Miss Botswana Finalist Enrages Audience with Anti-Gay Answer

By Melanie Nathan, April 30, 2013. Botswana a country which, unlike many African countries which still boast old Colonial anti-gay penal codes, has shown a measure of tolerance towards its LGBT community, by not pursuing laws that could be interpreted against homosexuality.  That would account for the fact that a Miss Botswana pageant contestant enraged… More Miss Botswana Finalist Enrages Audience with Anti-Gay Answer

Oh no not another anti-gay pastor hosted by President Obama

National Day of Prayer to be headed by pastor who thinks marriage equality is a Satanic ploy… By Cathy Kristofferson, April 30, 2013 President Obama just,  just!, held a press conference where he remarked that “the LGBT community deserves full equality, not just partial equality, not just tolerance, but a recognition that they’re fully a… More Oh no not another anti-gay pastor hosted by President Obama

Anti-gay Video stoops comparing gays to adulterers to raise money for documentary

Lying to fund raise – how low can you go Janet Porter? By Melanie Nathan, April 30, 2013. Watch this video by Faith 2 Action – one of the anti-gay groups at war with the idea of equality.  In their desperate cling to bigoted ideology and a lost battle, they try and raise money for… More Anti-gay Video stoops comparing gays to adulterers to raise money for documentary

Understanding those very grave concerns about ENDA’s religious exemption

By Cathy Kristofferson, April 29, 2013 Here on this BLOG Thursday, we reported that directly preceding the introduction of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) of 2013, a press release came out expressing “very grave concerns” about the religious exemption clause contained in the Bill. The American Civil Liberties Union, Lambda Legal, the National Center for… More Understanding those very grave concerns about ENDA’s religious exemption

San Francisco to protest Pride’s cancellation of Bradley Manning honor

By Melanie Nathan, April 28, 2013. San Francisco, CA – Gay activists have called a protest against the San Francisco Pride Committee for withdrawing of Bradley Manning as an honorary Grand Marshal for this year’s Pride. Bradley Manning, widely known to be gay, had been selected to be one of the Grand Marshals of the… More San Francisco to protest Pride’s cancellation of Bradley Manning honor

NOM outraged by David Boies giving commencement speech at NYU

“How would you feel if your own college graduation ceremony was being used as a same-sex marriage publicity stunt?” NOM By Melanie Nathan, April 26, 2013. Guess who I got this news from – I mean the news that David Boies is giving the Commencement speech at NYU?  I got the news on my feed… More NOM outraged by David Boies giving commencement speech at NYU

Exploitation of binational same-sex couples continues as Immigration Equality continues to fund raise on the back of its failure

The group raised $1,765,000 in 2011 of which $1,131,220 was used for salaries and compensation, and increased employees to 20 for what? By Melanie Nathan, April 26, 2013. Immigration Equality has failed binational same-sex couples and is now scrambling to stay relevant, with the audacity to create a exploitative lobby event, all leading of course… More Exploitation of binational same-sex couples continues as Immigration Equality continues to fund raise on the back of its failure

South African lesbian community mourns another brutal township murder

By Melanie Nathan, April 26, 2013. In the very week when the South African LGBT community paid tribute in KwaThema to comrades fallen in violent homophobic attacks, and called for justice in the 2 year unsolved murder of Noxolo Nogwaza, another lesbian was murdered in Daveyton*, a nearby Township. The body of Patricia Mashego, 36, … More South African lesbian community mourns another brutal township murder

Man up or die | murders of effeminate teens at South African Ranger Training Camp

Were they murdered for being gay? A picture of a beaten dying teen, a picture of a Nazi-like flag – and in between a Game Ranger Camp to make “Moffies” into men By Melanie Nathan . April 25, 2013. Look at this photograph and imagine a 15 year old effeminate teen being sent” by his mother… More Man up or die | murders of effeminate teens at South African Ranger Training Camp

Nice Jewish Girls

First Published on September 2, 2010. By Rachel Wahba; September 01, 2010 Yes we were; nice Jewish lesbian feminist girls and we made a book. The first one of its kind – decades ago and it is still being used in Women’s Studies classes, to this day!  And now, the Union of Orthodox Rabbis is… More Nice Jewish Girls

Illinois LGBT community urgent call to counter the radical rights efforts to kill marriage equality

SB 10 Marriage equality in Illinois By Melanie Nathan, April, 25, 2013. On February 14, the Illinois State Senate voted to pass the legalization of marriage equality (IL SB10) bill, entitled the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act, by a 34-21-2-2 score in favor of marriage equality. The vote is one step closer to making… More Illinois LGBT community urgent call to counter the radical rights efforts to kill marriage equality

Gays and Workers Protest Beverley Hills Hotel

UNITE and LGBT Activists Unite | “THIS HOTEL IS OWNED BY HOMOPHOBES” By Melanie Nathan, April 25, 2013. Back in February, we reported that gay rights activists pledged a boycott of the Beverly Hills Hotel, citing the hotel owner’s state-sponsored homophobia. The hotel is owned by the nation of Brunei, a country in South East… More Gays and Workers Protest Beverley Hills Hotel

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2013 will be introduced with problems

Employment protections bill introduced for the 20th time… but will expanded religious exemptions doom ENDA before it’s even reintroduced? By Cathy Kristofferson, April 25, 2013 The 2013 version of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) will be introduced into Congress today by Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) in the Senate and Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) in the… More The Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2013 will be introduced with problems

John Paulk’s crushing blow to Ex-Gay movement calls for religious right to make amends

By Melanie Nathan, April 24, 2013. It was indeed another crushing blow for the mythological story that the religious right has been touting, as poster child of ex-gay therapy John Paulk comes out as persona non-ex-gay, and apologizes for his years of misrepresentation. But not all may be quite so forgiving, as his apology and… More John Paulk’s crushing blow to Ex-Gay movement calls for religious right to make amends

Fallen lesbians and gays remembered amidst calls for justice

By Melanie Nathan, April 24, 2013. Today, April  24, on the two year anniversary of the brutal rape and murder of 24 year old  LGBT activist, Noxolo Nogwaza,  a day of remembrance was held at Ekhaya Center (PicknPay), Kwa-Thema, a short distance from where Noxolo’s body was found, while activists called on the South African… More Fallen lesbians and gays remembered amidst calls for justice

NOM’s new “Right to Refuse Service” campaign harkens to pre-Civil Rights days

And you thought refusal of service ended in 1964 with the Civil Rights Act… By Cathy Kristofferson, April 23, 2013 In Massachusetts one of the legislative campaigns we are working on is the Act Relative to Equal Access in Hospitals, Public Transportation, Nursing Homes, Supermarkets, Retail Establishments, and all other places open to the public.… More NOM’s new “Right to Refuse Service” campaign harkens to pre-Civil Rights days

And still no justice for lesbian Noxolo Nogwaza | let the world remember with a call for action

Please show solidarity on April 24th with Tweets and Facebook messages for Noxolo By Melanie Nathan, April 22, 2013 April 24, 2013 marks the two year anniversary of the brutal death of Noxolo Nogwaza.  In 2011, twenty-four year old Noxolo Nogwaza,  a South African lesbian and LGBT rights activist, the organizer of the Ekurhuleni Pride… More And still no justice for lesbian Noxolo Nogwaza | let the world remember with a call for action

Zambian Justice Minister seeks to justify persecution of gays

By Melanie Nathan, April 22, 2013. After the recent reports about anti-gay surge in Zambia with the unlawful detention of a well known HIV/AIDS activist, Paul Kasonkomona, after he was picked up for speaking about LGBT issues on a radio show,  and the further reports that gay Zambians have gone into a hiding due to… More Zambian Justice Minister seeks to justify persecution of gays

Judge rules lesbian binational couple can challenge DOMA

By Melanie Nathan, April 21, 2013. In a case filed by  Los Angeles-based Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law, a Judge has ruled that a lesbian couple facing immigration discrimination has the legal standing to challenge the federal Defense of Marriage Act, otherwise known as DOMA, because it violates the constitutional rights of immigrants… More Judge rules lesbian binational couple can challenge DOMA

U.S. Fordham and University of Pretoria formalize exchange of students

Editor’s Post, April 21, 2013. Fordham and the University of Pretoria formalized their relationship with a memorandum of understanding that allows for the exchange of students and faculty, joint research, and the exchange of scientific and educational literature, the universities have announced. Stephen Freedman, Ph.D., provost and professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at Fordham,… More U.S. Fordham and University of Pretoria formalize exchange of students

WND promoting anti-gay Scott Lively’s revisionist Pink Swastika and the call to kill gays

By Melanie Nathan, April 20, 2013. The News Publication, WND, with an extreme right wing slant describes itself on its about page as  “an independent news company dedicated to uncompromising journalism, seeking truth and justice and revitalizing the role of the free press as a guardian of liberty.” And continues to note: “We remain faithful… More WND promoting anti-gay Scott Lively’s revisionist Pink Swastika and the call to kill gays

Immigration Equality begs on backs of binationals | Failed strategy has its remedy in death of DOMA

Begging for money to fund a failed strategy for immigration inclusiveness is a waste of time, money and resources | It is too late because even if UAFA is included in CIR, it will be the demise of DOMA that get binational spouses their green cards. Immigration Equality has always described itself as the preeminent… More Immigration Equality begs on backs of binationals | Failed strategy has its remedy in death of DOMA

Boston Marathon Bombing 2 Perspectives Enemy Combatant or Murderous Criminal

By Melanie Nathan, April 20, 2013. After a 102 hour manhunt ending in the backyard of a Watertown residence, the capture of the Boston Marathon Bomber, yields many questions yet to be answered and  charged still to be filed.  Here are 2 of many Statements circulating in social media today commenting on the judicial process… More Boston Marathon Bombing 2 Perspectives Enemy Combatant or Murderous Criminal

Ghana’s press vilify students in mass expulsions for forming of LGBT support group

By Melanie Nathan, April 19, 2013. Two reports have appeared out of Ghana, using the usual anti-gay rhetoric to describe the mass expulsion of students from local schools.  Falsely blaming recruitment, the expelled were likely forming support groups. The reports reads: “19 ‘homosexual’ students of Opoku Ware SHS sacked Date Posted: April 15, 2013: 19:55… More Ghana’s press vilify students in mass expulsions for forming of LGBT support group

What do we call Christians who call for death of Gays in the name of the Bible?

By Melanie Nathan, April 18, 2013. Well there are many of these types of people. I could write for a month pointing out their sites, Facebook pages, and the vitriol of the minority  that seems to be increasing as we achieve more and more progress toward equality. These people hate and they shoot their venom… More What do we call Christians who call for death of Gays in the name of the Bible?

Gay Professor Murdered in Norwood | Carl Mischke More than just another number

By Melanie Nathan, April 18, 2013. Prof C Mischke, Faculty of Law, Department of Mercantil, University of Johannesburg An accomplished Professor of law, Carl Mischke, was brutally murdered this week in Norwood, a suburb of Johannesburg where I spent my teens.  Like me he too was a member of the Johannesburg’s LGBTI community and also… More Gay Professor Murdered in Norwood | Carl Mischke More than just another number

Trial date set for 3 Accused in Murder of South African Gay Man

As more killings of Gay men continue to plague the area By Melanie Nathan, April 18, 2013 Three men, believed to be part of a gang targeting gay men in a series of murders were arrested, charged and now a trial date has been set in the murder of gay man Barney van Heerden, from… More Trial date set for 3 Accused in Murder of South African Gay Man

Gay Professor Ninth Victim of South African Serial Murders of Gay Men

By Melanie Nathan, April 18, 2013. Norwood – South African press is reporting that  a University of Johannesburg professor of law, might be the ninth victim in a series of serial murders of gay men. The latest victim is Dr Carl Mischke, 47, whose body was discovered on Monday morning, laying on his bed, face… More Gay Professor Ninth Victim of South African Serial Murders of Gay Men