South African Ambassador to Uganda Jon Qwelane Hate Speech Trial Goes to High Court

By Melanie Nathan, August 30, 2012. Jon Qwelane,  the homophobic journalist who was appointed by President Jacob Zuma as the South African Ambassador to Uganda in exchange for political favors,  and to escape prosecution for hate speech, successfully pleaded that the Equality Court in the Johannesburg Magistrates’ Court did not have the jurisdiction to hear… More South African Ambassador to Uganda Jon Qwelane Hate Speech Trial Goes to High Court

Gay Flag of South Africa and ANC Hold Historic Public Meeting to Condemn Homophobia in SA

By Melanie Nathan, August 30, 2012. An historic public meeting took place Thursday between the South African majority party, the ANC and the Gay Flag of South Africa (GFSA) an NPO to condemn recent homophobic violence against the LGBTI community in South Africa, as well as the anti-gay commentary by Traditional leaders who are reviewing… More Gay Flag of South Africa and ANC Hold Historic Public Meeting to Condemn Homophobia in SA

South African Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng Threatens Freedom of Speech

“Every South African who is aggrieved about something has the right to say what he wants ..that’s also politicians… but I will not hesitate to confront anybody who actually does something that poses a threat to the independence of the judiciary,”  By Melanie Nathan, August 29, 2012. The socially conservative Chief Justice of the South… More South African Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng Threatens Freedom of Speech

Romney’s Boldfaced Lies

By Melanie Nathan, August 27, 2012. Lawrence O’Donnell talks with author/professor (& former Labor Secretary) Robert Reich & Jared Bernstein about the GOP/Romney-Ryan’s deliberate & endless LIES about Medicare & Welfare reform. If you’ve already heard their endless, silly lies – Skip it!   If you don’t believe it watch it!  It fascinates me that they… More Romney’s Boldfaced Lies

Occupy Oakland Protests South African Mine Massacre

PETITION: Tell Lonmin to meet workers demands for higher wages and better living conditions! See below to link. Posted by Melanie Nathan, August 24, 2012. PFA Evening News Anchor Cameron Jones:Yesterday evening, in Oakland’s Oscar Grant Plaza, the gathering place of Occupy Oakland, several hundred people rallied in solidarity with South African miners, more than… More Occupy Oakland Protests South African Mine Massacre

South African Pastor Blames Mine Massacre on Gays

Errol Naidoo’s blame on gays will not fall well! By Melanie Nathan, August 22, 2012 A conservative Christian minister in South Africa has taken a leaf out of the book of U.S. deceased Evangelical Jerry Falwell and  blamed the horrific massacre of South African Miners by police witnessed last week at the Marikana platinum mine… More South African Pastor Blames Mine Massacre on Gays

Human Rights Watch Reports Ugandan Government’s Increasing Harassment of LGBT NGO’s

BY MELANIE NATHAN, AUGUST 21, 2012. In a report released today, Human Rights watch (HRW) asserts that research and advocacy organizations in Uganda which deal with controversial topics are facing increasing harassment by Uganda’s government. Groups have recently faced forced closure of meetings, threats, harassment, arrest, and punitive bureaucratic interference. The 50-page report, “Curtailing Criticism:… More Human Rights Watch Reports Ugandan Government’s Increasing Harassment of LGBT NGO’s

The Cameroons Celebrates Gay Hate Day While the World Watches Silently

Imagine a world where there is such little outcry internationally, …I think it is time for the West to take a stronger stand and in doing so to open its borders to a whole new breed of  refugee.  By Melanie Nathan, August 21, 2012. Today is ‘Gay Hate Day’  in Cameroon, where homosexuality is criminalized… More The Cameroons Celebrates Gay Hate Day While the World Watches Silently

Celebrating Bayard Rustin with Author of “I Must Resist” Michael Long

By Melanie Nathan, August 18, 2012. The Bayard Rustin LGBT Coalition, Alice B. Toklas Democratic Club, City Lights Booksellers, and Atlas Leadership Strategies will all be  co-sponsoring an evening with Michael Long, author of “I Must Resist: Bayard Rustin’s Life in Letters” at the Commonwealth Club San Francisco on August 21.This special gathering marks the… More Celebrating Bayard Rustin with Author of “I Must Resist” Michael Long

My Tweet Conversation with Anonymous About Hacking Uganda Government for Gays

The Western Evangelicals brought the Gay hate and the West brings the Hacking protests making Anonymous synonymous with the Evangelicals who caused the gays harm in the first place By Melanie Nathan, August 17, 2012 Pinkk @Ninj4 joined in justifying the  hacking of Uganda’s Government sites, for the group of loosely connected hackers who call… More My Tweet Conversation with Anonymous About Hacking Uganda Government for Gays

Uganda Gay LGBT Groups Vehemently Condemn the Anonymous Hack of Ugandan Government Sites

Sexual Minorities Uganda condemns the hacking of Uganda government website By Melanie Nathan,August 17,  2012 When I heard ANONYMOUS had hacked the Ugandan Government websites I was shocked and disappointed. For a good few reasons, including the fact that Anonymous used a photo I had obtained the right to use for an article in the… More Uganda Gay LGBT Groups Vehemently Condemn the Anonymous Hack of Ugandan Government Sites

Watch Shocking South African Police Massacre of Miners 34 Dead

Watch Video: Caution Extremely Violent By Melanie Nathan, August 17, 2012. Tragedy struck at a Marikana mine in South Africa this week. No it did not cave in and no miners were not trapped underground. The miners were protesting. Singing and chanting, armed with machetes and sticks in war dance fashion.  The South African police… More Watch Shocking South African Police Massacre of Miners 34 Dead

Uganda’s Civil Society Coalition on Human Rights Slams Minister of Ethics Lokodo for Attacks on Gays

“Until such time as Ethics & Integrity are defined in our Constitution, and the role of the Minister can therefore be properly understood and interpreted, we call for the removal of this Ministry  By Melanie Nathan, August 17, 2012. Uganda’s Civil Society Coalition on Human Rights & Constitutional Law (CSCHRCL) which was  was  honored By… More Uganda’s Civil Society Coalition on Human Rights Slams Minister of Ethics Lokodo for Attacks on Gays

Video Sexual Abuse of Girls Ignored while Ugandan Government Attacks Gays Instead of Heterosexual Pedophiles

By Melanie Nathan, August 15, 2012. They came to Uganda to preach against homosexuality; the American Evangelical Christians, exporting hate. And they succeeded in influencing legislators to come up with a Bill that has been introduced several times into the Ugandan Parliament, where it continues to languish, known as the Anti-Homosexuality or Kill the Gays… More Video Sexual Abuse of Girls Ignored while Ugandan Government Attacks Gays Instead of Heterosexual Pedophiles

Anonymous Hacks Ugandan Government in Support of Gay Pride but Uses Harmful Photo

Activists Question Motives and More harm than good? Anonymous used Photos from My Advocate Article that can hurt the gay man depicted. By Melanie Nathan, August 15, 2012 Ugandan government websites hacked and defaced include the official website of the Office of the Prime Minister. The following is an excerpt from a message posted to… More Anonymous Hacks Ugandan Government in Support of Gay Pride but Uses Harmful Photo

Watch Ugandan Gay Activist Frank Mugisha Debate Gay- Hating Evangelical Scott Lively

By Melanie Nathan, August 13, 2012. This must watch Video depicts Frank Mugishu , the renowned  LGBTI activist and Executive Director of SMUG, from Uganda, debating Scott Lively on The Stream, moderated by Lisa Fletch. Scott Lively is the Evangelical American Minister who is accused by Mugishu and other Ugandans in a lawsuit by the… More Watch Ugandan Gay Activist Frank Mugisha Debate Gay- Hating Evangelical Scott Lively

Celibate Ugandan Minister of Ethics Simon Lokodo Attempts to Justify Gay Arrests

The Cherubs protest so loudly they can hardly wait for that echo “….I am not gay!” But they will kill you if YOU are – either drive gay youth to suicide or find a law to hang gays! By Melanie Nathan, August 13, 2012. A photographer from the United Kingdom, Rachel Adams, recently got together… More Celibate Ugandan Minister of Ethics Simon Lokodo Attempts to Justify Gay Arrests

Zimbabwe Gays Beaten and Detained by Police

Violence by Police as they dragged  LGBTI people out of organizations offices. By Melanie Nathan, August 13, 2012. Forty four Gays and Lesbians from Zimbabwe, all GALZ members, were arrested yesterday at the GALZ office soon after the launch of the “GALZ Violations Report and Briefing of the second draft Zimbabwe Constitution.” Thirty one men… More Zimbabwe Gays Beaten and Detained by Police

Military Newspaper Rejects Lesbian Deployment Kiss

by Melanie Nathan, August 11, 2012. This photo depicts two women kissing goodbye, prior to a deployment to Afghanistan. The soldier who took the photograph submitted it for publication during Pride time to a military newspaper but was refused permission to use the picture in the article. The picture was apparently rejected  because it shows… More Military Newspaper Rejects Lesbian Deployment Kiss

Watch Obama Campaign Video about the Romney Ryan Go Backward Team

Melanie Nathan, August 11, 2012 Watch the Video where the Obama campaign spells out the Mitt Romney Ryan ticket and what it means to the vulnerable in America.  According to David Axelrod – “If their records are any indication of how they’d govern, it’s not looking good (unless you’re a right-wing conservative in the top… More Watch Obama Campaign Video about the Romney Ryan Go Backward Team

Gay Republicans Commit Equality Suicide with Pride over Romney’s Ryan Pick

“I am disgusted by any Gay person who by their promotion for GOP votes condones the race baiter NOM Pledge” Melanie Nathan By Melanie Nathan, August 11, 2012. In an anomaly that defies reconciliation, Gay Republicans of the GOProud and Log Cabin creed, have praised the Romney choice for VP, asserting that the Paul Ryan… More Gay Republicans Commit Equality Suicide with Pride over Romney’s Ryan Pick

Trial Begins in Ex Lesbian Lisa Miller Child Abduction Case against Accomplice Kenneth Miller

Supporters of the accused – call case the “evil Agenda of LGBT advocacy groups “BY PARTICIPATING IN THIS FIGHT AGAINST THE EVIL AGENDA OF HOMOSEXUAL ADVOCACY GROUPS WHO ARE TRYING TO DESTROY GOD’S PERFECT DESIGN FOR THE FAMILY: MARRIAGE=ONE MAN/ONE WOMAN!” Melanie Nathan, August 09, 2012 Jury selection is to begin Tuesday in the criminal… More Trial Begins in Ex Lesbian Lisa Miller Child Abduction Case against Accomplice Kenneth Miller

Hate Speech as Ugandan Minister Onek Vows to Kill NGO’s that Help Gays

By Melanie Nathan August 08,2012. Watch Ugandan media and officials describe homosexuality as decadence, while  Minister Onek vows to clamp down  on all non profit organizations that he says hide this promotion of decadence behind so called “human rights.”   The ministry has decided it will conduct checks on all NGO’s looking “for suspected culprits.” The… More Hate Speech as Ugandan Minister Onek Vows to Kill NGO’s that Help Gays

U.S. Secretary Hillary Clinton Pays Tribute to Ugandan Gay Rights Defenders

By Melanie Nathan, August 04, 2012, “I’m well aware that you do your work often amidst difficult, even dangerous circumstances. I know that some of your lives have been threatened, your friends and families intimidated. But I want you to know that the United States is and will be your partner.” Hillary Clinton United States… More U.S. Secretary Hillary Clinton Pays Tribute to Ugandan Gay Rights Defenders

Ugandan Police Raid Beach Pride Party Arrest LGBT Activists

Yet Activists pull off historic pride event! Melanie Nathan, August 4, 2012 For several weeks  and with great excitement Ugandan LGBT activists have been building a Beach Pride event. The idea was to celebrate with friends and to hold a private party for those who wanted to attend. Activists kept the Pride event under wraps… More Ugandan Police Raid Beach Pride Party Arrest LGBT Activists

Celebrating the Launch of Nelson Mandela HIV/AIDS Medallions in the United States

South African Gold Coin Exchange, (SAGCE) August 03, 2012 This week, in conjunction with a launch event hosted by The South African Consul General in New York, the South African Gold Coin Exchange  (SAGCE) introduced the first ever Nelson Mandela gold and silver Medallions into the United States Market. The special release, launched to commemorate… More Celebrating the Launch of Nelson Mandela HIV/AIDS Medallions in the United States