Human Rights Campaign Dinner 25th July 2009 San Francisco

 Quote: Human Rights Campaign, San Francisco Steering Committee:- 

“As we know from this past year’s roller coaster fight over marriage rights, our community needs a powerful voice and leaders who can harness the momentum that is building so that we can all share in the progress that we have long waited for. Listen to members of this year’s Gala Dinner Committee discuss what Power in Progress means to them.”

 Melanie Nathan, Jay Mercado, Joriene, Jashley, Shirley TanI know that this fundraiser was set before April of this year – and plans were made prior to the recent historic boost  to UAFA (Uniting American Families Act) -However, due to the enormity and the historic  significance I have found it odd in the light of the theme for this year that HRC did not find a way to include what follows in the Power for Progress theme – If ever I saw Power in Progress  it is here and it is still history in the making.   To miss at the very least a mention of this and its significance is not only a slap in the face to the players and courageous victims, but also a significant loss to the issue of immigration equality, whether this is HRC prime issue or not.


Senator Barbara Boxer and the Tan -Mercado Family

What specifically am I speaking about:-

1.  Senator Feinstein introduced a Private Bill (#867) for our California bi-national couple – Shirley Tan and Jay Mercado, with California immigration and LGBT activist Melanie Nathan at the helm of multiple organization support and the  effective use of the media. This saved Shirley from imminent deportation and she is now able to remain at home with her wife and their twin boys.  Now she awaits passage of UAFA with thousands of others, some of whom are exiled from their own Country and led to:-

2. Shirley Tan from  Pacifica courageously gave oral testimony in D.C. at the invitation of Senator Leahy to the Senate Judiciary Committee on June 3rd, 2009.  She was introduced by CA Congresswoman Jackie Speier who lent incredible support to the efforts.  Shirley will also give evidence to State Assembly for a Resolution authored by Rep. Kevin de Leon in August this year. 

3. The video Testimony of Ms. Tan has been viewed on You Tube 28,000 + times – This was picked up by thousands of outlets, through Associated Press, Internationally. People Magazine (40 Million readership) Article by Susan Young, New York Times (June 3rd), San Francisco Chronicle, SacBee and Mercury News – all unique Articles; Local and national network prime time news Cable Chanels – Filippino Mainstream news- Chagmion Antoine Interview on LOGO.  6a00d8341c2ca253ef0115700ef365970b

4. There are at least 36,000 bi-national couples impacted by the progress of this legislation.

5. In the light of last years controversy I sense this may reflect somewhat on the “all rich white male” critique applied to that boycott!

6. Remember raising money is ALL in the stories!

I think this is an issue that HRC must ackowledge in some way at the gala. 
UCSF TALK IMMIGRATION PANEL.jpg extra copy.jpgmel headshotIf anyone from  HRC reads this they may contact Melanie Nathan at

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2 Comments on “Human Rights Campaign Dinner 25th July 2009 San Francisco”

  1. meghan July 17, 2009 at 4:13 PM #


    UAFA is an issue that needs to be revolved in the Congress. HRC is committed to using the right methods, to work with partners and to get UAFA to the desk of the president for signature. HRC’s objective is to get UAFA included in Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR). It will not move on its own and CIR may or may not happen this Congress. I think they will make an attempt to do it, but whether there will be a law at the end of the day, not clear. And do we get UAFA included in CIR? We’re going to try as hard as we can.

    There are many important LGBT issues seeking legislation in the 111th; S.909 (Hate Crimes), HR3017 Inclusive ENDA, Repeal of DADT, Repeal of DOMA, and the overall legal solutions that we need to the 1,138 inequalities at the federal level that we face today.

    In sum, HRC is busy working on issues, come join us at the fundraiser, find me, and lets talk.

    Meghan Stabler

    (The above is my personal comment and in no way reflects an authorized statement from HRC)

  2. oblogdeeoblogda July 18, 2009 at 8:45 AM #

    Thanks Meghan for the response. I noticed that Rep Jerold Nadler and Mike Honda have now been added to the agenda. I am really happy that you have decided to give LGBT Immigration some attention at the gala. Did you read my newest article dated today on UAFA and CIR- ? I am not sure I can make the fundraiser but am open to a time when we can indeed talk, Melanie

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