By Melanie Nathan, July 29, 2015. The Ugandan media has named the issue of homosexuality as a reason President Obama may have snubbed Uganda by not visiting that country while on his recent trip to Africa. The President visited only two countries; Ethiopia and Kenya. I think that President Obama did not overlook Uganda. I […]

Consortium Reports Violations against LGBT People in Uganda Implicating Police
By Melanie Nathan, July 23, 2015. A new revealing report on persecution and discrimination against Uganda’s LGBTI community has been released by the Consortium on Monitoring Violations Based on Sex Determination, Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation. The report refers to 89 verified documented violations in 2014 in Uganda. That was the year the Anti-Homosexuality Act […]

Anti-Gay Ugandan Human Rights Abuser Speaker Kadaga Celebrates Birthday in United States
Anti-Homosexuality Act to the floor for a vote in Uganda’s parliament when there was no quorum. This unconstitutional passage of the Act caused it to be invalidated by the Courts. an overnight spike in evictions, firings, imprisonment, assaults, rapes, blackmail – in essence a state sanctioned mass persecution of LGBT people in Uganda.

Ugandan President Museveni Receives Gay Animals Book for Xmas Present
German Dating Group Blasts the Ugandan Myth that homosexuality is unnatural By Melanie Nathan, December 24, 2014. The German online dating company has sent a book on homosexuality in animals to the president of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni. “Biological Exuberance – Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity”, which was written by the Canadian biologist Bruce Bagemihl. […]

Breaking Ugandan Activist Attacked by Mob taken to Intensive Care
By Melanie Nathan, November 28, 2014. A Ugandan human rights defender and activist known in the LGBT community has been brutally attacked today by a mob and rushed to a Kampala emergency hospital. After a loss of blood, from what seems like multiple injuries, including a badly injured eye, Kelly Mukwano, was administered first aid, […]

Amnesty Hand Delivers Human Rights Report To Ugandan PM
See Video with examples of Police and Public Violence because of Repressive Laws By Melanie Nathan, October 24, 2014. On October 16, we reported that Amnesty International concluded a report on repressive and discriminatory legislation enacted over the last 18 months in Uganda that has led to increasing state repression, violence, homophobic and gender-based discrimination. […]

LGBT Exiles Greet Museveni in London with Large Protest
By Melanie Nathan, October 20, 2014. President Yoweri Museveni was greeted in London by a large protest when he arrived to attend the Global African Investment Summit. The members of Out And Proud Diamond Group have ensured that their disapproval of the dictator’s human rights infractions are heard loud and clear. The group are amongst […]

U.S. Ambassador to Uganda Corruption is the New Aids
Corruption hurts investment By Melanie Nathan, October 02, 2014. Scott DeLisi, the American ambassador to Uganda, has urged the ruling NRM government to crack down hard on public sector corruption because it is turning away foreign investment, reprots the Ugandan Observer. Speaking at the first ‘Buy America expo’ at Sheraton hotel, DeLisi described corruption as: […]

A Ugandan Member of Parliament Visits the Castro
Bridges between San Francisco and Kampala By Melanie Nathan, September 20, 2014. On the day that the majority of Ugandan Parliamentarians signed a petition to bring back the Anti-Homosexuality Act (AHA), which had been invalidated by the court, one unexpected Member of Parliament made a disappointing about turn. Honorable Nabilah Naggayi Sempala, woman MP for […]

Texas Hotel Cancels Ugandan President Museveni for Anti-Gay Stance
By Melanie Nathan September 17,2014. The Dallas Voice is reporting that the Ugandan President, Yoweri Museveni’s hotel accommodation has been cancelled by The Four Seasons hotel. It is believed the cancellation occurred because of Museveni’s stance against gays and the possibility of planned protests. Museveni is scheduled to be in Texas this weekend of the 21st […]

Caution as Anti-Homosexuality Bill Heads Back To Ugandan Parliament
A cautious response on both sides of the issue and a member of the opposition party speaks her truth By Melanie Nathan, September 07, 2014. Members of Uganda’s Parliament have reaffirmed their commitment to pass the Anti-Homosexuality Act which was recently invalidated by the Constitutional Court on a technicality. The Act was set aside by […]

Museveni Tells Ugandan Parliament to Calm Down Over A New Anti-Homosexuality Bill
Pretends to be the By Melanie Nathan, August 12, 2014. It seems as if President Yoweri Museveni is at it again. Playing the system and being dictator all at once. For years he has had to balance his own interests against that of the country and has used the Anti-Homosexuality Bill as a tool to […]

Official Ugandan Constitutional Court Ruling Killing the Anti-Homosexuality Act for Now
By Melanie Nathan, August 05, 2014. One can expect that if a Parliament fails to follow basic protocol and procedure and passionate local and International law experts get together using activists as Plaintiff’s, it is unlikely that the law will withstand the test of Constitutionality. That is what happened in the case of the Ugandan […]

Betrayed by Obama – Museveni in OUR White House
BY MELANIE NATHAN, AUGUST 05, 2014. BETRAYAL BY PRESIDENT OBAMA AND THE FIRST LADY! My Message to President Obama: WTF!……. PRESIDENT Obama – I have been a huge supporter of yours. Where are your principles? – You and the First Lady have now welcomed this gay hating corrupt dictator into OUR White House! “On […]

Uganda Arrests under Anti-Homosexuality Legislation
By Melanie Nathan, July 09, 2014 The Ugandan press is reporting that the Police in Uganda have arrested five people suspected of so called “promotion” of the act of homosexuality. Apparently the the five were arrested during the course of a week, after a tip off by local residents, who accused the suspects of moving […]

Ugandan Government Flip-Flops Over Anti-Homosexuality Act
By Melanie Nathan, July 08, 2014. The Ugandan government issued a statement about a so called misinterpretation of the newly enacted Anti-Homosexuality Act, (see below,) which seems to suggest some back peddling from the “letter of the law.” This flip is nothing more than a flop! At the time of signing the Bill, Uganda’s Government, […]

U.S.A. to announce punitive measures for those Implementing Anti-Gay Law in Uganda
By Melanie Nathan, June 20, 2014. Word has it that later today the United States will make an a long awaited announcement of some action against Uganda for its harsh Anti-Homosexuality Act, signed into law in February by President Yoweri Museveni. The new measures against Uganda are expected to impose punishment on those implementing the […]

Ugandan Government Investigates Refugee Law Project
HERE IS AN UPDATE BY RLP: Letter to the Media; Re: Incorrect Allegations of RLP Closure by Government Dear Friends and Colleagues, Re: Incorrect Allegations of RLP Closure by Government Greetings from the Refugee Law Project (RLP). We are saddened by a number of reports in the media and social networks to the effect that […]

What we can do as dramatic increase in persecution of Ugandan Gays since Anti-Homosexuality Act
Updated 7/9/2014. This post had been removed to archives private because it is an OLD post dated May 16, 2014, and its is being misused by some as a reference for a current Relief Fund , which it is not. It referred to an older relief fund campaign which has since closed. A new relief […]

Uganda Seeks to Introduce More Anti-Gay Laws to Stop NGO Services
By Melanie Nathan, April 28, 2014. It is clear that the Ugandan government is doing everything that the Hitler Government did – that which preceded the holocaust. As if the scapegoating and Anti-Homosexuality Bill is not enough, now the Ugandan Government is looking to close loop-holes in its new already onerous law, which became law […]

Marin County Man Mounts Pride Rainbow Flag on Uganda’s Highest Peak
He braved not only the challenges of the peak, but also the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality law #prideflagatopUganda #RepealAHA By Melanie Nathan, April 24, 2014. Marin County Founder of Three Twins Ice Cream braved not only the challenges of the peak, but also the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality law while issuing a challenge to President Museveni. The police of Uganda […]

Anti-Gay Uganda’s Ambassador Partners with National Tourism Association NTA in U.S.A.
To try and attract more U.S. tourism | NTA ignores plight of LGBTI Ugandans By Melanie Nathan, April 22, 2014. Given the current state of the Anti-Homosexuality Act, and the profound anger at Uganda’s state institutionalized homophobia, causing horrific persecution of the LGBTI community in Uganda, we are shocked that the National Tour Association (NTA), […]

Ugandan Catholic Easter Message Calls for Genocide of Gays
CATHOLIC CHURCH MESSAGE IN UGANDA – blessings to all Christians who have been working so hard to make Jinja a land free of gay persons by Melanie Nathan, April 20, 2014. The Bishop of the Jinja Diocese of the Catholic Church, Bishop Rt. Rev. Fr. Charles Wamika, in today’s Easter Message delivered at St. Chalres […]

Medical Association Begs USA To Keep Funding Ugandan HIV AIDS despite Dangerous Raids
By Melanie Nathan, April 10, 2014. Michele Sidebè of UNAID warned Uganda before the enactment of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill that its policies could lead to disaster for all Ugandans when it comes to HIV/AIDS research prevention and services. We had a glimpse of the unfolding disaster last week when the Walter Reed Research project was […]

Can Someone Please Tell The Ugandans Its Impossible to Recruit Gays
BY Melanie Nathan, April 09, 2014. To Team Museveni, Bahati, Lokodo, Kedaga and the rest of you who do not understand homosexuality, and support putting gays in prison forever. PART 1 We are not soldiers. We cannot be recruited! We are human beings. We do not choose our sexual attractions. We are attracted. We cannot […]

South African President Zuma Respects Uganda’s Jail the Gays
Zuma proves that he is a homophobe, as he spits on the legacy of Madiba, and this should be his demise! By Melanie Nathan, April 09, 2014. South Africa has a Constitution that ensures equality for all, including LGBTI people. And now according to South Africa’s media, President Jacob Zuma said on Tuesday “South Africa respects […]

Ugandan President Museveni Talks Oral Sex At Anti-Gay Rally
By Melanie Nathan, April 8, 2014. The man who placed his signature to a law that will put gays and LGBTI Ugandans in jail for life, displays his ignorance by equating same-sex love with sex acts such as oral sex. And the people lapped it up! Pun intended. Museveni Signed the Anti-Homosexuality Act on Feb […]