Shocking Undercover Film Shows Cameroon A Homophobic Hotbed of Arrests

Watch as Short Film Exposes Severe Abuses and A Human Rights Disgrace By Melanie Nathan, August 27, 2014. Global Rights, Partners for Justice is doing work for LGBT Human Rights in Africa, bringing into focus the plight of gay people in Cameroon: “In Africa, homosexuality is illegal in 38 of the continent’s 54 countries and… More Shocking Undercover Film Shows Cameroon A Homophobic Hotbed of Arrests

Ugandan Member of Parliament to meet for Human Rights Town Hall in San Francisco

A Courageous and Critical Meeting to help USA LGBT Community Get an Insider’s Perspective San Francisco, August 26, 2014 – The San Francisco Africa Leadership Institute (SFALI) is pleased to announce a Town Hall Forum with Ugandan Member of Parliament, the Hon. Nabilah Naggayi Sempala, to be held at The San Francisco LGBT Community Center.… More Ugandan Member of Parliament to meet for Human Rights Town Hall in San Francisco

California Governor Signs Landmark Leno Bill Addressing Smartphone Theft

Gov. Jerry Brown signed landmark legislation today addressing the growing epidemic of smartphone theft in California. SB 962, authored by Senator Mark Leno and sponsored by San Francisco District Attorney George Gascón, requires all smartphones sold in California to come pre-equipped with theft-deterring technological solutions to render the devices useless if stolen.

More California Governor Signs Landmark Leno Bill Addressing Smartphone Theft

Happy Weeding Larry Griffin-Kentzel and John Kentzel-Griffin

Did I say weeding? Oops I meant to say wedding |   I thought it would be a wonderful gesture on my part to name these two lovely people as ‘Melanie’s revered persons of the week,’ under my newly launched ha ha ha category By Melanie Nathan, August 25, 2014. The oddest thing happened. Here is… More Happy Weeding Larry Griffin-Kentzel and John Kentzel-Griffin

Award Winning Nigerian Gay Activist Speaks Out Against NGO’s

By Melanie Nathan, August 24, 2014. After persecution in Africa, Davis Mac-Iyalla, a Nigerian, sought refuge and settled in the United Kingdom. A devout Anglican Christian, he lived and worked in Nigeria until he was forced to flee in 2006. He was one of the first Nigerian gay men to come out publically and has… More Award Winning Nigerian Gay Activist Speaks Out Against NGO’s

LGBT Activists Target Democrats on Civil Rights

Queer Nation Demands Comprehensive Federal Civil Rights Legislation  Posted by Melanie Nathan, August 21, 2014. New York, NY (Aug. 21, 2014) – In its ongoing effort to pressure Congressional Democrats to advance comprehensive federal civil rights legislation that will give lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Americans the same rights and protections that all other… More LGBT Activists Target Democrats on Civil Rights

Africa Business and Human Rights

When Business Gets down to the Business of Human Rights Key Stakeholders are excluded Posted by Melanie Nathan, August 20, 2014. “At the U.S.-Africa Business Forum this month, President Barack Obama announced $33 billion in new private and government investment in sub-Saharan Africa, including new projects within Africa’s energy, aviation and construction sectors. Such robust… More Africa Business and Human Rights

Urgent Petition to Save Another Ugandan Lesbian About to be deported from United Kingdom

URGENT PETITION – See link below-  Se updated note below By Melanie Nathan, August 19, 2104. An Ugandan lesbian may be deported on Friday, unless we act fast. When Burton Youth for Christ members found out that their trusted interned employee of 10 months was a lesbian, they suddenly turned on her, fearing that she… More Urgent Petition to Save Another Ugandan Lesbian About to be deported from United Kingdom

Maxim Martsinkevich the Russian Anti-Gay Terrorist gets 5 years

By Melanie Nathan, August 18, 2014 According to LGBTQ Nation, the leader of the Russian anti-gay vigilante group “Occupy Pedophilia,” “who is alleged to have lured LGBT youth to abusive encounters through fake social media profiles, was sentenced Friday to five years in a Russian penal colony.” We had reported extensively here on OBLOGDEE about… More Maxim Martsinkevich the Russian Anti-Gay Terrorist gets 5 years

Did Archbishop Say Dont Harm Gays in Uganda for the Love of Money?

By Melanie Nathan, August 18, 2014. Whereas the churches in Uganda have helmed the battle against gays, as triggered by the shenanigans of the likes of Scott Lively, an American fringe radical right Christian pastor, who tried to re-brand Christianity for the Ugandan Christian market and other global communities, now some may be turning toward… More Did Archbishop Say Dont Harm Gays in Uganda for the Love of Money?

Operations of Anti-Gay Inter-Religious Council in Uganda Paralyzed by Withdrawal of USAID

The Inter-Religious Council of Uganda is apparently on its knees and  that could be in prayer or begging for dollars or a combo of both… By Melanie Nathan, August 18, 2014. USAID had withdrawn funding of millions of dollars for the anti-gay church organization that played a vital role in the anti homosexuality laws and… More Operations of Anti-Gay Inter-Religious Council in Uganda Paralyzed by Withdrawal of USAID

Horrific Brutal Murder of South African Lesbian

By Melanie Nathan, August 18, 2014. According to sources in South Africa and media reports another South African woman has been raped and brutally murdered in what appears to be another lesbian “corrective” rape, torture and murder. The half naked body of Gift Disebo Makau was discovered in the Tshing Township, in Ventersdorp, in the… More Horrific Brutal Murder of South African Lesbian

LGBT Activists Target Tammy Baldwin on Civil Rights

Queer Nation Demands Comprehensive Federal Civil Rights Legislation  Posted by Melanie Nathan, August 14, 2014. New York, NY (Aug. 14, 2014) – In its ongoing effort to pressure Congressional Democrats to advance comprehensive federal civil rights legislation that will give lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Americans the same rights and protections that all other… More LGBT Activists Target Tammy Baldwin on Civil Rights

A Ugandan Pastor Ssempa is Accused of Defilement of Minor

By Melanie Nathan, August 14, 2014. A man by the name of Martin Ssempa has apparently been held by police in Iganga, Uganda, accused of allegedly “defiling” a 17 year old girl in Uganda. The term defilement is used in Uganda to describe rape of a young under-age person. There are two Martin Ssempa’s (urgh… More A Ugandan Pastor Ssempa is Accused of Defilement of Minor

Uganda to Halt Court Appeal against the Ruling that the Anti-Homosexuality Act is Invalid

A new approach to a NEW Anti-Homosexuality Act (AHA) which seems to stem from the NRM and Museveni’s fear of more international reprisal and rulings of unconstitutionality. By Melanie Nathan, August 12, 2014. From what I can gather, in Uganda, the State will halt its appeal in an attempt to reverse the decision that the… More Uganda to Halt Court Appeal against the Ruling that the Anti-Homosexuality Act is Invalid

Museveni Tells Ugandan Parliament to Calm Down Over A New Anti-Homosexuality Bill

Pretends to be the By Melanie Nathan, August 12, 2014. It seems as if President Yoweri Museveni is at it again. Playing the system and being dictator all at once. For years he has had to balance his own interests against that of the country and has used the Anti-Homosexuality Bill as a tool to… More Museveni Tells Ugandan Parliament to Calm Down Over A New Anti-Homosexuality Bill

Israel Includes Same-Sex Spouses under Law of Return Immigration

By Melanie Nathan, August 12 2014, Israel has decided that the law of return includes non-Jewish same sex spouses. Directly form the Haaretz report: The Law of Return, which gives Diaspora Jews and non-Jewish family members the right to immigrate to Israel, also applies to legally married same-sex spouses, Interior Minister Gideon Sa’ar said Tuesday.… More Israel Includes Same-Sex Spouses under Law of Return Immigration

LGBT Activists Target Mark Takano on Civil Rights

Queer Nation and a bunch more of us demand Comprehensive Federal Civil Rights Legislation  New York, NY (Aug. 11, 2014) – In its ongoing effort to pressure Congressional Democrats to advance comprehensive federal civil rights legislation that will give lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Americans the same rights and protections that all other Americans… More LGBT Activists Target Mark Takano on Civil Rights

Kenya Proposes Life for Local Gays and Stoning for Foreigners

By Melanie Nathan, August 11, 2014. The Kenyan Republican Liberty Party has proposed Anti-Homosexuality legislation to stone gays to death in public or to punish with life in prison. A draft Bill has been sent to the National Assembly.  All a great irony since so many Ugandans fled to Kenya, seeking refuge with UNHCR after… More Kenya Proposes Life for Local Gays and Stoning for Foreigners

Uganda Pride And Court Appeals And Parliament And Tabloids And Here We Go Again

 I have not put up any of the numerous Pride photos sent to me this year. By Melanie Nathan, August 11, 2014. The Ugandan Constitutional Court declared the Anti-Homosexuality Act invalid, the Ugandan State launched an appeal, the Parliamentarians calling for a new Bill, and the Ugandan LGBTI community held a “post Anti-Homosexuality Act” Pride… More Uganda Pride And Court Appeals And Parliament And Tabloids And Here We Go Again

Ugandan Attorney General Appeals Anti-Homosexuality Act Court Ruling

By Melanie Nathan, August 08, 2014. The Attorney General of Uganda has filed a Notice of Appeal in an attempt to reverse the Constitutional Court of Uganda’s judgment which voided the Anti Homosexuality Act. Advocates, who won the case, and were awarded 50% of the costs and are now preparing to fight the appeal all… More Ugandan Attorney General Appeals Anti-Homosexuality Act Court Ruling

Did Yoweri Museveni Hire a US Lobby firm to Improve his Image in the West

OK LOL – seriously? Is that how dictators hold on these days?  I wonder how those poor women who have sold themselves into prostitution to feed their kids feel about THIS allocation of funds?  If I am wrong please let me know…. By Melanie Nathan, AUG 06, 2014, I have unconfirmed reports that President Yoweri… More Did Yoweri Museveni Hire a US Lobby firm to Improve his Image in the West

Official Ugandan Constitutional Court Ruling Killing the Anti-Homosexuality Act for Now

By Melanie Nathan, August 05, 2014. One can expect that if a Parliament fails to follow basic protocol and procedure and passionate local and International law experts get together using activists as Plaintiff’s, it is unlikely that the law will withstand the test of Constitutionality. That is what happened in the case of the Ugandan… More Official Ugandan Constitutional Court Ruling Killing the Anti-Homosexuality Act for Now

Activists Protest Jamaican Homophobia

First Annual International Day of Action against Jamaica’s Buggery Law –  in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom NEW YORK – On the 52nd anniversary of Jamaica’s independence from the United Kingdom, human rights activists renew their calls for the repeal of that country’s buggery law, which effectively criminalizes lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender… More Activists Protest Jamaican Homophobia

Betrayed by Obama – Museveni in OUR White House

BY MELANIE NATHAN, AUGUST 05, 2014.   BETRAYAL BY PRESIDENT OBAMA AND THE FIRST LADY! My Message to President Obama:  WTF!……. PRESIDENT Obama – I have been a huge supporter of yours. Where are your principles?  – You and the First Lady have now welcomed this gay hating corrupt dictator into OUR White House! “On… More Betrayed by Obama – Museveni in OUR White House

First Annual International Day of Action against Jamaican Homophobia

CALL TO ACTION and  ADVISORY – Activists in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom Protest Jamaica’s Buggery Law By Melanie Nathan, August 05, 2014. NEW YORK – On August 6, human rights activists from across the globe will protest against the Jamaican government’s continuing inaction on repealing the anti-LGBT buggery law. There will… More First Annual International Day of Action against Jamaican Homophobia

South African Rally for Israel Speaks Peace in Face of Years of Rising Anti-Semitism

Over 10,000 turn out for South African Rally to Support Israel Posted by Melanie Nathan, Aug 05, 104. Johannesburg – Aug 04- 2014. On Sunday, more than 12,000 South Africans, representing a broad spectrum of society, came together to stand united in solidarity with Israel, while condemning the use of terror by Hamas against the citizens of… More South African Rally for Israel Speaks Peace in Face of Years of Rising Anti-Semitism