Ugandan Hang The Gays Giles Muhame OUTED in HAX

Shows How easily someone can be set up under the Anti-Homosexuality Bill

By Melanie Nathan, December 03, 2012, 3:37 AM PST

ID-prtected-Ugandan-rolling-stone-paper-486x400Now while I am not for OUTING in general,  Giles Mumame, the editor of the now defunct Rolling Stone Tabloid and the new online publication CHIMP Reports, has come out on Birds Eye dating service as seeking men. Or has he? Well maybe not. In a revenge moment  a pro-Equality and revenge seeking Tweeter , DomainerV2, of Anonymous ilk found his/her way into the Muhame account and this was the result.

Using language typical of Muhame, who had outed 100 gay men and women “homos” in his 2010 publication Rolling Stone, next to hangman’s noose, saying “Hang them,”  –   describes himself as a “good Christian faggot in  need of a reaming.”   Now DomainV2 Anonymous admits the HAX.

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@DomianerAnon and I had entered into a Tweet conversation after DomainerV2 tweeted that Muhame was one of the causes of gay persecution in Uganda.  I informed DomainerV2 that Muhame had failed to report on the international protests against the Kill the Gays Bill in his Ugandan online publication.  Muhame, who had told me he wanted to apologize to the gays of Uganda, and has yet to do so,  was warned via the tweets that he should report the international protests against Uganda and it was intimated to him that if he did not do so, he may find himself the target of a revenge attack.

Screen Shot 2012-12-03 at 7.49.38 AMNow it would seem that Giles Muhame himself has become a form of protest against the Bill at the hands of Anonymous as one can see how easy it is to set anyone up as being gay and here it was done via Muhame’s own personal singles dating account.

Muhame reacted by taking down CHIMP Reports an hour ago for so called maintenance, probably fearing an Anonymous hack.  In the meantime @DomainerANON seems to have succeeded in the HAX below – one which Muhame, though fore warned was not expecting.- AH revenge is sweet.

What is more important about  this HAX is that it  indicates how easily people can be set up to seem to be GAY and outed in revenge attacks and witch hunts. This indicates the stupidity and danger of  of the Kill the Gays Bill as anyone can be outed as GAY.  Imagine if the Bill were to pass tomorrow and Giles Muhame’s Bird Eye Ug became his arrest calling card.
Kudos to Anonymous for making this important point, Here is the HAX-

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4 Comments on “Ugandan Hang The Gays Giles Muhame OUTED in HAX”

  1. Tracy December 3, 2012 at 7:28 AM #

    Thank you Melanie- for pointing out just what can happen if someone more technologically-inclined decides to implement a snafu to an internet-visible acct.

    I’d like to say, that what was done to “hack” this person’s account is not complicated. Attempts to “lock-down” online persona’s are pretty futile if someone is after you (gov’ts get hacked, after all). It’s the “explaining” later that kind of pins you as “guilty”, in the eyes of the horrific & backwards Ugandan gov’t’s view.

    Really. Uganda is a beautiful place with a beautiful mix of people of all types. Why is the gov’t ruining everything?

    So sad, and so horrible of the President to allow & to push hate. It’s 2012, not 1812.


  1. Ugandan Hang The Gays Giles Muhame OUTED in HAX | O-blog-dee-o-blog-da « The Pink Agendist - December 3, 2012

    […] Ugandan Hang The Gays Giles Muhame OUTED in HAX | O-blog-dee-o-blog-da. […]

  2. Ugandan Kill the Gays Bill Drops to Second Place With Death Still an Option | O-blog-dee-o-blog-da - December 6, 2012

    […] Ugandan Hang The Gays Giles Muhame OUTED in HAX ( […]

  3. Kill The Gays Bill slips off Ugandan Parliament Agenda in Favor of Presidential Speech | O-blog-dee-o-blog-da - December 13, 2012

    […] Ugandan Hang The Gays Giles Muhame OUTED in HAX ( […]

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