By Melanie Nathan, April 29, 2014. Back in 2011, when South Africa was exposed internationally for horrific amount of rapes and murders perpetrated on the lesbian community in so called “corrective” or “Curative” rape attacks, Minister Jeff Radebe was taken to task, and now some years later the climate may be set for change. This […]

Outrage at South African Government over Lesbian Murder
Heartbreaking Video expresses the scourge of Corrective Rape while the South African Task Team Sleeps By Melanie Nathan, July 07, 2013. Last week, a memorial service was held pending the funeral of a beloved lesbian from Gauteng, bringing home the horrendous truth, that “corrective rape” and violence against lesbians continues uncontrollably, despite acute awareness on […]

Call to SA Government Task Team for action on rape of lesbians
AND HOMOPHOBIC VIOLENCE | PETITION: It is time to invigorate the sleeping SA Task Task team – we must fight the violence with transparency and a plan By Melanie Nathan, May 14, 2013 Activists in South Africa are calling for immediate invigoration, transparency and action by the Task Team that was established to combat so […]
2011 Reflections- The Face of (so called) Corrective Rape in South Africa
Ndumie Funda attended to the brutally beaten Millicent Gaika and I was asked to show the world the face of so called “corrective rape” of lesbians in South Africa. I followed the story from three days after the brutal attack until the time of the court proceedings, only to witness the lack of solicitude, funding, […]