By melanie Nathan, Nov 17, 2013. We all know that cashing in can be a lucrative enterprise for those who have declared war on marriage equality in the United States. National Organization for Marriage (NOM) under the leadership of Brian Brown, in the footsteps of Maggie Gallagher, is one such organization. Rights Equal Rights (RER), under […]
Tag Archives: Fred Karger

NOM Exposed | Time to Kill their Anti-Gay Press
NOM is currently being investigated by the State of Maine with regards to possible campaign finance violations, resulting in the revelation of documents they attempted to keep from the public eye. But now they have been exposed!
Fred Karger Republican Presidential Candidate Fights for ENDA
By Melanie Nathan, Dec 02, 2011 Yesterday, Fred Karger launched his issues campaign. It was my pleasure to write an article for the Advocate that posted at the moment of Karger’s launch. While still a staunch Democrat and supporter of President Obama, I believe that I am still obligated to provide Fred Karger, the first […]