San Francisco LGBT Violence Prevention Assessment Report Released

By Melanie Nathan, February 10, 2015.

Today the San Francisco LGBT Community Center, The San Francisco Human Rights Commission and Learning for Action have participated  in the release of San Francisco’s first ever LGBTQI Violence Prevention Needs Assessment. This report details how members of the San Francisco LGBTQI community experience violence and the availability of resources.

The report emerges in a context of well publicized cases of violence, including most recently the murder of Taja Gabrielle de Jesus.

Despite the city’s standing as the geographic heart of the American LGBTQI movement, San Francisco and the Bay Area is not immune to homophobia, transphobia and other forms of discrimination that exist today.

“Historically, there has been very little data collected on our community,” said Rebecca Rolfe, Executive Director of the SF LGBT Center. “The report gives us a deeper lens on what’s actually happening and how we can effectively address it.”

Please read the full report here. 

Today, the Center and other members of TAJA’s Coalition invite the community to participate in an event to demand an end to the systemic violence targeting trans* communities. Information can be found here.


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