While Mass Pardons Sought in UK, Africans are Still being Arrested Under old Penal Codes Posted by Melanie Nathan, February 2, 2015 While the United Kingdom seeks to right the wrong against homosexuals, its influence in the form of Colonial era Penal Codes, still haunt Africa. The Penal Codes serving to underpin much of the […]

Boycott Sochi Games and Stephen Fry’s compelling letter
and then have the courage of our convictions to insist “NO AMERICAN IN SOCHI” until the Russians rescind their anti-gay laws and start treating LGBTI people with the dignity they deserve. By Melanie Nathan, August 07, 2013. As soon as the Russian DUMA legislated its anti-gay Propaganda law, we here at OBLOGDEE called for an […]

Ugandan Minister of Ethics and Integrity says Men Raping Girls is Natural
Compared to being Gay in privacy of home By Melanie Nathan, May 2013. In the context of Stephen Fry, asking Ugandan Minister of Ethics and Integrity, Fr. Simon Lokodo, in a recorded interview, why Ugandans were more concerned with what gays did in the privacy of their homes rather than with the high incidence of […]

Gay Icon Stephen Fry Debates Anti-Gay Pastor on Ugandan Radio
By Melanie Nathan, Feb. 19, 2013. We wondered if Lord of Dance, British Gay Icon, Stephen Fry would speak out against the Anti-Homosexuality Bill while in Uganda to shoot for Comic Relief this week, the very same week as Parliament may hear the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which is number 1 on today’s Order Papers. Indeed he […]

Lord of Dance Gay Icon Stephen Fry visits Uganda in the same week Kill the Gays on Parliament’s Agenda
Melanie Nathan, February, 17, 2013. Thanks to Michael Petrelis it has come to my attention that British actor Stephen Fry has been tweeting about his arrival in Uganda. Fry describes himself on his Twitter accounts as “British Actor, Writer, Lord of Dance, Prince of Swimwear & Blogger – NEVER reads Direct Messages. London · http://www.stephenfry.com/ […]