Become a fan on facebook – Send President Obama a FLIP FLOP postcard

same-sex-guysAsking our PREZ not to flip flop on his promise to eradicate DOMA. Defense of Marriage Act – TIme up for  second class citizen sour tatus – the unconscienable and excruciating changes to constitutions the theft  of our inherent rights; the money that funds confusion engendered by dishonest advertisements, of the self proclaimed religious, the claimed ownership of family values.  It is simply enough.  We have had enough. So send your flip flop, meet in the middle (Fresno) send your support of UAFA to your Senator, espcially the blokes on the right. Write letters, explain to straight people what rights we are missing that they have. If you not in it yet, join join join.

Proposition 8 if not invalidated bu Courts, will create an awful and scary precedent.

Proposition 8 if not invalidated bu Courts, will create an awful and scary precedent.


flip flop    mel dor wedding photos liesbeth57

President Barack Obama 2009

President Barack Obama 2009

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