Victoria University International School of Journalism Hosts Hang the Gays Muhame

By Melanie Nathan, Oct 10, 2012
When I first read the Ugandan Rolling Stone “Hang the Gays Article” by managing editor Giles Muhame, like all in the gay world community,  I was livid and then months later, and after David Kato was murdered (following even more cruel rhetoric by Muhame in a press release issued when Muhame lost the court case where he was sued by Kato,) I  vowed I would never allow Giles Muhame to forget what he had done. 
So when Muhame tried to come to the U.S.A. for a friend’s wedding I launched a campaign to deny him a visa. 
Today Muhame sent me an e-mail boasting how he had been invited to speak at Victoria School of Journalism, where he admitted to his Rolling Stone Article as being an “irresponsible rush of adrenalin on the part of a young journalist.”   Again we take Muhame to task.

This marginalization of the impetus of his actions  infuriated me – and I noted that he has yet to apologize to the LGBTI community and all those whose lives he so dramatically harmed.  My Article showing his speech in part and criticizing him further can be read here – Ugandan Hang the Gays Giles Muhame Admits Wrong and Regret  

That said,  I am extremely saddened that he would have been invited by Alan Geere and the University of Victoria, Kampala, to give a speech at the University to Journalist student-and expressed my anger in this letter below directed at the Chancellor of the university:

Dr.  David Young
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Acting Vice-Chancellor

University of Victoria
Kampala, Uganda

Recently Alan Greene  (corrected to Alan Geere) from the Journalism Department at Victoria University invited one of the world’s most unethical and disrespected ” journalists” to lecture at your University.

Giles Muhame admitted in his opening lines  to your students to indiscretions where he in fact in his work as a “ Journalist” caused horrific harm to hundred of LGBTI Ugandans and possibly ( well documented) events leading up to the murder of renowned  gay activist David Kato. in fact he was indicted, had to pay a fine and a restraint was placed upon the publication after the damage had been done.

Giles Muhame has called for the death and public lynching of gays and lesbians in his Rolling Stone Tabloid; and your University has provided its endorsement through its unconscionable invitation.   Mr. Muhame’s self serving and disrespectful speech can be seen here:-

What the world thinks of Muhame is summed up by U.S. Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey,  in her letter to Secretary of State Hilary Clinton where she asked for the denial of a U.S. Visa to Muhame, inter alia,  as follows:: “Under Mr. Muhame’s editorship, Rolling Stone incited violence and murder against non-heterosexuals; calling for the public lynching of hundred of LGBT Ugandans, by publishing their names and faces, next to a hang man’s noose, saying “hang them. This hate filled man has fanned the flames with violence and intolerance, and is both a danger and a disgrace.”-  See the letter at 

We note you tout your University’s international standing. Unfortunately this invitation has brought your University into International disrepute.

We are demanding an apology by Mr. Geere and your University to the LGBTI and professional journalism community  for this invitation, failing which we plan to start an online Petition to disrupt funding and International recognition accorded your institution.

The speech given to your students has been used by Muhame in his capacity as Managing Director of Chimpreport, the online publication that followed his failed Tabloid, Rolling Stone,  to gain popularity for his publication.  He has used this event to shamelessly promote himself and your Institution and its Journalism department has been dragged into disrepute as a result.

Nothing Muhame says or does can restore him to journalistic integrity until such time as he apologizes publicly to the 100 gays he outed, the entire community  and makes some form of reparation to David Kato’s mother and Ugandans who had to flee Uganda as a result of the publication.

I look forward to your public statement or a letter which I would be willing to publish indicating your regret.

Thanking you for your kind attention to this disturbing matter.

Melanie Nathan

Private Courts
Mediation, Human Rights Advocacy
San Francisco, CA, USA.

cc.  State Department United States of America, Uganda desk
Edulink Holdings Ltd, Chairman.
Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, U.S.A.
Mr. Frank Mugisha, SMUG
5,000 Friends on Facebook
Editor, The Advocate Magazine
University of Buckingham, Chancellor




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  1. Ugandan Hang The Gays Giles Muhame OUTED in HAX | O-blog-dee-o-blog-da - December 3, 2012

    […] Victoria University International School of Journalism Hosts Hang the Gays Muhame ( […]

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