Palm Center and ACLU Host Convening on Lessons Learned from Transgender Service in Foreign Militaries Posted by Melanie Nathan, October 20, 2014. WASHINGTON, DC – Currently serving transgender service members from five of the 18 foreign militaries that allow transgender service today gathered alongside U.S. service members in Washington D.C. The gathering, Perspectives on Transgender Military Service […]
Federal Court’s refusal of benefits in Employee Plan shows why religious exemption hurts ENDA
Federal Court Rejects Discrimination Claim Against Catholic Hospital’s Refusal to Cover Same-Sex Spouse Under Employee Benefit Plan and ENDA is in danger Why I am calling on Freedom to Marry, NCLR, Lambda Legal, GLAAD, ACLU, Transgender Law Center, GetEQUAL to thwart the HRC push for Senate’s ENDA By Melanie Nathan, May 07, 2014. Although both […]
ACLU challenging NC ban on same-sex marriages
Posted by Melanie Nathan, July 09, 2013. Today the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the ACLU of North Carolina Legal Foundation (ACLU-NCLF) announced plans to challenge North Carolina’s ban on marriage for same-sex couples by amending a federal lawsuit filed against the state last year on behalf of six same-sex couples and their children […]
Unprecedented Ruling on Immigrants’ Right | Freedom from Arbitrary Detention
Posted by Melanie Nathan, January 20, 2012 District Court Rules that “Arriving Aliens” May Not Be Subjected to Prolonged Detention Without a Hearing To Determine Whether Detention Is Justified SAN DIEGO — A district court today ruled that the Department of Homeland Security may not detain an immigrant for a prolonged period without proving that […]
ACLU Sues: Abusive Treatment Of Transgender Asylum Seeker in U.S.A.
by Melanie Nathan, Dec 11, 2011 Paul Canning from the United Kingdom has reported to O- Blog-dee O-Blog-da about a recent ACLU lawsuit:- The appalling treatment of a transgender asylum seeker held in US detention has drawn a lawsuit from the ACLU. The suit is against the federal government, local government and Corrections Corporation of […]