SMUG v. Lively is a federal U.S.A. lawsuit , brought by The Center for Constitutional Rights under The Alien Tort Statute, on behalf of a non-profit umbrella organization for LGBTI advocacy groups in Uganda against Scott Lively, a U.S.-based anti-gay extremist, for his role in the persecution of LGBTI people in Uganda, in particular his active […]

Subpoena sought to force testimony in USA from eat da poo poo Martin Ssempa
Anti-Gay Ugandan Extremist Martin Ssempa is U.S. Citizen; | Testimony Sought in U.S. Court Case By Melanie Nathan, April 09, 2015. The Center for Constitutional Rights asked a court to issue a subpoena to Martin Ssempa, a prominent anti-gay crusader in Uganda, to testify in a case brought on behalf of the Ugandan LGBTI rights […]

Life or Death to Save Lesbian Aidah from UK Deportation to Uganda Please Sign Now
#SAVEAidah Her fast track deportation is set for mere days ahead – May 24 | we received a desperate request for help from her team here in the UK. I am meeting with them in London today. They want to hear from you NOW and there is no time to waste! UPDATED MAY 23: LAST […]

A Must See | Uganda The State of Persecution
From Torment to Tyranny 162 Incidents of known persecutory actions targeting LGBT Ugandans, reported between December and May, 2014, indicating an enormous rise in state sponsored persecution of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Ugandans, proving absolutely that the impact of Uganda’s newly enacted Anti-Homosexuality Act is causing grave life threatening injustices. This has been exacerbated […]

What we can do as dramatic increase in persecution of Ugandan Gays since Anti-Homosexuality Act
Updated 7/9/2014. This post had been removed to archives private because it is an OLD post dated May 16, 2014, and its is being misused by some as a reference for a current Relief Fund , which it is not. It referred to an older relief fund campaign which has since closed. A new relief […]

Frank Mugisha speaks about Increased Violence in Uganda due to the Anti-Gay Bill
WATCH the TV Interview with Michele Meow of Swirl below – “The most dangerous person in your life could be your next door neighbor” Mugisha By Melanie Nathan, January 29, 2014. Frank Mugisha, Executive Director of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) and the award winning LGBT human rights defender from Uganda, who together with other Ugandan […]

Defiant Ugandan LGBTI Community Vows to Fight The Anti-Gay Laws
“Finally we want to assure you that despite this setback we are not broken AND never will… We refuse to be marginalized!” By Cathy Kristofferson, December 23, 2013 Following the passage through Parliament of The Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill, the LGBT community held a Press Conference today, which was reported here on OBLOGDEE, earlier. Here is the Ugandan Coalition’s […]

Anti-gay Scott Lively Launches Gubernatorial Run
Scott Lively’s campaign motto is “Qualified. Experienced. Electable.” By Cathy Kristofferson, December 16, 2013 Scott Lively (I-MA) would like to remind everyone that he is still running for Governor of Massachusetts. We presume that his campaign has been suspended while he fights Crimes Against Humanity charges. That pesky trial for persecution on the basis of […]

Anti-gay Scott Lively again DENIED attempt to avoid Crimes Against Humanity lawsuit
By Cathy Kristofferson, December 10, 2013 Scott Lively has again been DENIED an attempt to halt the proceeding in the Crimes Against Humanity lawsuit brought against him by Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG). As OBLOGDEE reported last week, Lively requested the court suspend the case and stop the discovery phase from beginning while he petitions the Federal Court of […]

Anti-gay Scott Lively again tries to avoid Crimes Against Humanity trial
By Cathy Kristofferson, December 6, 2013 Scott Lively is again trying to avoid facing the music in the Crimes Against Humanity lawsuit brought against him by Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG). He has now filed to have the SMUG case suspended while he appeals Federal Judge Posner’s ruling against dismissal. “1. Lively filed the Petition on December 5, 2013, requesting […]

Scott Lively’s Pleading Spews Hateful lies about Murdered Gay Activist
By Melanie Nathan, NOV 20, 2013. Today, Scott Lively, the fervently anti-gay Pastor being sued by Uganda human rights organization Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), under the Alien Torts Act, for persecuting gays in Uganda, filed his “Answers and Defenses to Plaintiff’s first Amended Complaint,” in the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS […]

Outrage in Ugandan LGBT Community as Activist Faces Possible Life in Prison
Outrage as basic rights are infringed By Melanie Nathan, November 15, 2013. Samuel K. Ganafa, Executive Director of Spectrum Uganda Initiatives and Board Chairperson of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), was arrested on Tuesday November 12, 2013. He had reported to Kasangati Police Station on the outskirts of Kampala pursuant to a phone call from the […]

Unlawful Arrest of Ugandan LGBT Executive Director
Five men detained without cause By Melanie Nathan, November 14, 2013 Samuel K Ganafa, The Executive Director of Spectrum Uganda Initiatives and Board Chairperson of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), was arrested on Tuesday November 12, 2013. He had reported to Kasangati Police Station on the outskirts of Kampala pursuant to a phone call from the […]

The SMUG v. Scott Lively Case is a must attend for LGBT Community
Lively’s hate and persecution continues and so must we! By Cathy Kristofferson, October 25, 2013 Back in January, I blogged “Sexual Minorities Uganda v. Scott Lively – why you should care, why you should go!” The case is ongoing and heating up. Until now Scott Lively and his defense team have been mustering up every […]

Scott Lively Sends Out a Hit List Targets Federal Judge and Lesbian Activist
Is Lively asking his flock to pray or prey? By Cathy Kristofferson, September 25, 2013 After failing, yet again, to have the case against him for Crimes Against Humanity dismissed, Scott Lively has sent what is tantamount to a persecutory email to his followers containing a ‘hit list’ of those who are supporting the prosecution […]

Scott Lively denied second Motion To Dismiss of Crimes Against Humanity charges
By Cathy Kristofferson, September 23, 2013 Today Scott Lively suffered another defeat in his quest to have the Crimes Against Humanity lawsuit brought against him by Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) dismissed. As we reported here on OBLOGDEE, the Federal Court in Springfield ruled against Lively on August 14th to deny his first Motion To Dismiss, which […]

Scott Lively’s accountability for Crimes Against Humanity should now extend beyond Uganda to the FSU
“…widespread, systematic persecution of individuals based on their sexual orientation and gender identity constitutes a crime against humanity.” By Cathy Kristofferson, August 15, 2013 On August 14 we reported here on OBLOGDEE that Springfield U.S. District Court Judge Michael A. Posner, ruled against radical Christian Evangelical Scott Lively in his motion to dismiss the case […]

MA court declares evangelical pastor Lively must stand trial for Crimes Against Humanity
Evangelical homophobia spread in Uganda same as done in Russia and worldwide By Cathy Kristofferson, August 14, 2013 We are rejoicing today in Massachusetts. The Springfield Federal Court has ruled favorably, denying the motion to dismiss, in the Crimes Against Humanity case brought against the Commonwealth’s most anti-gay resident Scott Lively. The Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) v. […]

Ugandan LGBT activists warn against false fund raising
By Melanie Nathan, May 27, 2013. The Ugandan LGBT community is expressing concerns about rogue organizations and individuals soliciting funds from the West through false or exaggerated stories presented on social media. What follows is a plea and announcement by LGBT human rights defender Kasha Jaqueline Nabagesera, Founder & Executive Director of the Ugandan organization […]

Ugandan LGBT community arrests while protesting media closures
Today, we find these same people, abused by the press, actually outraged by the closure and protesting in defense of the press and the importance of its freedoms. By Melanie Nathan, May 23, 2013. Today several human rights defenders were arrested outside of the Daily Monitor as they rallied in solidarity against the Ugandan authorities […]

Scotus ruling on Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum concern for human rights cases
By Melanie Nathan, April 17, 2013. The Supreme Court has ruled in Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum, a case that raised the question of whether corporations could be held accountable for human rights abuses and whether U.S. federal courts can hear claims arising from human rights violations committed abroad under the Alien Tort Statute. The […]

Ugandan anti-gay pastors hold hate rally next to gay hero David Kato’s grave
“Say No To Homosexuality” Campaign officially launched By Melanie Nathan, March 31, 2013. Ugandan Pastors Solomon Male & Rev. Musoke are conducting an anti gay rally next door to David Kato ‘s burial grounds in Mukono Uganda to not only further persecute LGBTI Ugandans, calling for hate in the name of Christianity, but also to […]

Third Ugandan Youth Worker Detained by Police for Interrogation
By Melanie Nathan, January 31, 2013. Recently we reported on the arrests of two youth human rights defenders from the LGBTI group, Youth on the Rock, who were arrested by police around New Years eve, on accusations of homosexuality and recruiting people into homosexuality. Yesterday a third person who had been sought by the police […]

Uganda’s Brave Gay Youth reach out to the World for help
Help Youth on Rock Find a Home and a Safe house by Melanie Nathan, January 27, 2013. I reported the unlawful arrest of a young leader from the human rights group in Uganda, Youth on Rock Foundation (YRF), around New Year’s Eve, after the break in at SMUG’s offices, where computers containing sensitive information were […]

David Kato Remembered | a Hero then and a Hero now
On January 26, 2011 the world received the shocking news of the murder of one of Uganda’s brave LGBTI warriors, a hero then and still a hero now. By Melanie Nathan, January 25, 2013. David Kato was born to the Kisule clan in its ancestral village of Nakawala, Namataba, Mukono District, in Uganda. The younger […]

Oral Arguments Convey Accountability for Scott Lively’s Anti-Gay Mission
The analysis speech, action and jurisdiction; without this opportunity under the Alien Tort Act, Lively could have got off without rebuke; now he cannot escape that what he did exceeds the bounds of his religious freedoms By Melanie Nathan and Cathy Kristofferson, January 11, 2013. This past week, a most unusual Motion to Dismiss was […]

Large crowd of U.S. Gay Activists at MA Federal Court to Support Ugandan Gays against Pastor Scott Lively
Pepe Onziema Said “I came to Springfield to face the devil.” (Meaning in the form of Scott Lively) By Melanie Nathan, January 07, 2012. Today a large crowd of U.S. LGBTQI activists, holding signs outside the Hampden Federal Courthouse, Massachusetts, braved the early morning cold, to support Uganda’s LGBTI community in the first case of […]

Ugandan LGBT Organization SMUG Office Robbed and Vandalized during Xmas
By Melanie Nathan, Dec 28, 2012. SMUG, the LGBTI organization led by Frank Magishu, had its offices broken into and vandalized with almost all office property stolen during the Xmas holiday. It is unknown at this time if the motivation behind the attack was homophobic persecution. However given the anti-gay climate in Uganda and the […]

Why we must attend the SMUG v. Scott Lively Lawsuit in Court January 7, 2013
Sexual Minorities Uganda v. Scott Lively – why you should care, why you should go! By Cathy Kristofferson, December 23, 2012. On Monday January 7th 2013 in Federal Court Springfield, opening oral arguments will be heard for the motion to dismiss the case of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) v. Scott Lively. This is not the […]