Haiti Israelis First on the Scene and Immediately Effective

The Israelis never cease to amaze me.

Not only do they carry so much inventive brain power but they have the guts and energy to show up. When they show up they know exactly what they are doing and they do it well.    Arriving first into Haiti and able to roll a fully operative ER room – right off the plane, their expert surgeons began the humongous task of taking care of the injured.

No other Country not even USA was able to be so prompt and organized.  The Pharma Company TEVA donated $7 million dollars of Pharma and medical products.  They are now offering to take as many of the estimated 30,000 young orphans into loving adoptive Israeli Families.

The Torah teaches that Tzedakah and Mitzvot are paramount to the function of a Jewish person and the Jewish People be it Diaspora or Israel have always heeded the call.

Todah Raba, Israel!   B’Shalom,  Posted by Melanie Nathan.

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