Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill Is Back: Urging South African President Zuma to Take Lead

Breaking News – Uganda’s Kill the Gays Bill Back in Parliament for discussion

By Melanie Nathan October 25, 2011

“President Zuma of South Africa must take a leadership role in the decriminalization of Homosexuality in Africa, and more specifically he must speak out vehemently against the Kill the Gays Bill of Uganda, before its too late.  

If the Zuma appointed Ambassador Jon Qwelane, a Court proven ‘homophobe,’  is unable to speak up about South Africa’s values, evidenced by SA’s  fully inclusive post-apartheid constitution,  then he ought not be in the position of Ambassador to Uganda.
Melanie Nathan, GAY USA the BLOG-

Giles Muhame, the controversial editor of the Rolling Stone Magazine Uganda, which outed murdered Ugandan Gay  activist, David Kato and other gay men in Uganda, by publishing their faces on the front cover of the tabloid with a header “hang them” reports to GAY USA the Blog that the controversial Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009, otherwise known as Kill the Gays Bill,  will return to Parliament for discussion, ending widely publicized speculation that a Cabinet Sub-Committee had buried it. Proposed by Ndorwa West MP David Bahati, the bill seeks to criminalize aggravated homosexuality with convicts facing a death sentence.

Muhame wrote to Melanie Nathan of Gay USA reporting this news one hour ago, today:

Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga today said if Parliament is interested in saving 8th Parliament Bills, so be it. “The reports of the 8th parliament will be used as working documents and the committees will re-handle the Bills, if the Parliament agrees that we save them,” Kadaga said.

The motion to return the Bills was moved by Lt Col Sara Mpabwa today. “I am moving a motion to save the Bills left un- debated by the Eighth Parliament,” she said. The motion was seconded by MP Crispus Ayena.

Read More about the Breaking News-


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