By Melanie Nathan, July 03, 2014.After over a year of unjust postponements, bail refusals and time spent in jail, waiting for trial, a Zambian magistrate has finally acquitted two men charged with having sexual relations “against the order of nature.” The two men were arrested after being reported to the police by one of Mubiana’s […]

Case Against Zambians Accused of Homosexuality Postponed Yet Again
The fault of indisposed Magistrate By Melanie Nathan, June 25, 2014. Philip Mubiana, a hair dresser, and his alleged partner James Mwape, a brick-layer, have been held without bail in Zambia for well over a year, while their case has been stalled at the dilatory hand of the State. How many times can a magistrate […]

Zambian Gay Trial Continues as Medical Sodomy Witnesses Fail to Testify
Human Rights Infractions Threaten Lives of Two 21 year old Men Perceived as Gay Couple By Melanie Nathan, September 01, 2013. For almost five months, two young men have been languishing in an overcrowded and disease ridden Zambian jail, and while a Magistrate keeps them incarcerated with little evidence to an alleged crime, witnesses fail […]

Public Booted from Trial of Accused Zambian Gay Couple
Inaccurate media reports could be exacerbated by privacy of trial, while Magistrate ‘s call for closed trial may evidence prejudice during time when Zambian Government calls to hunt down gays, By Melanie Nathan, June 11, 2013. Please note update (6/12/) below, where Magistrate denies trial is being heard in camera and accuses a Reporter of […]

Zambia and Ethiopia are the ‘next Uganda’
Anti-gay sentiment increases after the export of more Western Evangelical hate By Cathy Kristofferson Zambia and Ethiopia appear poised to be the next ‘Kill the Gays’ countries. Is that really something nations should aspire to? Melanie Nathan has documented the current struggles in Zambia here on OBLOGDEE , from the arrest of HIV/AIDS rights activist […]

Defiant Zambian Home Affairs Minister Compares Gays to Dogs
By Melanie Nathan, May 10, 2013. Responding to Amnesty International’s call for the release of two young Zambian men detained in deplorable conditions, accused of sodomy as being “against the order of nature,” and for being a gay couple, the Zambian Home Affairs Deputy Minister, Nixson Chilangwa, has defiantly indicated that Zambia will not abide […]

Zambia detains alleged gay couple in deplorable conditions
Source fears for their lives as they face stiff sentences By Melanie Nathan, May 08, 2013. Police in Kapiri Mposhi have revoked police bond for two men arrested over the weekend for engaging in homosexuality after they were found in the act again, according to reports out of Zambia. ZANIS reports that Central Province Commissioner […]

Zambia gay arrests | force medical tests for sodomy on 2 men accused of gay marriage
By Melanie Nathan, May 06, 2013. 5/7 Update: Today the couple has been re-arrested, now denied bail, and more charges added following another tip off from relatives. We wrote recently about the police hunting for “homosexuals” in Zambia. Well its seems as if neighborhoods have joined in the cry to hunt out homosexuals and turn […]