should boycott the Olympics in Sochi.” By Cathy Kristofferson, June 18, 2013 RUSA LGBT, a Russian-Speaking American LGBTQ group in New York City, is calling for a boycott of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. The lower house of the Russian Duma  last week unanimously passed their… More Call to Boycott Olympics in homophobic Russia reminds of Apartheid South Africa