By Melanie Nathan, September 25, 2014. Earlier this month, on her way back from attending the the Ugandan North American Association (UNAA) conference in San Diego, Hon. Nabilah Naggayi Sempala, the Ugandan Member of Parliament for Kampala, stopped over in San Francisco, to meet with Californian leaders, politicians and to participate in an interview / […]

Ugandan MP Berated by Constituents For Meeting LGBT San Francisco
THREATS to Lose Voters and Support | accused of “rubbing shoulders with fags” By Melanie Nathan, September 25, 2014. Earlier this month, on her way back from attending the the Ugandan North American Association (UNAA) conference in San Diego, Hon. Nabilah Naggayi Sempala, the Ugandan Member of Parliament for Kampala, stopped over in San Francisco, […]

A Ugandan Member of Parliament Visits the Castro
Bridges between San Francisco and Kampala By Melanie Nathan, September 20, 2014. On the day that the majority of Ugandan Parliamentarians signed a petition to bring back the Anti-Homosexuality Act (AHA), which had been invalidated by the court, one unexpected Member of Parliament made a disappointing about turn. Honorable Nabilah Naggayi Sempala, woman MP for […]

Africa’s First Openly Gay Member of Parliament
A must read interview and a testament to progress By Melanie Nathan, May 24, 2014. South Africa has just gone through an election and there is some good news for the LGBT community. Wednesday’s swearing in of the members of parliament, for South Africa’s fifth democratic Parliament, was an especially historic occasion; it featured the […]

Around the World | Eleven Most Notable Marriage Equality Moments
By Melanie Nathan, May 09, 2013. A snapshot – from around the world – and there is so much more! 1. MOST HILARIOUS – a must watch NZ MP’s hilarious gay marriage speech 2. MOST MOVING A Love Song New Zealand 3.Uruguay – can you believe it? 4. France – despite major protests and the […]

See Ugandan MP Minority Report Calling for Scrapping of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill
By Melanie Nathan, February 17, 2013. Warren Throckmorton, has published a draft copy of a Minority Report which apparently had made its way out of the Ugandan Legal Affairs and Parliamentary Committee on the Anti-homosexuality Bill. The Bill, otherwise known as The Kill the Gays Bill which had reached position number 3 last week on […]

Ugandan LGBTI Community braces as Anti-Homosexuality Bill to be Debated in Parliament Tomorrow
By Melanie Nathan, Feb 11, 2013. Ugandan LGBTI community is bracing itself for the moment that they knew would come, but hoped would not, as they report that The Anti-Homosexuality Bill, also known as the Kill the Gays Bill, is scheduled for its second debate tomorrow, in Uganda’s Parliament. This could lead to swift passage […]

Ugandan Parliament resumes with anti-gay bill 8th on Agenda
Keeping guard over the Kill the Gays Bill By Melanie Nathan, Feb. 05, 2013. By the time the Ugandan Parliament went into holiday recess at the end of last year the Anti-homosexuality bill had not yet seen passage. At that time the Bill had teetered at number one position on the Order Papers (Agenda) for […]

David Bahati lies about homosexuals recruiting kindergarten children
By Melanie Nathan, January 05, 2012. Lies can indeed be proved through impossibility. I stumbled across this report in the Ugandan press, Red Pepper Tabloid, which I previously missed. I am reporting it here because it is absolute evidence that the assertions made by David Bahati, which form the basis of his anti-gay legislation in […]

Kill the Gays Bahati implicated in possible murder of fellow MP
By Melanie Nathan, December 22, 2012. [email protected] Those of us who have kept a keen eye on Ugandan member of parliament David Bahati since 2009 when he first introduced the infamous Anti-Homosexuality Bill, otherwise known as the “Kill the Gays Bill” all believe that the man, David Bahati is quite capable of murder or that […]

Ugandan Kill the Gays Bill Drops to Second Place With Death Still an Option
By Melanie Nathan, Dec 06, 2012. Due to the death of a former MP, Uganda’s Parliament did not consider any business yesterday. Instead, and took the day for a memorial to former MP Atenyi Deo Zabasaija. Warren Throckmorton, noted that the bill might make it on the agenda Thursday, but he doubted and was correct to […]

Uganda’s Parliamentary Process | How Easy to Pass The Anti-Homosexuality Bill
As of Dec 03, 2012, this is what is left of the process needed to pass The AHB By Melanie Nathan, December 01, 2012. The Anti-Homosexuality Bill is first on the Order Papers in Uganda’s Parliament and could proceed as early as Monday December 03, 2012. How long the Bill, otherwise known as The Kill […]

Corrupt Ugandan MPs are real criminals not gays and lesbians | The case of Yokasi Bihande Bwambale
By Melanie Nathan, November 25, 2012. The west is becoming more and more aware of stories about corruption amongst Ugandan politicians. There are people in Uganda’s Parliament who are stealing from their own people. They steal at a time when many Ugandans are poor and are struggling to survive. I have reported stories on these […]

Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill on way to Parliament from Committee
Watch for protests to Start Next Week in U.S.A. By Melanie Nathan, November 23, 2012. The Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill is closer to entering the Parliament and likely to be heard next week. It has been on the Paper Orders (Agenda) for the past two days. The Bill will leave the committee and will not be […]

The Process Ugandan Parliament Needs to Pass the Anti-Homosexuality Bill
Posted by Melanie Nathan, November 21, 2012. Uganda‘s Anti-Homosexuality Bill (often called the “Kill the Gays bill” in the media)[1][2][3] is a legislative proposal that would broaden the criminalisation of same-sex relations in Uganda by dividing homosexual behavior into two categories: “aggravated homosexuality”, in which an “offender” would receive the death penalty, or “the offence […]

Ugandan Anti-Gay Pastor Says ‘Kill the Gays Bill’ will not help solve problem of homosexuality
By Melanie Nathan, November 21, 2012. Pastor Moses Solomon Male a fervent anti-gay proponent and who was found guilty of conspiring to tarnish the name of Pastor Robert Kayanja with a false sodomy charge, has argued that the Anti-HomosexualityBill is a waste of time and will not help Ugandans prevail over the problem of homosexuality, according to […]

Kuwait Police Target Transgender People with Eleven Jailed
Eleven transgender people arrested in Kuwait morality campaign -and counting, as even private parties are not safe. On 10 December 2007, the Kuwaiti parliament passed a bill proposed by Islamic MPs that amended article 198 of penal code so that anyone ‘imitating the appearance of a member of the opposite sex’ could be jailed for […]

Slaughtering Gays and Lesbians in South Africa is UN-African
A must watch moving video of South African lesbian activists calling on President Zuma to stop the slaughter By Melanie Nathan, July 05,2012. South African Traditional Leaders, under the leadership of MP Patekile Holomisa, comprised of members of Parliament and tribal chieftains, impart license to violence with their current parliamentary discussions to revoke equality and […]