Palm Center and ACLU Host Convening on Lessons Learned from Transgender Service in Foreign Militaries Posted by Melanie Nathan, October 20, 2014. WASHINGTON, DC – Currently serving transgender service members from five of the 18 foreign militaries that allow transgender service today gathered alongside U.S. service members in Washington D.C. The gathering, Perspectives on Transgender Military Service […]
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Swedish Authorities Complicit in Persecuting LGBT Uganda by Refusing Workshop Visa
Sweden and other allies have a duty to act and not just talk – you need to practice what you preach , says Bob Bwana By Melanie Nathan, May 04, 2014. LGBT activists are very upset about the denial by Sweden of a visa to a Ugandan human rights defender. It is being reported from […]

Protest Against Anti-Gay Laws by Ugandan Kuchus and Exiled African Gays in Sweden
By Melanie Nathan, February 18, 2014. Today about 50 people, from various African countries, together with allies, gathered in Sergel’s Square in Stockholm, Sweden, to protest the LGBT situation in Africa. In true African style, a protest, though sad and serious, brought people out in dance and song. This information was shared with Oblogdee by […]