Breaking Ugandan Activist Attacked by Mob taken to Intensive Care

By Melanie Nathan, November 28, 2014. A Ugandan human rights defender and activist known in the LGBT community has been brutally attacked today by a mob and rushed to a Kampala emergency hospital. After a loss of blood, from what seems like multiple injuries, including a badly injured eye, Kelly Mukwano, was administered first aid, … More Breaking Ugandan Activist Attacked by Mob taken to Intensive Care

Gay Refugee Couple from Uganda Land Safely in Canada

A Thanksgiving story – with a special thanks to those who contributed to the Relief Fund that has helped many survive unspeakable hardship By Melanie Nathan, November 26, 2014. Its been a long hard road for Kayizzi Joseph Kizito and his partner of one and half years, Rashid, a young gay couple from Uganda, who… More Gay Refugee Couple from Uganda Land Safely in Canada

Generals Call on Military to Comply with DOD Transgender Rules

Retired General and Flag Officers Call on Military Services to Comply with Recent Department Of Defense Rules Affecting Transgender Personnel Posted by Melanie Nathan, November 26, 2014. Lieutenant General Claudia Kennedy, Major General Vance Coleman, and Rear Admiral Jamie Barnett, issued a joint statement today to accompany a new report showing that the Army, Air… More Generals Call on Military to Comply with DOD Transgender Rules

Gay Men from The Gambia on the Run with No Help

“Quite frankly I am sick of hearing how ‘upset’ everyone is about this new law, while doing absolutely nothing to help our fellow LGBTI in The Gambia” By Melanie Nathan, November 26, 2014. While Gay people from The Gmabia are on the run, the U.S. State Department on Monday condemned the decision by Gambia’s president… More Gay Men from The Gambia on the Run with No Help

Rapist and Murderer of South African Lesbian Sentenced

By Melanie Nathan, November 25, 2014. The South African Palm Ridge Magistrate’s Court has sentenced the brutal rapist and murderer of 26-year-old lesbian Duduzile Zozo.  Lekgoa Lesley Motleleng, who pleaded guilty to the rape and murder of the young lesbian, will spend 30 years in prison. The half-naked body of  was found in Thokoza, Ekurhuleni,… More Rapist and Murderer of South African Lesbian Sentenced

New York High Court Allows Retrial in Killing of Transgender Woman

Retrial on Hate Crime Charge in Killing of Lateisha Green Overturns Prior Conviction for Manslaughter As a Hate Crime as Inconsistent | Onondaga County District Attorney Can Resubmit Hate Crime Charge to Grand Jury for Retrial Posted by Melanie Nathan, November 24, 2014. New York, NY – The Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF)… More New York High Court Allows Retrial in Killing of Transgender Woman

African LGBTI Group a first to Protest at The Hague

By Melanie Nathan, November 24, 2014. For the first time, an African LGBTI group will stage a demonstration at The Hague in the Netherlands, to draw attention to complaints arising out of how the Netherlands Immigration authorities treat the claims of  LGBTI Africans seeking asylum in that country. Out and Proud Diamond Group, an LGBT… More African LGBTI Group a first to Protest at The Hague

Ugandan LGBTI Human Rights Violations Report Released

Posted by Melanie Nathan,  21st November 2014, The Civil Society Coalition on Human Rights and Constitutional Law (CSCHRCL), Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF), Rainbow Health Foundation (RHF), and Support Initiative for Persons with Congenital Disorders (SIPD) released a report on violations based on Sex Determination, Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation (SDGISO) (SOGI) .… More Ugandan LGBTI Human Rights Violations Report Released

LGBT Organizations Should Not Criticize Obama’s Immigration Move

A Statement on President Obama’s Immigration Announcement November 20, 2014, addressed to the  LGBT community of activists and organizations. By Melanie Nathan, of Private Courts, Inc. Conflict Resolution & Human Rights Advocacy [email protected] Dear LGBTI Activists, Advocates and Organizations, Now that the dust is settling I want to again applaud President Barack Obama for his… More LGBT Organizations Should Not Criticize Obama’s Immigration Move

Inside the gay and transgender wing at the Los Angeles County jail

Transgender Remembrance Day By Melanie Nathan, November, 20, 2014. Today is Transgender Remembrance Day. It is the day we come together to remember violence perpetrated against the transgender community, so many brutally beaten, murdered and persecuted out of hate and fear of a difference which people do not understand. The latter no excuse, and a… More Inside the gay and transgender wing at the Los Angeles County jail

Exposing Zimbabwe’s illegal trade in life-saving AIDS drugs

Posted by Melanie Nathan, November 20, 2014. Wake Up Americans and get educated on these important human rights issues that you will not find in our USA local or national mainstream media. Thanks to SAfAIDS for the selection of important human rights stories: Exposing Zimbabwe’s illegal trade in life-saving AIDS drugs for recreational use A… More Exposing Zimbabwe’s illegal trade in life-saving AIDS drugs

Urgent Petition to Stop Deportation of Gay Man Back to Uganda

By Melanie Nathan, November, 18 2014. Jimmy Kyesswa still bears the scars of the inhumanity he suffered and it continues as he seeks asylum in the United Kingdom. This petition will be delivered to: Secretary of State, Hon Theresa May MP in the United Kingdom, thanks to the excellent work of OUT and PROUD Diamond… More Urgent Petition to Stop Deportation of Gay Man Back to Uganda

Jon Qwelane No Longer High Commissioner to Uganda

People are speculating about corruption and ineptitude in the South African Embassy in Uganda | Why is High Commissioner seat in Uganda Vacant? By Melanie Nathan, November 17, 2014. Following the story in South African press that Jon Qwelane is back in Court, I noted terminology referring to Mr. Qwelane as the “former high commissioner”… More Jon Qwelane No Longer High Commissioner to Uganda

Homophobic South African Ex Ambassador to Uganda Back in Court

Why is Qwelane no longer Ambassador to Uganda – why the secrecy? By Melanie Nathan, November 14, 2014. While the Johannesburg High Court must decide whether the Jon Qwelane’s hate speech case and a constitutional challenge to the Equality Act are closely linked enough so that the Court can hear both cases as one, it… More Homophobic South African Ex Ambassador to Uganda Back in Court

Human Rights News You Will Not See in U.S. Press

Indian women die, seriously injured, after mass sterilization drive   Human Rights, Sexuality and HIV/AIDS news making the headlines that you probably will not read anywhere in the USA news – with thanks to the good people at SAfAIDS for their “Zero Tolerance for Homophobia” campaign: Being a sex worker doesn’t give you the right… More Human Rights News You Will Not See in U.S. Press

South African Scourge Heightens with Child dragged to Death in Hijacking

Twenty years of democracy, one of the most magnificent countries in the world, is there hope? By Melanie Nathan, November 12, 2104. Below is a mere smattering of examples of recent Hijackings in South Africa. This horrific criminal behavior has been going on for the past 20 years, since the end of Apartheid. One can… More South African Scourge Heightens with Child dragged to Death in Hijacking

Uganda Proposes a Worse Anti-Gay Bill

By Melanie Nathan, November 07, 2014. The Prohibition of the Promotion of Unnatural Sexual Practices Bill of 2014 is apparently the possible new replacement for the now invalid Anti-Homosexuality Act: A committee comprising leading members of Uganda’s ruling party have prepared a new draft of legislation targeting LGBT people, according to Nicholas Opiyo, a human… More Uganda Proposes a Worse Anti-Gay Bill

ORAM’s New Uganda report on Sexual Orientation and Gender Minorities

Geneva, November 3, 2014 As Uganda debates the re-introduction of an Anti-Homosexuality Bill, ORAM publishes a comprehensive Country of Origin Report on the conditions of LGBTI individuals in the country ORAM has published an extensive report titled “Country of Origin Report: Sexual and Gender Minorities – Uganda.” The  report includes an extensive case law section,… More ORAM’s New Uganda report on Sexual Orientation and Gender Minorities

Nigerian Human Rights Activist Brings Lawsuit After Unlawful Detention

Could he have been a target because the Nigerian Court refused to nullify the new Nigerian Anti-Gay law? By Melanie Nathan, November 03, 2014. A well known Nigerian activist in the field of human rights and sexual health, who was detained without cause or charge by Nigerian police, is requesting an order of enforcement against… More Nigerian Human Rights Activist Brings Lawsuit After Unlawful Detention

LGBTI For The Record | Via Facebook Posts by Melanie Nathan | Advocacy and News

Posts – 11/2/2014 #‎LGBT‬ community – OK here comes the huge big ask, an asylum seeker is coming into San Francisco/ Bay Area/ North Bay/ East Bay – in a few days time. We plan to raise money to help with his support. However for the a month or 2 we are going to need… More LGBTI For The Record | Via Facebook Posts by Melanie Nathan | Advocacy and News