By Melanie Nathan, 02/28/2012, JOHANNESBURG -Great excitement hit the gay community in South Africa Monday, when the first ever gay Billboard went up in South Africa, near Melrose Arch on M1 South in Johannesburg. Much to the awe of the empowered LGBTI community in South Africa, the tone is set to ready the country for […]

Historic Mr Gay World Billboard Erected in Central Johannesburg
by Melanie Nathan on February 28, 2012 in Africa, Entertainment, EVENTS, FASHION, LGBT, NEWS, TOURISM, WORLD
Political Rep from Democratic Alliance Wins Mr. Gay South Africa
by Melanie Nathan on November 27, 2011 in Africa, CULTURE, LGBT, NEWS, WORLD
By Melanie Nathan – 11/27/2011 JOHANNESBURG – Lance Weyer, a political representative for the Democratic Alliance from East London, won the title to Mr. Gay South Africa 2011 in Johannesburg on Saturday night. Weyer is a Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality Council member in the Eastern Cape and serves on the Health and Public Safety Standing […]
Melanie ‘s Work
Melanie Nathan, is known for her international human rights advocacy for LGBTQI asylum seekers, Uganda Kill the Gays Bill, Corrective Rape issue in South Africa, and equality activism in the USA; especially on the issue of bi-national same-sex couples struggle for green cards in the USA. Please feel free to Contact her if you have Tips, a story to tell - at [email protected] See CV at

- A letter to Homophobes Living in South Africa
- Soweto Pride 2013 defies South African Homophobia
- Mandela stands tall in Washington D.C. with 2 U.S. Congresswomen
- Scott Lively Sends Out a Hit List Targets Federal Judge and Lesbian Activist
- Scott Lively denied second Motion To Dismiss of Crimes Against Humanity charges
- Sierra Leone’s Straight Deputy Education Minister Charged with Raping Student
- Famed South African Lesbian Visual Activist to Present at Los Angeles LGBT Center
- Budapest to receive $22 million Holocaust memorial center
- Where is Outrage as Zambian Judge Orders Gay Activist Trial to Proceed
- Olympic Gold Snowboarder Denounces Russian Anti-Gay Law


- A letter to Homophobes Living in South Africa said... 8 hours ago
- Appreciating being back in the U.S.A. And despite my anger at shutdown - the embarrassment while being abroad -... said... 13 hours ago
- Imagine - we had no internet, no telephone and worse yet no GPS for a few days. How did we survive the 80's?... said... 2 days ago
- On way to Ireland.That said... 3 days ago
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